Chapter 122 Symbiosis

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  Chapter 122 Symbiosis
  121 Symbiosis
  also understands that before he recognized his master, the young monk did not gain experience from the level 90 beasts he killed. It was such a pity. I don’t know how much experience was wasted.

  It hurts.

  But heartache is useless.

  He immediately withdrew his gaze and transferred his experience to fifty thousand.

  The young monk was stunned for a moment, with an expression of shock and disbelief.

  But he quickly came to his senses and immediately raised his fist towards the knife and said, "Thank you, Taoist master, it's such a magical method."

  This was what he read from ancient books and the Taoist soldiers called their recognized masters.

  "You're welcome, one of our own." Looking at the young monk, his level quickly returned to level 80. "

  "Too inexperienced. "Xiaodao, who was going to go back to rest after experiencing the dangers of this night, immediately gave up.

  Earning experience is the right way.

  The game warehouse is different from the game helmet. It can stay offline all year round, as long as the nutrient solution is sufficient.

  Immediately pass the studio (squad) ) system, leave a message directly to others.

  So, the whole courtyard started and moved forward.

  Specifically choosing a flat terrain. After

  giving some instructions, Xiao Dao went into the house to condense the innate essence and blood.

  From the conversation with the young monk , he became more clear about his future path.

  Unfortunately, when he asked about the name of the young monk, the other party apologized and avoided it, saying that he had settled the cause and effect with the past and did not want to mention it again.

  When the knife came out, most of the day had passed.

  I don’t know if it was. Because of the battle last night, there were no wild wolves in the field of vision. Occasionally, I found that, let alone calling friends, they just ran away with their tails between their legs. It was

  a bit too smart!
  This made Xiao Dao feel helpless. After thinking about it for a moment, , directly put away the Witch House.

  The knife, the veteran rode the Black King and another king dog.

  As for the little monk, he did not come out. It is said that he is afraid of the sun, and reducing activities can also reduce consumption.

  Now he is just a ray of residual soul. Without the corresponding skills and unable to practice, it will only weaken slowly.

  Looking at the veteran, Xiao Dao hesitated for a moment before setting up the totem pole.

  Then he leaned offline.

  Opening his eyes, he was lying in the game cabin, able to He saw the guard soldiers performing their duties loyally outside the game warehouse.

  There was also the mountain dog Ashan beside him. He

  took out the Wuju and quickly sensed that the contracted sense with the little monk was still there and could control his life and death.

  This made him relieved.

  Even so, I also immediately put Wuju into my personal space. I have already tested it. Wuju can be kept in my personal space for a longer time.

  I touched the head of the mountain dog Ah Shan and handed over the demon crystal (incomplete).

  The instinct of the beast , Ashan swallowed it in one gulp.

  "You can definitely do it. "Xiao Dao touched his head.

  Then Xiao Dao immediately filled his personal space with a lot of purchased iron ingots, iron blocks and the like.

  After finishing his work, he planned to enter the game, but an idea flashed in his mind. I wonder what the soldiers can do? Can't use a gaming helmet? Try it another day when you have free time.

  Forget it, don't wait another day.

  This idea makes me itchy.

  This time Ergouzi came back and brought new helmets among the supplies.

  Let the soldiers put them on immediately Enter the game.

  Sure enough, it doesn’t work!

  Let Ah Shan try again.

  It won’t work either!
  Forget it, it’s expected.

  Then go online.

  Get enough experience as soon as possible.

  This is the goal Xiaodao has set for himself at the moment. Xiaodao opens his eyes in the game, naturally They were leaning on the totem pole, with vigilant veterans beside them. They

  glanced at the map. It was

  just in time to explore the road.

  The two of them rode on the king dog and headed into the distance, specifically selecting the direction of the range where the map was not opened.

  As time went by As time went by, the ground began to rise and fall.

  Before dark, a herd of two to three hundred cattle was finally discovered. The leader was an intermediate beast and several junior ones. He

  released Wuju and shocked it. , just when the herd of cattle seemed to be considering leaving, a gun rang out.

  The intermediate beast led by it was shot immediately

  . Xiao Dao waved his hand provocatively.

  Soon, the intermediate beast led by him rushed towards Xiao Dao.

  Xiao Dao did not show any signs of it. He entered the Witch House hesitantly.

  Before nightfall, the battle was over. Although not completely wiped out, 80% of them were basically wiped out, and nearly 30,000 more experience points were gained.

  Others, including dogs, chickens, ducks and geese, were responsible for cleaning the battlefield. , it seems that the big rooster is not so annoying anymore.

  Xiaodao chatted with the little monk.

  At the same time, he took out a large amount of metal and put it into the warehouse. The little monk couldn't help but drool.

  Through the chat, Xiaodao was very sorry. , before this guy merges with other remnant souls, and his strength does not increase to a certain level, he cannot use the methods of a monk, and the cost of using it forcefully is not worth the loss.

  However, Xiaodao also knows that he is good at drawing talismans and can also refine weapons, because the magic weapon of his life is refined by himself. Made.

  Due to the water spirit roots, spiritual plants were also planted outside the gate as a source of income.

  So Xiao Dao acquired the skills he mastered, including the Talisman Drawing Technique and the Little Spiritual Rain Technique.

  Xiao Dao asked about the key cultivation techniques, and the young monk said There is no problem, and they are all released in the form of tasks.

  The task that the young monk is most concerned about is to recover his other remnant souls.

  The little knife even took out the Yindu Merchant, Absolute Friendship, this token, and let the little monk The monk was overjoyed.

  However, in order to make contact, Xiao Dao must reach level 80.

  Contacting the Yindu merchant was also a task issued by the young monk.

  Everything was completed in the form of a task.

  After chatting for a long time, Xiao Dao went in again to condense his natal essence and blood. .

  The little monk also took the pen and paper provided by the knife and began to record the practice skills.

  The little monk was proficient in the two elements of gold and water, but he also knew the general Five Elements Spirit Art. As long as he has the five elements spiritual root, he can practice it.

  The knife came out, outside It's daybreak.

  Hey, Bloodthirsty Vine didn't eat. Is

  n't it strange? And it seems to be different.

  Hey, there seem to be more lines on the surface?

  This guy never eats enough. As long as there is food, he won't eat enough. Stop eating.

  I had some guesses in my mind, and when I checked, haha, it turned out to be level eighty.

  With level 90 ferocious beast meat, upgrading is fast, but unfortunately there is little hope of going up to level 80, and conventional breakthrough methods are almost ineffective.

  At level 80, I gained a new skill, which turned out to be symbiosis.

  Hey, this skill is interesting!
  Symbiosis: Form a symbiotic relationship with other plants, assist each other, and share life. You can experience the mutual transfer and sharing of nutrients. To a certain extent, you can use symbionts to help you break through bottlenecks.

  Tip: The bloodthirsty Tengya instinctively wanted to break through, and absorbed the flesh and blood essence of the ninety-level ferocious beast, and finally gained a hope, but the breakthrough was more than ten times more difficult than normal.

  Xiaodao looked at Rentouliu.

  This thing was planted on the head of a ferocious beast, and all the ferocious beast's essence and blood was poured into it. It was so shameless that it didn't even sprout.

  Willow seeds: Already planted. (Germination 21%)

  (End of chapter)

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