Chapter 114 The thank-you gift from the Yuan family and his wife

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  Chapter 114 The thank-you gift from the Yuan family and his wife

  "The life-saving grace is beyond heaven, Miss Wei can bear it." Yuan Zhengqin said.

  Mrs. Yuan smiled and said, "Miss Wei, don't be nervous. If you don't accept this courtesy from my husband, my husband will feel very sorry."

  Wei Ruo couldn't say anything else.

  Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Yuan asked the wet nurse to bring over a half-year-old child.

  The chubby little face and a pair of big round eyes looked at Wei Ruo curiously.

  He couldn't speak, but he was not afraid of strangers at all, grinning at Wei Ruo.

  "Brother Sheng recognizes his savior. He smiles when he sees his benefactor." Mrs. Yuan said with a smile.

  Then Wei Ruo asked Wei Ruo to hug the child, "His name is Fu Sheng. It's all thanks to your blessing that he was born."

  Wei Ruo took the child and held it in his arms. The little guy kept laughing and danced happily with his two little hands. As if he really remembered Wei Ruo and was happy to see Wei Ruo again.

  Wei Ruo was infected by Brother Sheng's laughter and couldn't help but smile.

  After teasing Brother Sheng for a while, Wei Ruo returned the child to Mrs. Yuan.

  Mrs. Yuan asked the wet nurse to take the baby back and feed it.

  Looking at Mrs. Yuan, Wei Ruo took the initiative and said, "Madam, if you don't mind, let me take your pulse."

  Mrs. Yuan looked surprised.

  "I heard that Madam suffered from physical weakness after giving birth that day." Wei Ruodao.

  Hearing this, Mr. Yuan on the side said quickly: "Yes, my wife always breaks out in cold sweats at night and cannot touch cold things. She is prone to fatigue, headaches, and back pain. In the past six months, she has invited many doctors and taken a lot of medicine, but Not even good."

  If it were Miss Wei, there might be a way to improve his wife's situation!
  Mr. Yuan's expression is earnest, full of concern for Mrs. Yuan's physical condition, and he can accurately describe Mrs. Yuan's current symptoms, which shows that he is truly concerned about Mrs. Yuan.

  "I'll take Madam's pulse first." Wei Ruo sat next to Madam Yuan and put his hand on Madam Yuan's wrist to feel her pulse.

  Master Yuan and Mrs. Yuan held their breath and concentrated, not daring to make any sound to disturb Wei Ruo.

  After a while, Wei Ruo withdrew his hand and said: "I will write a prescription for Madam in a moment. There are some rare medicines on the prescription. If you can find them all, I can boil them in eight bowls of water and one bowl." Madam, take it once a day before going to bed for one month."

  "Okay! Miss Wei, just write, no matter what rare medicinal materials it is, I will try my best to find it!" Yuan Zhengqin promised.

  Wei Ruo wrote down the prescription and gave it to Yuan Zhengqin.

  Yuan Zhengqin carefully took the prescription, said goodbye to Wei Ruo first, and then took the prescription to the study room, preparing to make a copy and immediately arrange for someone to purchase the medicinal materials needed for the prescription.

  After Yuan Zhengqin left, Mrs. Yuan said: "Miss Wei, I really don't know how to thank you. You not only saved my life and Brother Sheng's life, but now you have nursed me back to health." "Mrs. Yuan, you don't have to be polite, let alone

  Mrs. It also helped me these past two days." Wei Ruodao.

  "That's just a small effort." Mrs. Yuan didn't think that such a small thing as yesterday was a repayment of gratitude.

  Wei Ruo shook her head: "For me, it's a little effort for Madam, but it helps me a lot."

  Madam Yuan smiled and said: "I don't care, I have prepared another gift for you, you must accept it."

  Wei Ruo curiously Looking at Mrs. Yuan, Mrs. Yuan took out a box and opened it. Inside were a land deed and a house deed. "This is the land deed and house deed of Zhuangzi with a thousand acres of fertile land outside Taizhou Prefecture."

  The fields in Taizhou Prefecture are much more expensive than those in Xingshan County. This thousand acres of fertile land in Taizhou Prefecture costs at least several thousand taels of silver, or even More expensive.

  Moreover, there are many powerful people in Taizhou's capital city, but there is little fertile land. Sometimes, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy fertile land.

  Mrs. Yuan explained: "I also know that these things are a bit vulgar, but I can't think of any good ideas at this time. It was my husband who reminded me that if you teach people to open up wasteland and farm in Xingshan County, it must be here If you are well versed in this field, why not give you some fertile farmland, which can be used for you to stay close to, and for you to play a role in." Last night, Mrs. Yuan

  and Mr. Yuan also discussed for a long time about giving gifts today.

  Life-saving grace cannot be passed by just saying thank you.

  Even if Wei Ruo left without any intention of asking for any reward, they who had received the favor must not just let the matter pass as it was.

  But if you want to express your gratitude, you must find a suitable way to do it, and the gift must be suitable.

  Because Wei Ruo didn't want others to know that she had medical skills, the Yuan family couldn't openly send a bunch of gold and silver utensils to the Wei family, so they had to give some that Wei Ruo could carry and keep privately.

  So I thought of giving away land and real estate.

  I have to say that Master Yuan and Mrs. Yuan sent this gift to Wei Ruo's heart.

  Wei Ruo did not be too polite to Mrs. Yuan, but expressed her love directly: "I really like this gift from Madam."

  Hearing this, Mrs. Yuan was also very happy: "It's best if you like it." I will ask someone to go to the government to register for you and put these fields into your name. Don't worry, I will do this quietly and no one outside will know about it." Mrs. Yuan knew that Wei

  Ruo If you want to hide your medical skills from the Wei family, you certainly don't want the land under your name to be known to other Wei family members.

  "Thank you, madam!" Wei Ruo was really grateful.

  "What are you talking about? Thank you. This is what my husband and I use to thank you. Why are you thanking us?" "

  I still want to thank Madam for considering me so much and saving me a lot of trouble." Wei Ruodao.

  Mrs. Yuan said gently: "This is what I should do. You were extremely considerate when you rescued me that day. When I was in pain and despair, your voice sounded like the sound of nature, pulling me out of the gate of hell."

  Wei Ruo smiled.

  Then Mrs. Yuan took Wei Ruo and started chatting: "To tell you the truth, in fact, I specially invited the Wei family from Xingshan County to this garden party because I wanted to meet you." "It's because of Xingshan County

  . What about opening up wasteland in the south?" Wei Ruo asked.

  Mrs. Yuan nodded: "Yes, I wonder if you know that this year, not only the food harvest in Xingshan County is short, but also the entire Taizhou Prefecture has the same problem.

  " It is said to be a major headache.

  "Well, I've heard some about it." Wei Ruo had already heard about it.

  "Before I knew that you were the benefactor who saved me, I wanted to meet you and ask your opinion on increasing the food production of Taizhou Prefecture, so I specially invited the Wei family to the garden party." Mrs. Yuan explained the reason.

  Because Wei Mingting was a military officer and Yuan Zhengqin was a civilian official. Although his official rank was higher than Wei Mingting's, he could not summon Wei Mingting directly, so Mrs. Yuan took the opportunity of the garden party to send an invitation to the school captain's mansion.

  (End of chapter)

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