Chapter 126 Suddenly there was a gunshot (900 fixed bonus)

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  Chapter 126 Suddenly there was a gunshot (900 evenly added)

  Chapter 125 Suddenly there was a gunshot

  and then the big guy second only to the giant wolf was knocked to the ground by the bone monster.

  Suddenly there was a burst of wild kicks, the speed was extremely fast, the kind of wolf that was only second to the largest giant wolf, extremely ferocious and powerful, but at this time, it was kicked to the ground by this bone monster and could not get up, and it was completely unable to fight back.

  In just a few seconds, he was kicked so many times that he was half-dead and unable to get up.

  Players like them were dumbfounded. What kind of monster is this black bone horse? Or how many levels is it? Too brutal.

  But seeing the hope of victory, they immediately took over the task.

  At Xiaodao's command, the bone horse turned around and pounced on the other high-level beasts. It was completely unafraid of death and seemed to want to kill every one in and out of the wolf pack.

  Without the top beast and the madness of this terrifying strange horse, the NPC warriors immediately stabilized their formation.

  Along with the roar of beasts emitted from the speakers, Wuju also quickly approached from behind.

  I don't know if they were stimulated by the sound or what, but many wild wolves in the rear turned their heads and charged towards Wuju. ,
  "Something's wrong, there's something wrong with these wolves!" He only fired one shot, and after stabilizing himself, he took out his telescope to observe.

  At this time, I could clearly see the blood-red eyes of these wild wolves and they were extremely crazy.

  As an old rival, how could he not be able to tell the difference.

  Di: Congratulations, you discovered that Steppenwolf seems to be in a special state. You feel that this seems to be a conspiracy against you.

  "It's not that witch again, is it?" A figure flashed in Xiaodao's mind.

  Soon, the wolves came up and crossed over from the stone outer wall.

  A large number of blood-red vines entangled themselves. Unexpectedly, on the tree in the middle of the courtyard, human heads made strange noises, drooled, and flew up excitedly.

  The grin reached to the ears.

  In one gulp, the Steppenwolf's head was completely swallowed into his mouth.

  Wuju continued to move forward without any pause. It was like a bottomless pit. No matter how many wild wolves rushed into it, they disappeared.

  However, as they got closer, the other wild wolves remained the same, with scarlet eyes, and they rushed towards them without fear of death.

  This makes the eighty-level bloodthirsty vines and human-headed willows somewhat overwhelmed, especially since many of them are ferocious beasts.

  The number of beasts far exceeds that of a normal wolf pack.

  So here, the veterans took action, one by one, and the knife also joined the battle.

  There was a smile on his lips. Regardless of whether it was a conspiracy or not, since he was not escaping, he could kill him this time.

  Wu Ju finally stopped before approaching the mouth of Langya.

  As time goes by, the number of wolves gradually becomes scarce.

  "The number is not as large as expected." Xiao Dao sighed with emotion, looking a little greedy.

  Oh, I almost forgot.

  Seeing the raging bone horse coming and going like the wind, my thoughts changed, and the bone horse turned its head and rushed towards a person.

  That was the queen next door who accepted the mission and was shouting yoyo with other players in the background, waiting for rewards.

  He saw this powerful monster rushing towards him and suddenly lost his composure.

  "Then the monster is coming?" The level 80 bone horse was so eye-catching that the players were dumbfounded and hurriedly avoided after reacting.

  The most terrifying thing about the bone horse is its speed, and it is almost invulnerable. With one hoof kick, an ordinary wild wolf will directly receive the lunch box.

  It's a pity that they can't see any attributes.

  Therefore, when they reacted, it was useless for them to dodge at full speed, and the distance was quickly shortened.

  Some players screamed to show their loyalty and blocked the bone horse's path, but were easily knocked away, leaving the bone horse without any pause. Then the bone horse that approached kicked out a hoof, hitting the fleeing neighbor Lao Wang's butt.

  With a clicking sound, he flew directly up.

  Wang Ma next door's eyes darkened and she directly received the lunch box.

  "Why me?" In reality, Wang Ma next door opened her eyes and felt that she was completely unlucky.

  "Is it possible that you can target me?"

  "No way, it must be bad luck."

  At this time in the game, the bone horse of the queen next door was kicked away, and the whole body was shattered and turned into ashes. Dissipated.

  The consumption of one point of experience per second finally stopped.

  Here, Xiu'er and her pets kept sending prey into the warehouse, otherwise there would be no room for it.

  Because there are too many.

  The battle gradually came to an end. Not a single steppenwolf escaped, and thousands of them were killed.

  Then Xiao Dao came out with the veteran.

  There were many NPC casualties and heavy losses, but they were finally blocked.

  "So many people have died, can you afford the compensation?" On the edge of Langya's mouth, an unseen figure was watching all this silently.

  Although the plan failed, which made him a little unhappy, Wu Snake Spirit still had a sneer on his lips.

  With so many people dead, even he could hardly afford to pay compensation, so it was time to replace the people stationed here, and the totem pole could finally welcome its true owner.

  The knife came to the middle and directly pierced the totem pole, causing invisible fluctuations to spread immediately.

  The realm of totem poles unfolds.

  It quickly covered the Wolf Fang's mouth, but it did not stop and expanded a lot again.

  "No, how is it possible?" The witch and snake spirit, who thought they could never be enveloped, were dumbfounded. He was very familiar with this totem pole and the scope of his domain was also very clear, but now it has been expanded?
  At this time, he had an expression of disbelief.

  Look at the figure emerging from the edge of the field!
  Witch, snake spirit?

  Xiao Dao recognized it at a glance.

  "Damn, it's really your fault." Xiaodao shouted subconsciously.

  "As a guard, the witch left at will without any responsibility. Fortunately, I arrived in time and scared them away." The witch and the snake spirit sneered, and Xiaodao was impressed by what he said.

  Di: You seem to have discovered the mastermind behind all this conspiracy, but the other party doesn't think so.

  Choice: Whether to identify as a witch or not. The snake spirit is the mastermind behind this attack and led the Wild Wolf attack. Confirm, deny, or give up the choice.

  Tips: If you choose correctly, you will be rewarded with one chance to attack the mastermind behind the scenes. The Black Bone Tribe will not provide any obstruction and will not be held accountable. If you choose incorrectly, you will be forced to accept the task one issued by the Witch and Snake Spirit. The difficulty shall not exceed Hard.

  Xiao Dao hesitated for a moment and chose OK.

  Di: Congratulations, you made the right choice. You got the chance to fight against the witch and the snake spirit.

  At this time, Wu Snake Spirit's expression suddenly changed. He looked at the knife coldly: "Very good, very good, you will regret it."

  He was about to leave, but suddenly paused, looked up into the distance, and then laughed, "Here comes your trouble, haha! The totem pole belongs to me, no one can take it away, it's God's will."

  Xiao Dao also said Looking over subconsciously.

  There were still some players here at this time, so it was difficult to use telescopes, but they soon saw a huge figure.

  (End of chapter)

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