Chapter 463 Mana Furnace

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  Chapter 463: Mana Furnace
  Looking at the ancient god who was turning into a skewer, Shafar was very satisfied with Herad's concept of the void forces.

  To deal with the lackey of evil forces like Void, we must use the most vicious method!
  The half-dead look of N'zoth made the radical Shafar feel more and more happy.

  If this giant octopus monster from the deep sea fell into its hands, it would also suffer the same tragic end.

  You may even suffer a more severe punishment!

  After all, it is an old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

  I have seen many despicable execution methods.

  Cut into pieces with a thousand cuts, roasted on the fire or something, it was so weak!

  In fact, Xal'atath lived longer than Shafar.

  But as soon as he landed on Azeroth after being launched, he was devoured by other ancient gods.

  It is a typical floor-standing box.

  Although part of the soul attached to the claw fragments escaped.

  However, He has been in a deep sleep for countless thousands of years.

  Until a priest from the troll empire awakened him.

  This officially begins the journey to Azeroth.

  Therefore, Xal'atath's real life time will not be longer than that of the older generation of night elves.

  Moreover, it needs its host to carry it around in order to accumulate all aspects of knowledge and experience.

  A personality that likes to change hosts whenever something happens.

  It made him unable to move most of the time.

  Compared with old people like Shafar, the gap between Xal'atas and Xal'atas is huge!
  The only role he can play is to beep next to N'zoth and use his poisonous tongue to carry out mental attacks.

  But N'Zoth, who is also good at beeping, has high resistance in this regard.

  The two are in mutual harm mode.

  Of course, Xal'atath can cut N'Zoth with his knife.

  Although the harm is not great, the insult is extremely strong!

  N'Zoth could only be abused unilaterally.

  In fact, being able to say a few beeps is already His limit!
  For guys like the Ancient Gods who gradually corrupt the planet and creatures.

  Void spirits are very disdainful.

  If they encountered the invasion of the ancient gods back then, they would definitely teach the ancient gods a lesson.

  That is, never beep with the strong.

  Otherwise you will be beaten to death soon!
  Harad browsed the list of ethereal technologies listed by Shafar and was very impressed by their energy technology system.

  Regardless of military, energy, assistance, life, etc.

  Void Spirit Technology is not comparable to Draenei Technology.

  The gap between the two can be compared with mechanical gnome engineering and goblin engineering.

  The mechanical gnome took out a personal ion cannon, but the goblin could only take out a goblin gun that could explode at any time.

  The arcane defensive barrier of Void Spirit that once blocked the attack of Lord Void.

  Judging from the data collected at that time, it can fire 50-50 with the main gun of the Obsidian battleship.

  Of course, the premise is that there will be no sudden leakage of arcane energy.

  Even if the void spirits have become arcane energy creatures, they no longer dare to use this powerful arcane defense barrier.

  After all, the hurdle in my heart cannot be overcome.

  Herard paid attention to the arcane defense barrier and only used it as a reference to evaluate the level of energy technology.

  Such a dangerous defense method must be optimized at least a hundred and eighty times.

  The ethereal technology that really interested him was the magical building called the Mana Furnace.

  The Mana Furnace is in the game and it tricked Dimensius to death.

  It’s hard to say whether there is such an opportunity for the mana furnace in reality.

  But that doesn't mean it doesn't have other uses.

  In fact, it should be the best energy harvesting building around.

  Compared with the Draenei's Arcane Forge, the gap is not that big!
  The arcane furnace supplies energy to the current Obsidian battleships, which is already in a relatively reluctant state.

  If the tonnage of the Obsidian battleship continues to increase, normal navigation will be difficult.

  If it could be powered by a mana furnace, there would be no tonnage limit.

  The Mana Forge does not draw energy from the physical universe.

  It connects to the void world. The energy level of the void world is very high.

  Xal'atath draws energy from the void world.

  Although He, a tool man, is not qualified to enter the void world in person.

  But it can roughly sense the energy concentration there.

  Probably about a hundred times higher than Quel'Thalas, which sits on the Sunwell.

  When he first heard this data, Herard couldn't believe it was true.

  After all, Quel'Thalas' ultra-high energy concentration allows most high elves to possess spellcasting talents.

  Placed in the world of cultivating immortals, it is a blessed land that is conducive to cultivation.

  If the concentration of spiritual energy were increased a hundred times, wouldn't it be possible to ascend every day while sleeping?

  Later, when I saw Xal'atath using shadow energy, he never ran out of energy.

  Herard finally believed that the energy concentration in the void world was really high.

  But whether it is a hundred times more or less is still questionable.

  However, in order to take revenge, the void spirits have been studying the power of the void and the void world all year round.

  Eventually a mana furnace was developed that could draw energy from the void world.

  And through rigorous data analysis, they confirmed that there is no problem with the conclusion drawn by Xalatas.

  That evil world has such an exaggerated energy concentration!

  This is why there is no weak existence among the energy creatures in the void world.

  While being filled with emotion, Herard showed a strong interest in the mana furnace.

  He pointed at the complex amethyst building in the light curtain.

  "Dear Prince Shafar, when this mana furnace is operating, will it attract some beings from the void world?"

  As the leader of the radical faction, Shafar has long had the idea of ​​using the mana furnace to capture void energy creatures. .

  He saw Herad's eyes shining as he stared at the shadow of the mana furnace.

  It instantly guessed what this bold young man was thinking.

  It's nothing more than trying to use the mana furnace to trap powerful void energy creatures.

  Even the terrifying existence of the Void Lord class like Dimensius!
  Thinking of this, Shafar nodded firmly.

  "Well, this does happen during operation."

  "But they are just small fish and shrimps, and they can't even attract the void lord."

  After saying that, it contacted its subordinates and called up a video of the mana furnace attracting void energy creatures.

  Harad listened to Shafar's introduction and was not surprised at all.

  It is normal for the Mana Forge to attract void energy creatures.

  It is also understandable that the void energy creatures attracted are not strong.

  This means that the size of the water pump can be used to pump out as much fish as possible.

  After all, the pipe of the water pump is only that thick.

  Therefore, the caliber of the energy pipe of the mana furnace determines whether the Lord of the Void can come over.

  Xu Ling's work efficiency is very high.

  Just as Herad was thinking about how to trap the Void Lord, he received several videos of mana furnaces attracting void energy creatures.

  The void energy creatures attracted by the mana furnace will be stretched long like noodles and flow in the energy pipe.

  If it weren't for their eye-catching color, the void spirits wouldn't notice these uninvited guests at all.

  It is different from pumping fish.

  These void energy creatures cannot exit the mana furnace.

  They will circulate endlessly in the energy pipeline until the energy is completely drained.

  Judging from the data obtained so far, the mana furnace cannot be destroyed from within.

  The mana furnace is a building that collects energy, and it naturally has a strong restraint effect on energy.

  Moreover, those void energy creatures that are sucked into the energy pipeline are still having their energy extracted all the time.

  The two factors are superimposed, and the void energy creatures cannot resist at all.

  Seeing how effective the mana furnace was, Herad immediately discussed it with Shafar.

  Study how big a mana furnace is needed to attract Dimensius and trap him.

  (End of chapter)

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