Chapter 392 Recognition

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  Chapter 392 Recognition
  390 Recognition:
  This clone is not only a reward for the Lord of the World, but also retains his own soul or soul. If it is lost, even if the small world finally successfully evolves into the big world, he, the Lord of the World, will not be able to reach the Sixth Realm.

  So it is related to the future of the master of Xuetian’s small world.

  He picked it up immediately.

  I didn’t know that.

  The opponent was killed and even the soul fragments of the clone of the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World were obtained.

  This is definitely a surprise.

  Because even ordinary players, as long as it is not from their own world, the Lord of the World cannot pick it up or even discover it.

  He doesn't know the reason, and he doesn't think about it.

  Because the current problem of Snow World has given him a huge headache.

  Because he believed that Xiaodao's fairy city came from the backhand of the small world of Blood Sky.

  So even if you self-destruct and catch the opponent off guard, you still have no advantage.

  After picking up the fragments, the Lord of Snow World rushed back at full speed.

  Returned to the core of the world for the first time.

  Fully preside over the integration of the world.

  Since the public area is currently still affected by the self-destructing treasures and clones, and the white feathers floating there have

  been affected by these for a long time, the Lord of the Snow World will have an advantage in the fusion for a long time.

  This was his only chance.

  The thought of one of the leyline poles in his world being occupied made his heart tremble.

  But there is nothing to stop it.

  At this time, under his auspices, with the cooperation of Fenfen and other lords, the origin of the extreme points of the earth's veins was extracted and condensed in the core of the world.

  This is also something that can't be helped. ,

  and soon, the energy at the extreme points of other earth veins weakened, and they would not be usable for the next few years.

  It's like he gave up other leyline poles and gathered all his power at the core of the world.

  The Lord of Xuetian's small world still has no confidence, because the treasure has self-destructed, and the means at his hand are much less, but there is no other way, he can only fight, he can't just lie down and wait for death.

  However, he had already made the worst plan, and naturally informed the players of Xuetian Small World.

  How can it be?

  Like a relay race, the final mission issued by the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World was directly transmitted to him.

  The Lord of Xuetian’s Little World was dumbfounded.

  Self-destruction actually produced this effect.

  A trace of joy and hope surged through his heart.

  But then he became worried again.

  The treasure of my own small world exploded, and it was really gone. Even if it created a special environment in the public area, the fusion would have advantages for a few years.

  And the opponent's treasure can actually be revived?

  At this point, Xuetian Little World loses.

  Fortunately, the local treasure is alive, but its revival has become a disaster for the other party.

  If you can solve it, you will definitely win.

  However, Xuetian Little World racked its brains at this time and could not think of a solution.

  That bloody bat is so huge that it can also gather the power of all vampire players.

  The most powerful thing is recovery, and now its immortality ability has been confirmed.

  The treasure of his world is still there, and he can still compete with it, but now...!
  However, even if there is no solution for the time being and the other party is in dire straits, this in itself is an opportunity, hope.

  This made him seem to see light in his despair.

  Give yourself a thumbs up for the self-destructing world treasure.

  He was indeed decisive enough to survive in death.

  Of course he didn't know about these knives, but he also received the system prompt.

  Even earlier than the Lord of Xuetian Small World obtained it.

  Suddenly a little stunned?

  The terrifying self-destruction just now was actually the self-destruction of the pair of wings in the small world of Snow Sky?
  Good guy, you are more decisive than me.

  Do you know that this uncle is so powerful?

  its not right.

  In that case, would he also self-destruct in his own fairy city?

  Instead of going to the Lord of the Bloody Sky Small World?
  Since then.

  Think about it.

  I really wish there was only one.

  Just think of yourself as a member of the Blood Sky Small World.

  This is also normal.

  After all, how could the Lord of the World not know about the strange enemies that entered the small world.

  There is no Snow Sky Small World here, so the only possibility is the Blood Sky Small World.

  However, he guessed wrong. He and Xuetian Small World were not in the same group.

  There's no use thinking about it now.

  Since Blood Sky Small World has released such a task, isn't completing it yourself the best way to win?
  A change of thought.

  In the small world of Blood Sky, at the extreme point of the earth's veins, this place is shrouded by the projection of Xiaodao Peak. Daozi Xiaodao, who is sitting here, looks into the distance through Xiaodao Peak.

  The blood mist that shrouded all the vision changed from the previous lifelessness, and seemed to be alive, exuding a different vitality.

  The blood mist twists and condenses, and it seems to have turned into small blood mist bats, and they are also flying in one direction.

  But now it's suppressed, and its speed is a thousand times slower.

  With the system prompts, Xiaodao naturally understood everything.

  I originally planned to make a sudden move to gain maximum benefits.

  But now, the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World will no longer stop him, so how long will it take before he takes action?

  So he waved his hand, and a small blood-red gourd flew out.

  Bringing a ray of blood, he came directly to the top of the illusory knife peak.

  Suddenly, the blood mist outside was attracted by an invisible force and quickly poured into the blood gourd.

  As expected of a spiritual weapon, with this full power, the blood mist within a thousand-mile radius was uncontrollable and poured directly into the blood-transforming gourd.

  However, the blood thousands of miles away was twisting and trying to get rid of the attraction of the blood HLD. It seemed that the huge blood bat also felt the crisis. Even if it was not resurrected, it was still resisting instinctively.

  The sudden change made the world of Xuetian's small world quickly discover.

  He has been worried about this thing's resurrection and his miserable end, worrying about gains and losses.

  When this change occurred, he found that under the full suppression of the Lord of the World, the resurrection of the Blood Bat King had almost stopped.

  Suddenly, most of the stone in my heart cleared, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Only then did I have the energy to distract myself and check, what on earth was posted?
  How did you do it.

  He has some expectations that are hidden by the players in his own world.

  Unfortunately, reality is cruel.

  It should be said that his expectations were somewhat illusory.

  It was determined that this method was released by the guy who invaded his world.

  The Lord of the Blood Sky Small World was out of breath for a while, and after a long time he said to himself leisurely: "Good means, I'm afraid I have already prepared to restrain the blood mist of our world." "

  The defeat was not unjust, it seems that before It's too smooth sailing."

  At this moment, Xuetian Little World deeply understood his arrogance, but unfortunately he no longer had the qualifications to regret it.

  As long as he is not resurrected and enslaved by the Blood Bat King, it will be fine.

  Then it was completely destroyed.

  There was nothing he could do. He was convinced and couldn't think of a way to fight. Take advantage of now to absorb more of the origins of the world.

  Although the mission was released and the world was abandoned, he left a small thought, which was to retain his identity as a player and asked not to specifically target himself and the players in his world.

  This is all in the mission contract.

  So if we collect more now, we will have more resources in the future.

  Being able to defeat him means he is convinced. It would be strange for such a strong man not to become the world master of the big world.

  The small world can be upgraded to the big world, the upper limit is increased, and one's own strength can also be improved.

  It's a pity that he is no longer the master of the world, but an ordinary player.

  The world lord of the small world of Xuetian thought about the past.

  And here is the knife.

  The illusory small blade resisted the invasion of the blood mist. Originally, the blood mist surrounded the small blade peak and tried its best to corrode it, although the effect was almost ineffective.

  But now, there is no trace of blood mist within a kilometer range around the little blade.

  Because a small bloody gourd sucked it all away.

  Completed the kilometer radius.

  The little gourd flew forward with a swish.

  Flying far away in the small world of Blood Sky.

  Although the speed is not fast.

  But wherever he passed, the blood mist within a thousand miles was inhaled into the blood-transforming gourd, just like a flock of swallows returning to their nest.

  This directly revealed a vision in the sky, which could be seen far and wide.

  Seeing all this, the players of Blood Sky Small World had mixed emotions.

  But as time goes by.

  The remaining blood mist flew in the opposite direction of the bloody gourd, as if it was deliberately trying to avoid it.

  "This kid is a bit interesting. He will be given the status of a lord in the future." Xiaodao looked at all this with some surprise.

  Because in this case, the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World did not add insult to injury, or wanted to take advantage of others, but still used the authority of the Lord of the World to suppress it.

  Therefore, the intention of those blood mist is obvious, they are escaping, but the speed is so slow that the ghost crawls, and the effect is very limited.

  This allowed the spiritual weapon, the blood-transforming gourd, to absorb the blood mist smoothly.

  In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

  The small world of Xuetian has changed from the red and foggy scene in the past, and it is rare for it to become clear.

  However, some special blood-colored plants appeared to be wilted.

  But as long as the characteristics of this world are not lost, these special plants can remain in stock.

  They can also secrete traces of blood mist, but it's just a drop in the bucket.

  There was no blood mist in the sky, and the bloody little gourd flew countless times faster.

  Because there are some blood-colored bats hidden in the sky, most of them are about the size of a finger.

  Scrambling to avoid and hiding all over the world.

  It's a pity that he is facing a spiritual weapon.

  Although he doesn't have his own wisdom, his instincts are not bad and he is still very spiritual.

  Chasing and escaping everywhere, hiding little bloody bats.

  As long as you enter within a thousand miles, you will be unable to resist and be sucked into it.

  But now, the Blood-Transforming Gourd is also feeling tired.

  "I can't bear it anymore!" Xiao Dao actually received a system prompt, the Lord of the World from the small world of Blood Sky.

  After all, it is very easy to do this in the small world of Blood Sky.

  Along with it, there is a picture.

  At the core of the world, the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World looked pale and tried his best to suppress it, but the invisible pressure above his head was getting heavier and heavier, as if a black cloud was covering his head.

  Moreover, the system prompts sounded, indicating that the authority of the Lord of the World is decreasing.

  After seeing it, Xiao Dao, the master of the world, understood clearly without checking the system prompts.

  This is what happens when you go against the world.

  The bloody bat was conceived together with the small world of Xuetian. It can be said that it was an innate treasure before the world.

  He was born with the luck and importance of the small world of Blood Sky, which is more important than the master of the world he became the day after tomorrow.

  To put it bluntly, the Blood Sky Small World and the Bloody Bat King are brothers and were born together.

  Now, the Lord of the World in the small world of Blood Sky wants to suppress the rebirth of the Bloody Bat King.

  Although the small world of Xuetian has no wisdom and only instinct, it can also resist instinctively.

  The Lord of the Small World of Blood Sky who suppressed with all his strength was naturally rejected by the world. As time passed, he became what he is now.

  It seemed that he could no longer hold on any longer and had to contact Xiao Dao.

  The mission has been released. Xiao Dao thinks it would be good if the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World does not hold him back, but it is really not easy to support him with such full support.

  You know what the other party wants without saying it explicitly.

  I hope that I will live a better life in the future, and more players should be kind to the world.

  So Xiaodao also expressed his attitude, which meant that just try your best.

  Now that 90% of the blood mist has gone, the Bloody Bat King's resurrection doesn't have much power.

  What's more important is that the two worlds are merging, and the rules are also merging, making it even more difficult for the Bloody Bat King to be resurrected.

  Xiaodao didn't know what the other party thought, but since he was considerate, he had a clear conscience.

  A set of bills for dealing with defeated players was also directly issued.

  They are the same as other defeated players in the small world, but due to the cooperation of the world master, their player status has been raised one level.

  In addition, the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World was given the identity of a lord.

  Similarly, a surrender notice was also issued to Xuetian Little World. If Guo Guo knew what he was looking for, he would also give the other party the identity and territory of a lord.

  There is a feeling of giving someone a rose, lingering fragrance in your hands, and feeling that you are magnanimous and great.

  And happier.

  As for whether the other party thinks so, Xiaodao won't consider it.

  Anyway, I am quite satisfied.

  After receiving these, the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World had a complicated expression. He stole the core and the origin of the earth veins and became a little lighter, saving a bit of face to avoid looking too ugly.

  I really thought that I was the winner, and I generously gave the other party the status of a lord, but in the end, it was just an illusion, and I was the loser.

  The Little World of Blood Sky is about to be acquired, and the Little World of Snow Sky is not far away either. Xiao Dao is quite satisfied and in a good mood.

  I don’t know if Xuetian’s little world understands or not.

  At this time, the Lord of the Snow World was very confused after receiving the system prompt.

  For more than a month, there has been no war between the two worlds.

  Finally, the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World could no longer suppress it.

  Drop: The Lord of the Blood Sky Small World will transfer the authority of the Lord of the World to you.

  Di: Congratulations, you have become the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World.

  Warning, warning, due to the existence of the mission, the final elimination and subjugation and other means, the blood bats will not be able to cause harm to the vampires of the Blood Sky Small World, and will receive the mission reward and the authority of the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World.

  Warning, the Blood Sky Small World is integrating with the Snow Sky Small World. The authority of the Lord of the Blood Sky Small World will be affected to a certain extent as the integration completion level increases.

  Continuous system prompts, followed by world announcements from the small world of Blood Sky.

  As soon as the announcement came out, many players in this world burst into tears.

  There is misery everywhere.

  The knife disappeared from the pole of the ley line.

  When he appeared, he had already arrived at the core of the small world of Blood Sky.

  Although the two worlds are merging, he who has just become the master of the small world can still teleport directly to the core of the world.

  (End of chapter)

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