Chapter 47 The Orc Fleet Defeated Again

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  Chapter 47: The Orc Fleet was Defeated Again.
  Faced with the crazy fire output from the enemy ships, the Orc Fleet could only constantly adjust its formation to protect the severely damaged warships.

  The old-fashioned guns installed on their bows are difficult to lock onto enemy ships that are circling flexibly.

  Even if it can be locked and fired in time, the poor accuracy of the old artillery is there.

  The shells often just missed falling into the sea.

  It has no practical effect other than causing shock.

  Even if it occasionally hits the opponent with a shot, the damage caused by the shell will be very small.

  The cannonballs sold to them by black-hearted goblin merchants are the cheapest junk.

  That thing is an iron ball that will not explode and can only cause certain damage to enemy ships.

  Kul Tiras' warships have very strict requirements for the wood they use.

  The century-old trees with the best materials and the best location for the trunks were selected.

  Although both sides have wooden hulls, the orcs' cannonballs may not be able to penetrate them.

  This resulted in the combat effectiveness of both sides not being on the same level at all.

  The orc fleet was unilaterally crushed, and this nightmare ended only after the opponent fired all the shells!

  If the orc warships had not been improved, the human losses they suffered would have been staggering!
  The battle on the sea has subsided, and the battle in the sky is coming to an end.

  Two teams of gryphon knights besieged six fast-growing red dragons, and in the end only caused some minor injuries to them.

  The two warring parties, who were exhausted, finally broke away from contact in a tacit understanding.

  Although the quick red dragons have low intelligence, they know how to return to the previous warship to rest.

  This eliminates the possibility that the Orc fleet will be attacked further.

  Neither the gryphon knights nor the battleships of Kul Tiras dared to attack the orc fleet easily.

  Seeing that there was nothing they could do about these fast-growing red dragons, the gryphon knights returned to the battleship to rest.

  The orc fleet did not dare to continue to Nanhai Town without guarantees.

  They decisively turned around and left the sea, waiting for the next opportunity to come back.

  Seeing the Orc fleet withdrawing, several warships from the Kul Tiras fleet also turned around and left.

  This adventurous attack has achieved quite good results!

  The strength of those red dragons was tested, and the orc fleet was defeated again.

  Although the losses suffered by the Orc fleet were not as great as last time, our side suffered zero casualties this time.

  However, the strength of the red dragon is indeed a headache.

  Even if they are besieged by a large number of griffon knights, they can still resist with their nearly invincible scale armor.

  A griffon knight ventured close to them. The warhammer and the griffin's claws were raised together, and they succeeded in picking off part of the dragon scales.

  This kind of hand-to-hand combat is very dangerous.

  The size difference between the two sides is too big, they are not on the same level at all!
  The huge red dragon can knock the griffin knight away with just a slight bump.

  In fact, many griffins were injured in the battle.

  Fortunately, the gryphon knights of the Wildhammer dwarves are all shamans with healing abilities.

  Gryphons can be effectively treated and protected.

  Even so, the life-threatening behavior of fighting the red dragon hand-to-hand was still strictly prohibited by Falstad.

  The few pieces of dragon scales that were picked off at the risk would not cause much harm to the red dragon.

  There is really no need to risk your life with them.

  However, Wildhammer dwarves are very stubborn in character.

  Although the leader's words were very reasonable, they did not have much restraining effect.

  If the Kul Tiras warships hadn't gone back to replenish their shells, they would probably have continued to challenge the red dragons after the rest.

  The gryphon knights who returned to Nanhai Town proudly showed off the dragon scales they had obtained.

  Herard took a piece from them and put it to destructive tests.

  The red dragon's scales are larger than an adult's hand.

  It looks like a small shield carved from ruby.

  The rangers secured it to a steel plate and fired with large-caliber sniper rifles.

  Ordinary steel-core bullets hit it without leaving any trace. Even if it is replaced with a Thorium bullet with strong armor-piercing ability, it can only create some negligible scratches.

  The scales of the instant red dragon were much harder than Herad expected.

  However, large-caliber anti-aircraft guns can still be counted on.

  The rangers drove the anti-aircraft arcane chariot to the shooting range, aiming the black muzzle at the dragon scale target not far away.

  Anti-aircraft artillery installs proximity fuzes on the shells and detonates the shells in the air to damage enemy aircraft.

  The mode of directly using warheads to blow up enemy aircraft is only used by small-caliber anti-aircraft guns with a high rate of fire.

  But if you want to kill the instant red dragon, loading Thorium armor-piercing bullets is the only option.

  The shell used to test the dragon scale was of course also a thorium armor-piercing projectile.

  The Thorium warhead hit the dragon scales without ricocheting.

  The powerful kinetic energy contained in the warhead was fully exerted, shattering this super biological material with a hardness comparable to diamond.

  The warhead that shattered the dragon scale target flew several hundred meters away, and finally blasted a deep crater into the mountain wall.

  Looking at the evenly broken dragon scale fragments, Herard thought of tempered glass.

  Tempered glass uses chemical or physical methods to create compressive stress on the glass surface.

  If an external force wants to break tempered glass, it must first offset the stress on the surface.

  In this way, the strength of tempered glass to withstand blows is greatly increased.

  As long as that layer of stress cannot be broken, tempered glass is invincible.

  But if the attack exceeds the strength of the tempered glass, it will break into very uniform fragments.

  Dragon scales may be similar to the principle of tempered glass.

  But the strength of dragon scales is clearly not comparable to fragile glass!

  Herard could no longer imagine how powerful the genuine dragon scales would be!
  Can those aerial overlords whose scales are extremely hard and immune to magic really be killed by mortals?

  Fortunately, real dragons abide by the rules set by the Titans.

  They will not actively antagonize mortals.

  Even those fallen black dragons only use intrigues to get things done.

  Otherwise, how can other creatures in this world survive?
  When Herard lamented the power of the dragon, the retreating orc fleet also successfully returned to the port in the wetland.

  Due to the protection of the deck and partitions, the loss of the orcs in the cabin was not great.

  However, in this naval battle, the Dragonmaw clan suffered considerable losses!

  Although the six instant red dragons were not dead, their drivers were all dead.

  That was a rare elite driver in the Dragonmaw clan.

  Zulud looked at the empty saddle on the red dragon's back, and the grief in his heart could no longer be expressed in words.

  This old orc warlock looked like an old dog with its legs broken, except that he was miserable.

  Orgrim patted his shoulder with concern to express comfort.

  Then Orgrim put forward some ideas that he had been thinking about.

  "These dragons are indeed very powerful! But your boys cannot withstand the enemy's blows.

  Maybe you should arrange a few more dragons for the boys so that they can provide all-round protection."

  Considering Orgrim's suggestion, Zulud His eyes gradually brightened.

  "Using more dragons to protect the drivers seems feasible. I will arrange for new drivers and dragons to come over." The

  Dragonmaw Clan does not have many elite drivers.

  But the quick red dragon caught a lot of them.

  In the past few days since the fleet left, six more red dragons have completed the cultivation process of dark magic.

  As time goes by, the number of instant red dragons will only increase.

  Since six instant red dragons won't work, then twelve or even eighteen can be used.

  Each elite driver brings three red dragons, which should be enough to kill those griffins.

  Once the obstructive griffons are dealt with, the human ground troops will be vulnerable!
  (End of chapter)

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