Chapter 156 Wei Yilin plays with the whip

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  Chapter 156 Wei Yilin plays with the whip.

  "Is there a fortune-telling monk in Fahua Temple?" Wei Ruo asked Grandma Zhang.

  "That's not true. The master at Fahua Temple doesn't tell people's fortunes. He only asks for fortune-telling." Grandma Zhang replied.

  Wei Ruo thought for a while and asked: "Have Cui He and her mother-in-law Li, the second young lady, left the house today?"

  "Mother Li went out today, not long after my wife went out, and she hasn't done it yet. Come back." Nanny Zhang replied.

  "I understand." Wei Ruo understood in her heart, "You can go down and do your own business first." "

  Okay, miss."

  After Aunt Zhang left, Xiumei asked Wei Ruo in confusion: "Miss, what did you do just now? Ask what Nanny Li and Cui He are doing. What are they doing when they go out? Are they going to do something bad for you again?" "

  I guess I want to see if Madam has gone to find someone to tell her fortune. ." Wei Ruo guessed.

  "Oh, the second lady is worried that my wife will go to someone to tell her fortune, and then she will be convinced that she harmed her parents, right?" Xiumei said.

  "It's possible. Let her go. We don't care about her. She's busy with other things, so she won't have time to trouble me." "

  That's true!" Xiumei nodded.

  Yunshi came back before dinner.

  After returning to Cangyun Garden, Yun told Wei Mingting about her visit to Fahua Temple today.

  "Today is not the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, so why did you think of going to Fahua Temple?" Wei Mingting asked.

  "There have been a lot of things going on at home recently, and I just want to reassure myself." Mrs. Yun replied.


  Wei Mingting didn't say much. He had been fighting a lot recently, which made his wife worried. It would be good if going to Fahua Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha would make her feel more at ease.

  "Husband, I asked for a fortune today. I asked the master to interpret the signature and said that the world is uncertain and everything is unpredictable. He said that the Wei family is now at a fork in the road, and the road ahead may be a blessing or a disaster." Yun said again.


  The signature didn't say anything good or bad, so Wei Mingting didn't have anything to say.

  Yunshi was still a little worried and said: "Husband, what should I do if what the He family and his wife said is true?"

  Wei Mingting raised his head and looked at Yunshi, and he realized that she went to Fahua Temple to burn incense and ask for fortune-telling today. It's for this matter.

  "Madam, do you believe that fate can defeat one's parents?" Wei Mingting asked.

  "I have been thinking about it for two days, but I still feel a little uneasy. I want to reassure myself, so I want to find someone to ask, if it is true..." Yun replied.

  "If you ask the fortune teller and his statement is the same as that of the fortune teller hired by the He family, what should you do? Do you want to send the person away?" Wei Mingting asked.

  "I..." Yunshi was speechless, and she didn't quite know how to deal with it.

  "Madam, if we listen to the fortune teller's one-sided words and send the child away, what's the difference between us and the He family who sent Ruo'er away?" Wei Mingting asked his wife.

  Yun didn't know how to answer.

  She hated the He family's behavior of leaving her biological daughter in the countryside, and she didn't want to be like them.

  Wei Mingting then said to Mrs. Yun: "Madam, don't think about this matter anymore. Since you decided to keep both children by your side, treat them well. The daughter of my Wei family left home either to get married or to commit a crime." He was sent out because of a serious mistake, but not because of a few words from a fortune teller."

  Wei Mingting's attitude was clear.

  "I know, I did something wrong. Please don't be angry, husband."

  Yun immediately stopped worrying about the matter. ###
  Early the next morning, as soon as Wei Ruo got up, someone knocked on the door of Tingsongyuan.

  After Xiumei opened the door, she found that the person knocking on the door was actually Wei Yilin. He was wearing a black riding suit and his hair was tied back. He looked somewhat shrewd and capable.

  "Is there something wrong, young master?" Xiumei asked.

  "I'm looking for Wei...I'm looking for her, is she there?" She subconsciously wanted to call out her name, but when it came to her lips, she remembered something and chose to change her words.

  It's just that the word "eldest sister" is a bit difficult to say, so I chose to refer to her as "she".

  "My young lady is busy with something." Xiumei replied.

  In fact, Wei Ruo just got up, but Xiumei didn't want Wei Yilin to bother Wei Ruo.

  Wei Yilin stretched his neck and looked into the yard, but did not see Wei Ruo's figure, and a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

  Xiumei didn't know what the kid was thinking, and she couldn't just chase him away. She could only wait until he had seen enough and leave.

  "Tell her that I'm going to my father's place and ask her to come over and have a look after her work." Wei Yilin said to Xiumei.

  Xiumei didn't know what Wei Yilin's intention was, but she still agreed: "Okay, young master."

  Then Wei Yilin left. Not long after he left, Wei Ruo came out of the house. She told Wei Ruo about her story.

  "The young master is also acting strangely. I wonder if he is holding back something bad." Xiumei expressed her worries.

  Wei Yilin has a long criminal record and has little credibility with them.

  "Ignore him."

  Wei Ruo didn't intend to ignore Wei Yilin. After working in the yard for a while, he planned to go back to the house to look at the recent account books. Two shops were opened in Fucheng, and Zhuangzi purchased more than a thousand more. Mu Tian, ​​Wei Ruo has been busy with many things recently.

  Not long after returning to the house, someone came from Cangyunyuan. They were sent by Wei Mingting to invite Wei Ruo to come over.

  Then Wei Ruo had to go through.

  When he arrived at the gate of Cangyun Garden, Wei Ruo heard the crisp sound of whips. When he got closer, he saw Wei Yilin performing the whip in front of Wei Mingting.

  One after another, it seems to be the same thing.

  I don't know if he saw Wei Ruo coming, but Wei Yilin worked harder, and the sound of the whip hitting the ground became clearer and louder.

  After using it for a while, it ended with a beautiful swing back.

  Wei Yilin put away his whip and ran to Wei Mingting, looking at Wei Mingting expectantly.

  "It's very good. You are pretty decent. You can make such progress in such a short period of time, which shows that you have really worked hard."

  Wei Mingting did not hesitate to express his praise and praised Wei Yilin's performance.

  Although he is strict, he will definitely give recognition to the children when they do well.

  Wei Yilin's little face was immediately filled with joy and shyness.

  This is the first time in his life that he has been praised by his father!
  It turns out that his father also praises him!
  In the past, he felt that no matter what he did, his father would not approve of him, so he simply gave up. It was enough that he had sister Wanwan praising him and saying he was great. If his father disliked him, he would not want his approval.

  Now I find that it is not that difficult to get praise from my father!

  Then Wei Yilin turned to look in the direction where Wei Ruo was standing. Sure enough, he had just seen Wei Ruo.

  "How is it? Are you using my whip well?" Wei Yilin asked Wei Ruo.

  (End of chapter)

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