Chapter 92 The plan to collect artifacts

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  Chapter 92 Collecting Artifacts Plan
  After visiting the thousands of griffin nests inside the giant griffin statue, Herad provided Falstad with a good plan.

  "Aerial bombs will suit you very well. I can send someone to guide you in setting up the production line."

  Herad had previously provided a batch of aerial bombs.

  So Falstad was well aware of their power.

  The throwing accuracy of that kind of bomb is very high, and the explosion power is also greater.

  Wildhammer dwarves also have engineered bombs.

  However, the throwing accuracy and explosive power of the two are incomparable!

  Make an iron shell, load it with explosives, insert a fuse, fly it over the target, light it and drop it. There is no guarantee how this thing will explode.

  It is very likely that it exploded in mid-air, or was destroyed in mid-air.

  The most critical problem is that if you throw it away, it will go to grandma's house.

  Although the engineers within the clan are currently improving the old bombs.

  But their improvements were never in place.

  If there is a professional production line, these problems will be solved.

  The Wildhammer clan has close to a thousand adult griffins.

  Most of them can only be used for auxiliary combat because there are no suitable knights.

  For example, throwing old-fashioned bombs or other projectiles.

  Riding a griffin and rushing down to slash the enemy like humans do, the Wildhammer dwarves would not be so stupid!

  If equipped with a large number of aerial bombs, the Griffin's role will be reflected.

  Thinking of this bright prospect, Falstad decided to agree to Herad's purchase of the gryphon.

  However, he suddenly thought of the weapon that he had used very easily before, so he added another additional requirement.

  "We also need a way to make a weapon that is exciting to use and explodes when poked."

  "Thrust and explodes with thunder? No problem, that one is very simple to make!"

  This additional requirement of a low price, Herad did not After thinking about it, I agreed.

  The thrust mine is a very simple anti-tank weapon.

  That thing is just a directional blasting mine with a pole, and it has no technical content at all.

  The aviation bomb production line contains complete configurations.

  As long as some additional ancillary equipment is added, a complete production line can be formed.

  This won't increase your expenses much.

  Falstad was very satisfied with this attitude towards business discussions. He stood up and patted Herard on the shoulder.

  "Very good, it's settled! We will select the two best pairs of griffins and send them over."

  The previous discussion was about one pair of griffins, but in an instant it became two pairs.

  But Herard was not surprised.

  Such is the character of dwarves.

  If you treat them better, they will repay you better.

  But if you are even close to them, then the feud will be forged!
  The character of the dwarves can be seen from the Battle of the Three Hammers.

  Not long after the death of the most powerful dwarf king, the Bronzebeard clan wanted to kick out the other clans so that they could monopolize Ironforge.

  Then the three most powerful clans, Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron, started a civil war, fighting for Ironforge to the point of losing their minds.

  In fact, every clan has the ability to build a better main city.

  And dwarves have a natural tendency to dig.

  Digging will make them happier.

  Because of the temporary conflict of spirits, 50% of the dwarves' overall strength was consumed by them.

  Even after more than two hundred years, the populations of these three clans have not recovered.

  Their internal strife has not subsided even now.

  The Dark Iron clan will attack the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer clans whenever they get the chance.

  The Wildhammer clan came to settle in the large forest of the Hinterlands to avoid the endless harassment of the Dark Iron clan.

  The feud between the three dwarf clans was completely incomprehensible to Herad.

  He also didn't want to mediate the grievances between these guys that lasted for two to three hundred years.

  After discussing the cooperation matters, he declined Falstad's suggestion to send the griffin back.

  Although the gryphon's flying speed is very fast, it is not as fast as the magic rocket. In Herad's mind, these powerful flying monsters were suitable for fighting, not for traveling.

  Riding on a magic rocket that travels five times the speed of sound is definitely the best choice for a quick trip!

  From the top of the Eagle's Nest Mountain, the second-generation magic rocket shot out.

  The stunned onlookers were driven back by the strong wind.

  The audience looked at the empty launch pad and then at the rapidly shrinking magic rocket. They were speechless for a long time.

  They call themselves the kings of speed, and even the red dragon troops of the orcs are played by them.

  However, in the face of this extreme speed, they no longer have the courage to discuss speed.

  The difference in flight speed between the two sides was visually estimated to be more than ten times.

  If they knew that the magic rocket's flight speed could be increased, I wonder how they would feel about this.

  Herad, who was on his way back, was currently considering building a complete version of the magic rocket.

  And better optimize its various performance parameters.

  Just enchant the magic rocket to reduce wind resistance, and then summon powerful elite wind elements, or even commander-level wind elements.

  Flying ten times or even twenty times the speed of sound can be easily achieved.

  The power of magic is so powerful!
  Many problems that cannot be solved by technology can be easily solved by magic.

  Only crazy nuclear weapons can reach a height that magical power cannot easily reach.

  That is at least a god-level power!
  However, there seems to be no nuclear material in the wizarding world.

  Otherwise, the many inventors of the Burning Legion would have long ago created a bunch of nuclear bombs with staggering yields, wiping out all the living planets they encountered.

  The Burning Legion can also be renamed the Explosive Legion, or the Nuclear Explosive Legion.

  Thinking of the terrible Burning Legion, Herard suddenly felt very bad.

  Azeroth is a planet with big problems.

  The Old God, a despicable and shameless parasite, constantly sucks the life force of the planet.

  Getting rid of those ancient gods is extremely difficult!
  Those crazy demons of the Burning Legion also want to use crazy methods to solve the problem of the planet.

  Destroy the planet, and the planet will be sucked dry by the ancient gods.

  To the creatures on the planet, there is no difference between the two!
  To deal with the Burning Legion, we also have to deal with the Ancient Gods.

  Herard was very confused no matter what he thought.

  If only those guardians left behind by the Titans could still play a defensive role!
  However, the guardians were either imprisoned or defected to the enemy, completely losing the possibility of carrying out their mission.

  In fact, thank God that those guys didn't come out to cause trouble.

  Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, Herad was not only tired but also tired.

  In night elf legend, this bright moon is a projection of the power of the moon god Elune.

  Although the moon god Elune does exist and can perform miracles and grant power to believers.

  But this kind of true god will not come to the mortal world.

  The greatest role he can play is to create the Moon Night God of War, which has extremely side effects.

  Using that kind of power is no different than seeking death!
  Harad glanced at the Doomhammer fixed in the cockpit slot.

  His inner anxiety soon calmed down.

  Only this kind of safe and side-effect-free artifact is the reliable power to save the world!
  Thinking of this, he began to recall which artifacts could be obtained at this stage.

  The information obtained in the game may not be completely accurate.

  But as long as it is a useful unowned artifact, you must find a way to get it!

  He first thought of the dead Medivh.

  As the last guardian, Medivh has a habit of secretly collecting artifacts.

  Maybe you can find a safe artifact with no side effects from Karazhan.

  There are currently no decent enemies in Karazhan.

  At this stage, powerful enemies have not yet entered Karazhan.

  There are at most some demons and undead creatures occupying it.

  What threat do these little hotties pose?

  Horad was confident that he could turn Karazhan upside down.

  As for what would happen if Medivh survived, he didn't care at all.

  Just a sinner who indirectly killed hundreds or even tens of millions of human beings!
  (End of chapter)

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