Chapter 461 The First Planet Reshaping

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  Chapter 461: The First Planet Reshaping

  Herad never thought that Dimensius would be so timid.

  Why does the famous Devourer of Worlds only have this little courage?
  After all, he is also a world-destroying demon with a powerful record!
  In terms of world-destroying achievements, Dimensius has much more success than Sargeras.

  After Sargeras formed the Burning Legion, he rarely personally destroyed the world again.

  If it weren't for the shocking way of destroying the world by piercing the planet with a big sword, Dimensius would have thrown him eighteen blocks away.

  However, Dimensius, who had an impressive record, was defeated by the attack of the Obsidian battleship.

  If it were Sargeras, he could just rush up and swing his sword to cut the obsidian battleship in two.

  But Dimensius is so cowardly.

  He is good at fighting in large groups.

  It belongs to the type of using human sea tactics to drown the enemy.

  The Void Spirit clan originally claimed to be the leader of the galaxy.

  As a result, when they were surrounded by endless void walkers, they had no hope of repelling them.

  In the end, I had to try to make a comeback with a dangerous move.

  Then, not surprisingly, they capsized!

  This does not mean that the virtual spirit clan is not strong enough.

  In fact, in the face of Dimensius's human wave tactics, most forces cannot withstand it!

  The Void Walkers are constantly coming, both in quantity and quality.

  They will drain the planet's defenders of their last vestiges of strength.

  The obsidian battleship's ability to absorb and transform energy just restrained Dimensius' human sea battle.

  His mindless human sea tactic, which he was proud of, could drive the enemy crazy, but only recharged the Obsidian battleship safely.

  But it’s simply impossible to catch this guy!
  The means of being able to travel through the material universe and the void world at will does not belong to the category of space magic.

  So this also means that no one can catch this guy.

  Herard was unwilling to let Dimensius run away like this.

  But there is really no possibility of catching Him.

  The Void Spirits have developed a magical device that can connect to the void world and absorb a large amount of void energy.

  When this magical device is in operation, there is a high probability of attracting Dimensius.

  Once Dimensius is drawn in, there is no way to escape.

  This is a bit like using a water pump to pump river water into a ditch. Fish and shrimps in the river are often pumped into the ditch.

  When the water in the ditch is almost exhausted, people can get additional harvests.

  The size of the fish and shrimp in the ditch depends on the size of the water pump.

  The water pumps of agricultural irrigation systems can even pump fish weighing more than ten kilograms into ditches.

  The same principle applies to whether Ethereal's magic building can draw Dimensius.

  Want to draw Dimensius and imprison him.

  The requirements for magic buildings will be very high.

  Because Dimensius is a big, big, super big fish!

  Therefore, the resources that need to be consumed will be so high that the virtual spirits are reluctant to invest.

  A magic building of that level is not the scale of the game.

  There are no energy pipes as thick as sewers in the game. How can it possibly accommodate a big guy like Dimensius?
  However, in the game, Ethereal did successfully introduce Dimensius into the energy channel.

  And he also weakened Dimensius and killed him successfully.

  But that's the mission designer's fault for flattering the player's father.

  This is absolutely impossible in reality!

  Therefore, Herard had no confidence in the plans of the Ethereal Spirits.

  It would be more reliable to continue bombing the planet occupied by the Void Walker and force Dimensius out.

  However, Herard still underestimated Dimensius's wisdom and endurance.

  How could He run out, knowing that he would be shot if he came out?
  Even though His descendants were being killed, His determination could not be shaken.

  Realizing that Dimensius could no longer take the bait, Herard decided to be more ruthless.

  Directly light this void planet.

  He found the appropriate location on the planet based on the valuable information left by the Titan.

  Then use the obsidian battleship's main gun to bombard it at a fixed point, burning through the thick crust.

  Next is the thick but not stable mantle of Planet Dianteng.

  This level of damage must be controlled.

  If it goes too far. Then we can only stage the big scene of Broken Star!

  It is equivalent to detonating the gas tank when using a gas stove.

  With the support of Titan's professional experience, Herard controlled this destruction process very well!

  The chaotic energy cannonball exploded inside the mantle. Although it caused instability in the entire mantle, it did not produce a big explosion.

  Just like a gas stove with stable ignition, you can cook delicious food as much as you like.

  The manifestation on the planet is that high temperature penetrates from the mantle and ignites raging fires on the continents.

  Moreover, the continental plates are still broken by the fluctuations of the mantle, tilting into the boiling magma.

  The originally purple planet turned into a fireball.

  Although the fire on the planet is burning brightly.

  It looks like a glowing star.

  It cannot become a real star.

  Stars are the products of infinite nuclear fusion of helium inside giant planets.

  This planet is just a planet, and its size and energy cannot reach the standards of a star.

  Don't look at the fire on the planet burning very brightly.

  If you want to compare it with nuclear fusion, there is still no comparison!

  And there are only so many combustibles on the planet.

  Once the combustible material has burned out, the flame will quickly die out.

  Of course, the entire planet is still in a state of lava.

  When rainwater falls, it evaporates, condenses, and falls again.

  This cycle will continue for many, many years.

  It is said that the cooling of the magma on the ancient earth's surface took more than a billion years to complete.

  It is estimated that it will take this much time to reshape the planet that was reshaped by Herad.

  Unless the virtual spirit uses powerful magic power to accelerate the cooling of the mother star.

  But before destroying Dimensius, the Voidlings dared not use their magical power to cool down their home planet.

  If the front foot has just cooled down the home planet, Dimensius will come over and occupy it with the back foot.

  There is no solution for Void Spirit!

  After turning Ethereal's home planet into a lava planet, Herard quickly left the scene of the crime.

  Although Karesh has become a void planet, there will be no disputes about burning it.

  Herard was still worried about angering the void spirit.

  Facts have proved that his thinking is still at the mortal level.

  The ethereal spies of the Revenge Army discovered the changes in their home planet and excitedly reported the good news to the top management.

  "Captain, the mother planet has been reborn in Nirvana!"

  The captain was overjoyed when he received the news reported by the spy.

  But it decided to confirm again.

  It would be a huge disgrace if something happened!

  "Great! But are you sure you got it right?"

  "Absolutely right! I'll send the pictures I took as well."

  After seeing the pictures sent by the spy and confirming that there were no problems, the captain excitedly reported to the superiors.

  While the news was passed up one level at a time according to military rank, it also spread quickly within the entire ethereal race.

  Don't look at the revenge army and other ethereal forces that are not on the right track.

  They have not developed into a situation where water and fire are incompatible in the game.

  After getting this good news, the Revenge Army will certainly not hide it.

  The emergence of such great good news should of course make everyone happy.

  When the excitement subsided, the leaders of the various forces gathered together to formally discuss the future of the Void Spirit Clan.

  Since the mother star is undergoing nirvana and rebirth.

  It is definitely impossible for the Void Spirit Clan to wait like this.

  But as long as Dimensius is still alive, they cannot speed up the nirvana and rebirth of the mother star.

  How to kill that abominable Devourer of Realms has become the top priority of all the ethereal spirits.

  In order to regain their home planet, the Void Spirits will sacrifice everything!
  (End of chapter)

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