Chapter 25: Cultivation into immortality? Immortality

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  Chapter 25: Cultivation into immortality? Immortality

  Chapter 25: Cultivation into Immortality? The immortal
  soldier finally understood the attack skills.

  Yes, Xiao Dao's plan is to train the soldiers into warriors, whether it is to upgrade as he hunts or to protect his homeland.

  Soon, the soldier came back carrying a huge pheasant.

  The knife spilled bone powder, and another bone bicycle came to life.

  over time.

  It's not yet dark, and the two skeleton bicycles are already loaded with prey.

  I gained a lot, but unfortunately none exceeded level ten.

  Not to mention the beast blood you want.

  Just make do with it, turn around and go back.

  He rubbed his eyebrows, because his head was tingling slightly, and he was feeling groggy and uncomfortable, as if he had stayed up for several days.

  There is no way, the duration of the resuscitation technique is limited, and the bones have to be resuscitated after they are scattered. Once it is repeated too many times, the spirit is unbearable, and it is much more tiring than hunting.

  However, after many attempts, the structure of the Bone Bicycle has become more and more reasonable.

  The journey went smoothly into the valley entrance, passed under the willow tree, and came back.

  "Go back and have a good sleep." Xiao Dao let out a long breath.

  But then he frowned.

  Because a group of muscle kids, more than thirty people in total, Hula rushed out and surrounded Xiaodao with a roar.

  Everyone looked at him with eager eyes, their faces filled with excitement and greed.

  "So many prey? How amazing."

  "And this bone cart? Oxen, can it walk on its own?"

  "It's a pity, you can't plunder it if you kill it in the tribe!"

  Everyone was talking about it, but Xiao Dao didn't even look at it, but looked ahead.

  Three players who were obviously a head taller than Muscle Kid came out. They had all reached level ten.

  Hidden behind them was a muscular kid, cautiously poking his head.

  "Haha! The military assassin was hiding and didn't dare to show up, but you ran out without knowing it." This person was obviously Mr. Dai, and his voice was very excited at this time, and he could finally relieve his anger.

  "You are more hateful than a military assassin. You have shamelessly attacked Ben Shao several times. Today, you are finally surrounded by me, haha." Dai Shao looked at the knife, his body trembling with excitement.

  He looked like he was sure of victory, as if he only needed a greeting and his men would be able to swamp this old enemy.

  Therefore, he was not in a hurry, looking down at the prey in front of him teasingly like a victorious beast king.

  "Kneel down and beg for mercy, kneel down and beg for mercy." Behind Mr. Dai was a muscular kid. It was Feng Chui Liang. He was responsible for whether there were any enemies who might sneak attack from other directions.

  At this time, he was as excited as Mr. Dai. He hated the man in front of him more than killing the military assassin. At this time, the monster was screaming and dancing.

  "That's right. Kneel down for me. It's still possible. Haha, it's impossible to spare your life." Master Dai was amused and laughed heartily. It was like a cat playing with a mouse. It was really interesting.

  Looking at the calm knife, he must be forcing himself to be calm, and he was very panicked in his heart, but even so, Feng Chuipi Liang still felt that it was not enough to get more breath.

  Rolling his eyes, he chuckled and said: "Boy, you have to understand that Mr. Dai and you are not from the same world. It doesn't matter if Mr. Dai fails a hundred times. For fun, you are still afraid of failure. As for you, if you fail once, it's all over. , you will be killed and unable to go online, the only way is to surrender, kneel down to Master Dai, and maybe your life will be spared. It’s just a game, who knows if you kneel down." "

  Yes, I have already unified the player world of the Black Bone Tribe. Unless you are willing to delete your account and start over, there is only one way to surrender to me, and I am very generous. As long as you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, I will forgive you. Money and the like are better than working in real life. More." Dai Shao coughed and said proudly.

  "Young Master Dai is so generous, boy, did you hear...!"

  "Are you done talking nonsense? Remember not to provoke me in the future, otherwise!" Xiao Dao rubbed his brow to cheer up.

  You give me face...!
  As soon as Dai Shao and others opened their mouths, the knife suddenly moved, they grabbed a stone-tipped wooden spear and threw it out.

  "Look at me...!" The three level 10 players hired with huge sums of money immediately became energetic and planned to show off their power. Then!

  Four consecutive shots!
  Three identical shadows emerged from behind the stone-tipped wooden spear that was shot.

  Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft!
  "I, I...!"

  Whether it was the three level 10 players who were bodyguards in front of him, Mr. Dai, or Feng Chuipui Liang, who was responsible for the safety behind him, they were all strung together into candied haws and nailed to on the ground.

  who I am? where am I?
  Mr. Dai took off his helmet and fell silent.

  Are masters so powerful?
  It’s unreasonable.

  "Still don't get out of the way." The knife used the skill again and felt a stinging pain in the head. This was not a good sign.


  After reacting, the many muscular children who surrounded him ran away.

  "One thousand bone coins, I know." Looking at the smiling face of the approaching NPC, Xiao Dao reluctantly took out the money.

  This guy has been here a long time ago and is waiting not far away, unwilling to step forward to stop him.

  After returning home and giving a few instructions, Xiaodao lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

  I don’t know how long I slept, and I couldn’t tell the difference between reality and games. When I woke up, I felt much better.

  Just from the feeling, I knew that I had a long sleep, and my stomach was growling.

  It's noisy outside.

  "Ah Shan, this is so embarrassing. We have taken good care of you for several years, and now that the master is here, you just turn your face and don't recognize him?" An unhappy voice came from outside.

  You don't need to think about it to know that it was the stick guy who heard the sound. This kid in the village is the best at hitting, so he is the most restless.

  "I want to seek power and usurp the throne." Xiao Dao's voice sounded.

  "Dao, Brother Dao, don't I care about you!" Others also laughed.

  Although they are all very familiar, but with Xiao Dao's instructions, Ah Shan will not let anyone get close.

  "Brother Dao, what are you doing in broad daylight?"


  "What's the point of sleeping alone?"

  "Haha, it seems that everyone has learned good things in the past few years since I was away."

  Come on, Practice it.

  The stick shrunk, and the wounds on his body were not healed yet.

  "What are you talking about, Brother Dao, why don't we get a gaming helmet? I can't even imagine it. It's like traveling through time, so real."

  "Just treat it like time travel." After Xiao Dao threw a piece of meat to Ah Shan, he started to prepare lunch or dinner.

  Others immediately came to help.

  The nostalgia folks gave us a lot of good things.

  Upon inquiry, it was revealed that there was no way to be born randomly, and no one was born in the Black Bone Tribe.

  Everyone talked about the situation in their birthplace.

  That's it for everyone else. In Wangjia Town, where the fool was born, the mayor's family unexpectedly gave birth to a descendant with spiritual roots who could cultivate immortality, so he was setting up a flowing mat. The fool was excited to eat and drink for free, taking great advantage.

  This made Xiaodao's eyes light up, cultivating immortality? Immortality, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, this is what I love, not some tribal savage.

  (End of chapter)

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