Chapter 448 Attack on the Burning Throne

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  Chapter 448 Attack on the Burning Throne
  As Xalatath and Ursalus entered the core of the star, completely breaking the orderly order here.

  Magic drones can finally explore in comfort.

  The space inside the star core is huge, and the height of the sky is even more amazing!
  Due to the limitation of the thickness of the atmosphere on the ground, the height of the sky is actually only a few hundred thousand meters.

  The head of Argus the Destroyer has already penetrated the atmosphere!
  For flesh and blood creatures, the height of the sky is only 10,000 meters.

  The highest flying bird in the world can only reach an altitude of 10,000 meters and cannot fly higher.

  Because the higher you fly, the more serious the hypoxia situation becomes, making it difficult to maintain normal flight.

  The star core located in the center of the earth has no such restrictions.

  Its sky is millions of meters high.

  Of course, there is definitely no blue sky and white clouds in the sky here!

  In this dim underground world, people look up to the sky and can only see endless darkness.

  Just like the night sky without stars and moon!
  After tens of thousands of years of management by the Burning Legion, the underground world has turned into a huge industrial world.

  This is the safest and most important core of the Burning Legion.

  But the Burning Legion is still too arrogant!

  The so-called safest refers to dealing with ordinary interstellar races in the universe.

  If you encounter the Naaru Legion who are well prepared in the early stage and want to fight the Burning Legion.

  It's not difficult to get here.

  In other words, Naaru likes to punish evil and promote good in the universe as a small team.

  If he encounters a Naaru army that has assembled more than ten teams, Sargeras will also be driven around.

  Hundreds of holy light cannons fired in volley, which was really unfriendly to the devil!

  It's a pity that the Naaru don't have such a high level of consciousness.

  Although they have great power and large numbers of people.

  But he likes to save sentient beings as a team or even as a lone ranger.

  This gave the Burning Legion a chance to wreak havoc across the universe.

  When they see a planet with life, they will attack it and kill or corrupt all the natives on the planet.

  Then transform the planet according to their preferences.

  It was originally a living planet with blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green water.

  It will soon turn into a dark, dark green fel wasteland.

  Argus, who has been corrupted by evil energy for tens of thousands of years, looks like this.

  Even the inside of its star core was severely corrupted by evil energy.

  The broken dark green land is filled with demons collecting mineral resources.

  The star core contains rich mineral resources.

  Many minerals are so pure that they are directly metals.

  One evil furnace after another stands on the ground.

  They provide metal materials and parts for the Mechanical Daemons and Legion warships.

  More metal materials and parts were sent to the Burning Throne in the center of the underground world.

  Build that huge building with unknown functions.

  In addition to its construction role, the Fel Energy Forge is also an important source of light in the underground world.

  The hot fel magma boils in the furnace, and glows with green light.

  Although this green light has the same qualities as domestic ghost movies.

  Its lighting effect is unquestionable.

  With these weak light sources, demons with good night vision can work.

  If there was only endless darkness, the devil wouldn't be able to see.

  In the area where the outer evil energy furnace is located, the light brightness is very weak.

  The Burning Throne in the center is very bright.

  There are many blazing braziers on top of the Burning Throne.

  Those braziers are very powerful magic items.

  Powered by pure fire energy. Although Sargeras is a Titan who is good at fighting.

  He still has the ability to imprison all the elemental creatures in Argus.

  Then use fire elemental creatures to power the Burning Throne.

  This is similar to the Pillars of Creation in Azeroth.

  The difference is that Sargeras had no interest in creating the world.

  Destroying the world is what He wants to do and is doing now!

  Judging from the brightly lit scene of the Burning Throne.

  Sargeras at least uses fire elemental creatures as lighting energy!

  Of course, there may be deeper uses.

  For example, let the Burning Throne move and become a powerful war machine.

  It is a pity that this super project of Sargeras is still in its most preliminary stage.

  Judging from the framework of the Burning Throne, it is an unprecedented giant tower reaching the sky.

  The kind that can fit a 200,000-meter-tall Titan inside.

  Herard originally thought that Star Wars was already very imaginative.

  It can easily transform a planet with a diameter of several hundred kilometers into a terrifyingly powerful star-killing weapon.

  Now seeing the big scene inside the star core, he suddenly felt that Star Wars was nothing more than that.

  If the Burning Throne is really completed, it may be a giant tower thousands of kilometers high.

  Sargeras was embarking on such a big project, so of course it was impossible for him to stay in the star core.

  At that time, the Burning Throne will transform into an interstellar battleship thousands of kilometers long.

  Those star-killing weapons in Star Wars are at the level of kittens and puppies in front of it.

  Wherever the Burning Throne goes, any resistance will be wiped out!

  Too bad it never got a chance to be completed!
  Xalatath and Ursalus, who had entered the core of the star, were fighting towards the core of the Burning Throne.

  The outer area of ​​the evil furnace is under attack from the plant army.

  When the demons encountered these plant life forms with good quality and greater quantity than them, they were completely defenseless.

  In just a few dozen seconds, they will be parasitized by terrifying spores and become members of the plant army.

  Those mechanical demons that are not afraid of spore parasitism will be destroyed by anti-tank rocket launchers or anti-tank guns.

  Even the powerful demon mecha cannot withstand the attack of a large number of anti-tank weapons.

  Moreover, some plant life forms also possess advanced and powerful weapons.

  For example, plasma weapons developed in laboratories.

  Just one shot can penetrate the magic steel armor.

  Demonic mechas often feel very good about themselves, and their chests are suddenly burned through by plasma bombs.

  In order to better protect the flesh engine, Morg engineers will place it on the chest of the mech.

  The chest has the thickest magic steel armor, and the arms can resist attacks.

  So putting the flesh and blood engine on your chest is definitely the safest place!
  However, in the face of plasma weapons that burn through everything, the magic steel armor is simply made of tofu!
  The demon mecha is not a piece of junk.

  Their numbers are small and they are restrained by powerful weapons.

  Facing the waves of the plant army, a small number of demon mechas quickly disappeared into the green ocean.

  Compared with the loose troops in the outer area, the alert level on the Burning Throne side is very high.

  And they are of high quality too.

  Most of them are lord-level demons and high-end products such as demon mechas.

  However, in front of Xalatas and Ursales, the so-called high-end goods are not a concern.

  It's nothing more than a sense of accomplishment when killing.

  Therefore they do not care about the strength of their enemies.

  Clearing out all the demons in the Burning Throne is what they want to do.

  (End of chapter)

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