Chapter 129 Harvest and Rewards

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  Chapter 129 Harvest and Rewards

  128 Harvest and Rewards

  : Mission, report, returned to the tribe alive, and brought the discovered news about the Rock Python Tribe back to the tribe, reward: any witch pattern.

  Drop: Since the pursuer has been killed and you played a key role in it, the reward is changed to: any two witch marks, witch favorability: 1.

  "Hey, is there a favorability reward for the witch?" At present, the knife only has the favorability of the witch. The favorability of the black soul crow can only complete its tasks. I haven't been able to find him recently, and I don't know where he went to fool around.

  Then, you have to choose carefully as the next witch.

  After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Dao had a target because he had been paying attention to Wu and tried his best to find out about him.

  Although the old guy in charge of the transaction is inconspicuous, according to the information he inquired about, he is proficient in witchcraft and gaining his favorability is of great use.

  Can't run around yet.

  "I definitely heard it right." Jun Ci's expression was solemn, and the two gunshots came from this courtyard.

  What is going on?
  Incredible and incomprehensible.

  I have never heard of technological power in this game world?

  Others also talked about the sound, which sounded like a gunshot, but they just talked about it casually and no one believed it.

  Jun Ci didn't ask anyone, and it was useless to ask, but he had already remembered this situation in his heart, and he would investigate it whenever he had the chance.

  Xiao Dao glanced at this side, and found that two-thirds of the mission, the Road to Fighting Witches, had been completed. Killing another witch would complete the task, and he would become a fighting witch and break through the eighty-level bottleneck.

  The harvest is definitely full.

  But cleaning the battlefield and searching for loot cannot be spared.

  The corpses of the rock python tribe witch, as well as the ferocious beasts, and the eighty-level poisonous rock python corpses were all sent over by NPC warriors.

  These are extremely precious trophies for witches, so naturally they cannot be thrown away. Nowadays, knives are cheaper.

  Searching the corpse here, in addition to the cracked low-grade first-grade witchcraft weapon, the robe on the body should also be a witchcraft, but unfortunately it was completely damaged.

  However, two bags were still found. They were of different types. They were both snakeskin bags. They should have been vicious animal skins, but in different styles.

  It can be regarded as a low-grade witchcraft, with only one witch mark and shrinkage, which can shrink items ten times. Even if it is too big, it still cannot fit.

  The gray stone-like one should belong to the shaman of the rock python tribe.

  The two pockets were opened and some odds and ends were poured out, including more than a dozen pieces of black bones. Except for two good ones, the others were just average.

  On the other hand, the shaman from the Rock Python Tribe actually had three snake eggs in his pocket, which was quite interesting.

  Poisonous rock snake (egg): Wu Wen, rock python. Level 60.

  Tip 1: For level 60 poisonous rock snake eggs, there is no bottleneck before level 60.

  Tip 2: The drawn rock python witch pattern has a one-third chance of being born as a poisonous rock python, with increased potential. The success rate is affected by snake taming and other related skills.

  "Xiu'er, this is for you, do you want it?"

  "Master, brother, yes!" Xiu'er smiled sweetly and took it happily, not as afraid of snakes as she imagined.

  Xiaodao made some quick arrangements, mounted the Black King and rode towards the Black Bone Tribe at high speed.

  Lying on the back of the Black King, he closed his eyes slightly to rest, because his head still hurt.

  Looking at the knife leaving, Jun Qi did not get close to him because the gap between them was too big and they were no longer on the same level.

  He could only watch the player who was born together in the tribe go away with a complicated expression.

  Xiaodao didn't have so many thoughts, and arrived inside the Black Bone Tribe smoothly. His headache had recovered a lot, but his face was still relatively pale.

  Came to the cave where the transaction was held.

  The inconspicuous old witch who was busy with the black bone in his hand raised his head and glanced at it, then ignored it.

  Drop: If it is found that it meets the task, whether it is in front of the witch in front of you, hand in the task: report.

  "Turn it in!" Xiaodao made his choice and told the story of discovering the rock python tribe.

  Di: Congratulations, you completed the task and gained the favorability of the witch in front of you: 1.

  "Yes, you are very good at what your strength can achieve." The old witch nodded with satisfaction, his attitude became kind, and he took out a few black bones and said: "The members of the
  Rock Python tribe and our tribe The conflict has been going on for many years. You should be careful not to enter their territory in the future, but since you have not become a witch, you will generally not alert the witches of that tribe to take action."

  Xiaodao chatted, and as expected, he had a good impression, so he could talk more. After understanding it, it turned out that it was because of the totem pole that the shamans of the Rock Python tribe were alarmed.

  The rock python tribe is good at domesticating rock pythons, and their strength is poison and rock witchcraft.

  After gathering some information, he looked at the black bone in the old witch's hand.

  The lines on it are obviously much more complicated than ordinary black bones.

  Looking at the effect, it turns out that it is not comparable to ordinary black bones, and the quality is much higher.

  Xiao Dao made a selection, and now he has a higher vision. The one he chose directly occupies two places, and it also requires a little favorability.

  Black bones, witch marks (medium grade): the size is as desired, including two witch marks of enlargement and reduction, which are combined. The choice consumes two opportunities, and additionally consumes the current witch favorability: 1.

  Tip 1: The witch in front of you is good at this, otherwise this witch pattern will not appear in the selection reward, so the selection requirement is improved.

  Tip 2: This special witch-marked black bone requires one to comprehend the witch-marks. There is a slight chance of comprehending the witch-marks. It requires level 80 and related occupations.

  Tip 3: You can use it directly on the witchcraft to increase its witchcraft pattern, which requires a vacant position.

  Tip 4: Middle-grade witchcraft must use middle-grade witchcraft patterns.

  Xiaodao took a fancy to this, but was not in a hurry to choose.

  Instead, he first looked at the witch's mission and quickly smiled. There was something he could complete. One of them required specific skills, the cannibal head, which he happened to have.

  The required skills are relatively unsophisticated, but luckily I didn't give them to Xiu'er to feed the human-headed willow tree.

  At this time, I looked through it, found it, delivered it, and gained three points of favorability.

  Afterwards, he handed over the task and obtained the black bones he wanted, in the desired size.

  As his favorability increased, he also got the old witch's name, Wu, Secret Wolf Weapon.

  I also recorded other tasks at the same time.

  Some are worth doing.

  I checked it again by the way, and sure enough, the items that war-level players can buy are still the same. I don’t know how long it will take to refresh.

  Afterwards, he stopped by Drew Er's side.

  At this time, this person's attitude has improved a lot, and he feels a little grateful.

  Obviously, his income has increased a lot, which alleviates the pressure in reality.

  The sales volume is still good, but the meat has long been gone. Xiaodao promised to send a batch over. After all, Bloodthirsty Vine has no longer looked down on low-level beast meat recently.

  The resurrected Lao Wang next door finally reached level ten before he dared to show his face.

  Surrounded by other players. ,
  otherwise the image of a muscular kid would be too embarrassing.

  You must save some experience this time, you are so unlucky.

  129 The Unexpected Road to Improvement

  A short spear thrown from a distance penetrated his chest.

  "Who?" Just one word came out, and he lost his breath.

  The surrounding players looked at each other, this scene was very familiar.

  Even later players have heard the legend about a spear coming from the west and flying immortals from the sky.

  That's the legendary immortal brother.

  "The leader is dead again?" Of course, some people were slow to react and said subconsciously. Suddenly, the surrounding players subconsciously looked into the distance.

  "That's it!"

  "It is indeed!"

  "Well, I didn't see anything."

  "That's right, I didn't see anything either."

  "Believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

  "Even if there is a real contract, But if the enemy is not found, no one can blame it."

  Although the original subsidy policy was good, the current level is also higher.

  It is not easy to recover after being hung up once.

  In just a few seconds, the knife that threw the spear had left, and he just took it easy.

  Since you said we will fight until death, let's fight until death.

  All the way back, I logged off, had enough to eat and drink, chatted a little with the guys, asked about things like collecting ginseng that was over a hundred years old, and ordered some metal products to be ordered.

  Construction is going on outside and it's in full swing.

  If you have money, you can build in remote places.

  I didn’t waste time watching more, and didn’t go online afterwards, but had a good sleep.

  When I woke up, I felt refreshed and finally fully recovered, and my mental fatigue was gone.

  It's already dawn, so the first thing to do when we come out is to eat.

  The first is the egg, which is unbeatable.

  Small eggs, large eggs, goose eggs, and duck eggs all increase experience.

  One hundred experience points for a big egg is a lot, but why doesn't it feel good now? Is it because I have too high expectations?
  After eating and drinking, I have to start struggling again, and there is always a sense of urgency in my heart.

  How prosperous the No. 2 city was, but suddenly, most of it was in ruins?
  If you don't have enough strength, you will die if you don't manage to do it. You don't even know how to die. You think it's unfair or not.

  Only your own strength is the most practical.

  I didn't have the opportunity before, and I will never let it go now.

  Entered the game.

  It's night here.

  But it doesn’t matter!
  Looking at the totem pole stuck in the courtyard, he stretched out his hand and took out the piece of black bone. The medium-grade witch-marked Ruyi aimed at the totem pole and crushed it.

  This totem pole is quite useful, but unfortunately it’s too inconvenient to hold. It’s nice to be able to zoom in and out.

  And just in time, by absorbing a large amount of iron material, a fourth witch mark can be added and upgraded to a mid-grade witchcraft weapon.

  The black bones shattered, and faint points of light fell on the totem pole, but a snake shape of white light appeared on the totem pole, twisting, as if repelling.

  This caused the light point to pass through its body and fall down.

  Drop: The totem pole has half-life characteristics and is special. It cannot directly use the large and small wishful witch patterns.

  Xiaodao was stunned by the sudden prompt sound, "Damn it."

  Is this middle-grade witch pattern wasted in vain?

  But then the light fell on the ground and penetrated.

  There are steel plates under the ground, which are better conductive than bone and fully meet the conditions.

  Di: Congratulations, Wu Ju has obtained a new witch pattern, which is medium grade and the size is satisfactory.

  Tips: The original witch pattern of Wuju, Big and Small Ruyi (lower grade) has been added to the big and small Ruyi (medium grade), which has been fused to drive the big and small Ruyi witch patterns, the consumption is halved, and the ability to amplify is obtained.

  The knife was thoughtful. According to the young monk, the innate Taoism was created by heaven and earth. It was born innately, and the imitation and drawing were basically incomplete.

  Extraordinary monks use imitated innate Dao patterns, called runes, which require spiritual energy to activate, at least blood essence.

  Witches are the top mortals. They imitate and comprehend the runes used by these practitioners. They are called witch patterns. They are not popular, but they are essentially the same.

  If the witch runes can reach the highest level, they can be regarded as low-level runes used by practitioners.

  Of course, after generations of research, the witches have also found their own way. They have their own unique witch patterns and totem poles. This special witchcraft that generations of souls have been integrated into has a power that cannot be underestimated.

  The thoughtful knife was injected with blood, and under the urging, the wall of the witch residence rose directly, and soon it was twice as high.

  This is the effect of amplification.

  It's interesting, not a loss.

  Di: Congratulations. Because of the large amount of metal added to the witch house, it was forcibly integrated into the middle-grade witchcraft pattern without collapse. It can integrate new witchcraft patterns and meet the hiding conditions. It opens a new path for upgrading from a low-level witchcraft weapon to a mid-grade witchcraft weapon.

  Xiaodao was stunned. Didn't he say that only by becoming a witch can he advance upward? It seems that there is not only one road.

  Look at Wuju again.

  Witch House: (Vitality 100%) Defense Rating: Level 80. Field: one piece (fertile farmland), well, level 50, stone wall: level 50 (owner recognized) Rating: Special witchcraft, extremely low-grade.

  Expansion-level warehouse: level 50, expansion-level animal pen (dog, chicken, duck, goose, etc.)
  Seal statue: level 80, bloodthirsty vine: level 80, symbiosis (man-eating willow: level 43.)
  Witch pattern 1: size Ruyi (medium grade).

  Witch Mark 2: Defense Witch Mark: Strong (low grade).

  Witch Pattern 3: Attack Witch Pattern: Soul Evoking Sound (lower grade).

  Upgrade: By consuming bone materials to replace other materials, it can be upgraded to a mid-grade witchcraft, and new witch patterns can be added.

  Tip 1: Since the coverage area of ​​your witch residence is too wide, activating the middle-grade Ruyi witch pattern will consume 5 times the energy and blood. If it reaches the middle grade, no additional consumption is required.

  Tip 2: Special witchcraft that is considered flashy by most witches can only be built by a few special enthusiasts or witches with excellent financial resources.

  "It's interesting." Xiao Dao took out a bone coin and threw it on the ground. Under the stimulation of Qi and blood, the bone coin melted and submerged into the ground, adding an extra degree of evolution. There was a one behind the string of zeros.

  I was about to take out more bone coins, but something happened in my heart.

  After upgrading, it will become a mid-grade witchcraft weapon? Is the next step going to be to change it to metal? Upgrade a high-level magic weapon?

  It's very possible.

  Then try using metal directly.

  So a piece of metal was thrown to the ground.

  Stimulating energy and blood, damn, it consumes so much, more than ten times.

  But Xiaodao was happy.

  Is high consumption a problem?

  After consuming a lot of energy and blood, the metal block that fell to the ground quickly integrated into the ground. However, Xiaodao's face turned pale and most of his blood energy was consumed. This was because Wuju itself had stored a large amount of blood energy.

  Drop: You consume metal to integrate into the witch residence, meet the hiding conditions, and upgrade the high-quality witchcraft.

  Warning: Consumption of precious metals, surpassing the middle grade, directly improving the high grade, the price/performance ratio is too low, please consider carefully.

  Tip: It is said that the magic weapons used by cultivators are all made of metal.

  "Consider it carefully? It is necessary. There is not much else, but there is a lot of metal."

  "Waste, waste as much as you like."

   The joint chapter has been published. It is convenient for everyone to read and it is convenient for me to post. The number of words will not be less. I will joint the chapter in the future. I won’t explain it specifically.

  (End of chapter)

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