Chapter 18 Must go

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  Chapter 18 I had to go.
  I wonder if Wei Ruo had been interacting with the wet nurse too frequently. Yun called her to her and said to her: "Ruo'er, it's a good thing that you and the wet nurse have a good relationship, but you still need to be careful about your interactions. If words spread too frequently, it will be detrimental to your reputation."

  "I know, I will pay attention."

  If Wei hadn't argued, she would have guessed that such a thing would happen.

  As a lady from an official family, it would be unseemly to have close contact with her former wet nurse all day long.

  Fortunately, the carrier pigeons have been arranged, and most things can be communicated through the carrier pigeons in the future. There is no need for the nanny to go to the school captain's house in person for everything.

  Yun nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Wei Ruo: "Ruo'er, the war has been tense in recent years. The county magistrate's wife has organized the wives and ladies from all the families to go to Huafa Temple in the north of the city to pray for the soldiers tomorrow. You go with me."

  " Do you have to go? Is it okay not to go?" Wei Ruo asked.

  "Don't Ruoer like to go out very much? Why don't you want to go."

  "I like to go out, but I don't like socializing, and I'm not good at those things." Wei Ruo didn't hide his true thoughts.

  Asking her to mediate with such a large group of ladies makes her feel tired just thinking about it.

  Yun said earnestly: "Ruo'er, you are no longer what you used to be. These social interactions are indispensable. What's more, my mother is recently telling the county magistrate's wife that she wants you to go to the magistrate's house to meet the lady over there like Wanwan. Let’s study together, this time you come with me so that the county magistrate’s wife can meet you, know what kind of person you are, and dispel their doubts about you.” Yun didn’t say what the specific doubts were, but

  Wei Ruo knew, naturally He was worried that she was too vulgar and not qualified to go to school with other girls.

  "Does mother think I can dispel their doubts about me? Aren't you afraid that I won't perform well?" Wei Ruo asked.

  "Ruo'er's performance these days is very good. Although it is not close to being knowledgeable and sensible, it is already very good. Mom is very satisfied. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you are not allowed to mention the matter between you and Wanwan Tiaobao to the outside world. Just say that you are weak because of She has been raised in the countryside and has only recently returned to her parents. This is good for both you and Wanwan." Mrs. Yun said with emotion.

  "Do you have to go?"

  "You have to go." Yun's attitude was tough, "Ruo'er, be obedient, you will have to adapt to these things sooner or later." Wei Ruo sighed

  and reluctantly accepted the arrangement: "I understand."

  In the original work, Yun didn't want the original owner to go at first, but the original owner begged to go. Yun was so noisy by her that she had no choice but to take her there.

  Now it's the other way around when it comes to her. She doesn't want to go, but Yun wants her to go.

  Wei Ruo found it a bit funny. What was the problem? Why did the final result develop in the direction of the original plot?

  Wei Ruo remembered that in the original work, praying this time was a big drama.

  First of all, as a female supporting role, during this trip, because of her unsatisfactory behavior, she became the laughing stock of all the ladies and ladies, and also made Yunshi lose face.

  Secondly, as the heroine, Wei Qingwan met the hero for the first time in the Fahua Temple where she prayed for blessings.

  Wei Ruo thought about it and returned to Tingsongyuan.

  "Xiumei, go and look in the luggage we brought to see if there are any dried sweet potatoes and sweet potato slices."

  Xiumei immediately went to the penthouse to find the dried sweet potatoes and sweet potato slices, and brought a small bag each.

  "Miss, are you hungry?"

  "No, my mother asked me to go out with her to burn incense and pray for blessings at Fahua Temple tomorrow. I plan to take some with me. Please help me find two satin brocade bags, the kind with drawstrings on the mouth. "

  Miss, are you afraid you'll be hungry on the road?" Xiumei asked curiously. "No, I have other plans."

  Wei Ruo smiled slyly.

  Since you can't avoid going out, then go, but your hard work can't be in vain, you have to gain something.

  Soon Wei Qingwan from Wangmeiyuan heard the news that Wei Ruo was going to Fahua Temple with Yun.

  "Did mother take the initiative to take sister there?" Wei Qingwan asked Grandma Li.

  "Yes, Madam brought it up on her own initiative, saying that the eldest lady will be going out sooner or later, and tomorrow is a good time." "

  So soon..." Wei Qingwan murmured and lowered her head.

  "Miss, don't be sad, it will happen sooner or later." Nanny Li advised.

  "I knew it would be a matter of time, but I didn't expect it to be so early..." Wei Qingwan looked disappointed.

  There is a difference between the mother's initiative to ask Wei Ruo to go and Wei Ruo's begging to go. The mother's initiative means that the mother has recognized Wei Ruo and feels that Wei Ruo meets the standards of a lady.

  "Don't worry, Miss, this may not be a good thing for the eldest lady. In front of so many ladies and ladies, if the eldest lady makes a mistake and makes a fool of herself, she will become the joke of the entire Xingshan County." "I don't want my sister to make a fool of herself

  . It's a joke, I just don't want to..." Wei Qingwan muttered.

  "I understand what the young lady is thinking, but whether the young lady will make mistakes and make a fool of herself in front of everyone is not something you can decide, young lady, but her own quality. Some things will happen whether the young lady thinks about it or not."

  "If possible, I still hope that she will be fine tomorrow and not make any mistakes and lose the face of the captain's mansion." Wei Qingwan murmured.

  "Miss, you are still too kind-hearted." Aunt Li said helplessly.

  "As long as my mother doesn't get tired of me, I don't mind what happens to my sister."

  "No, what my wife loves most is yours."

  After some comfort from Granny Li, Wei Qingwan's mood improved a lot.

  After drinking the soothing tea, I fell asleep.

  The next day, Wei Ruo dressed up at Yun's request.

  Light yellow tube top, aqua green shirt, paired with a dark green skirt. Another trendy bun. Fresh and a bit smart.

  After coming to the Wei Mansion for such a long time, Wei Ruo was dressed decently for the first time, wearing clothes that she felt were more casual, and her hair was tied into a bun like a country woman's to make it easier for her to work.

  Yun asked her several times to change into the clothes prepared for her, but Wei Ruo declined on the grounds that linen clothes were light and convenient for movement.

  Mrs. Yun looked at Wei Ruo who was dressed up and showed a satisfied smile: "Ruo'er looks so good-looking."

  Mrs. Yun also noticed the exquisite food box in Wei Ruo's hand and asked: "Ruo'er, take it." What is it?"

  (End of chapter)

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