Chapter 43 The arcane scavenger who has no martial ethics

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  Chapter 43 When the envoys of the Wildhammer
  dwarves, arcane scavengers with no moral ethics, landed in Nanhai Town on their griffons, although the top leaders of the coalition welcomed the new reinforcements, they were not particularly excited in their hearts.

  Dwarves have great fighting prowess.

  But their population base is too low, and they will definitely not be able to devote many troops to support the coalition forces.

  And judging from the tattoos on this dwarf messenger, their civilization level should be very primitive. At first glance, they are not as formal as the Bronzebeard dwarves of Ironforge.

  The Wildhammer dwarf envoy never expected that the luxurious war marks on his body would be regarded as a symbol of barbarism and backwardness.

  Fortunately, Wildhammer dwarves are not good at inferring other people's psychology from their eyes and expressions.

  Otherwise, the alliance intention being discussed by the two sides is likely to turn into a duel.

  After some symbolic negotiations, the two parties reached a consensus at the wine table.

  The Supreme Commander of the Alliance, Sir Anduin Lothar, welcomed the Wildhammer dwarves to join the Alliance on behalf of the kings.

  The drunken Wildhammer dwarf messenger patted his chest and expressed that he would send the most powerful air force to join the battle.

  Hearing the most powerful air power, Sir Lothar quickly thought of the opponent's griffon mount.

  That powerful flying monster with a griffin body was stronger than several griffins in Stormwind City, and it looked very extraordinary.

  Thinking of this, Sir Lothar asked curiously: "How many griffons do you have?"

  When suddenly asked about the number of griffins, the Wildhammer dwarf envoy was a little confused.

  He really hadn't paid attention to the specific number of griffins.

  He scratched the back of his head and said with some uncertainty:

  "Our griffins are raised in the wild. The specific number is hard to say. But there should be five or six hundred."

  Suddenly hearing such an shocking number, Sir Lothar felt his head buzzing.

  "You actually have five or six hundred griffins!"

  The Wildhammer dwarf envoy was puzzled by Sir Lothar's reaction.

  Isn't it just five or six hundred griffons?

  Why doesn't such a powerful official as the commander of the coalition forces know how to maintain his demeanor?
  He didn't know the number of griffons in various human countries, not even a fraction of the number of the Wildhammer dwarves.

  Adding up all the griffins in the Seven Kingdoms, there are almost twenty.

  Gryphons like to build their nests on high cliffs.

  They are quite intelligent and will not let their young birds out of their sight for too long.

  Therefore, it is very difficult to capture and tame this powerful flying monster.

  It is possible that the baby bird was not caught, but his own life was ruined.

  After learning that the Wildhammer dwarves had so many griffins, Sir Lothar was quickly enveloped in ecstasy after experiencing the initial shock.

  The gryphon's single combat power is certainly incomparable to the red dragon's.

  However, their large numbers and flexible movements should enable them to defeat the Red Dragon through guerrilla warfare.

  With the means to contain the red dragon, Sir Lothar's back suddenly stiffened.

  However, he still didn't understand that these griffins of the Wildhammer dwarves were only part of their aerial combat power.

  The knights who fight on griffins are not the human knights who dance with guns and sticks.

  The gryphon knights of the Wildhammer dwarves are all powerful shamans.

  When they fight on griffins, they throw magic hammers at their enemies.

  The magic hammer contains powerful lightning power and can release several lightning chains to cause a wide range of lightning damage.

  When groups of griffin knights appear on the battlefield, the troops on the ground have no way to survive.

  The Wildhammer dwarves support a group of gryphon knights to ensure the coalition's air security.

  While everyone in the coalition was celebrating the addition of air power, the High Elf reinforcements also arrived in Nanhai Town on a huge steel ship.

  People's view of high elves has always been about powerful magic and bows and arrows.

  However, most of the equipment of the high elf rangers has become large-caliber sniper rifles.

  The few bows and arrows that are still equipped are powerful magic bows and arrows.

  Seeing that the high elves' own troops had all been replaced with muskets, the coalition forces no longer had any doubts about muskets.

  Something that high elves are using, there will definitely be no problem.

  After unloading all personnel and equipment, the warship quickly left the port.

  A prudent goblin captain would never stop his ship here to drink from the northwest wind.

  He wanted to take advantage of the calm period before the war and seize the time to earn another vote. During wartime, arms are the most sought-after commodity.

  The goblin captain who fell into the eyes of money only had arms sales on his mind.

  The number of high elf rangers who arrived in Nanhai Town was less than three hundred.

  This number is definitely the smallest among all reinforcements.

  Even the Wildhammer dwarves, who had just joined the alliance, were preparing to send 800 dwarf heavy infantry to join the battle, in addition to a hundred powerful gryphon knights.

  But the equipment of the High Elf Ranger is indeed luxurious!
  Those standard large-caliber sniper rifles can be seen as extraordinary from the appearance.

  A larger caliber than ordinary guns, a special silencer and sight, and a more gorgeous structural appearance.

  Compared with them, ordinary guns are crushed in terms of appearance alone.

  The gap in conventional weapons is nothing.

  The forty arcane chariots equipped by the high elf rangers are even more dazzlingly luxurious.

  The six-legged chariots are shining with purple light. Even ordinary people who don't know how to do it can see that they are extraordinary.

  The body will glow purple, and the barrel is long and thick, making it look very powerful.

  What a layman sees is the excitement, but what an expert sees is the doorway.

  The senior officers and military mages in the coalition forces are experts in guarding the door.

  Just because they saw the doorway, their hearts were filled with shock.

  Information about the high elves' army attacking Zul'Aman has been circulating among the upper class in the past few years.

  The war machines that rushed into the city and ran rampant were very similar to the war machines in front of them.

  Moreover, the barrels of these war machines are several times thicker.

  Presumably they will be more powerful.

  People have speculated about the power of this new arcane chariot.

  However, in order to conserve magical energy, these new arcane chariots have never been moved.

  The Arcane Scavenger brought by Alleria had no impact on its movements due to the large amount of magical energy stored in it.

  From time to time you can still see it wandering around the camp.

  This big purple-black guy looks chubby in appearance and seems to have little fighting ability.

  When it enters combat mode, it can press the powerful first-generation Paladin to the ground and rub it.

  The first-generation paladin who was taught by the Arcane Scavenger was Sir Lothar's adjutant Turalyon.

  Turalyon was a priest from a lower-class background.

  He was appreciated by Archbishop Alonsos Fao and became his right-hand man.

  Then after a series of power operations, he was placed as an adjutant under Lord Lothar.

  And became one of the five first generation paladins.

  Turalyon, whose strength and status had skyrocketed, was naturally very proud and felt that he was the son of the world.

  When he first saw Alleria, he was deeply attracted by this ranger general with both beauty and strength.

  Although many people were not optimistic about it, he still persisted in pursuing it.

  The Arcane Scavenger followed the procedures set by Herad and launched a punishing attack on this licking dog.

  Turalyon had no idea that the big purple man standing aside would suddenly become angry.

  After a set of swift and violent punches, Turalyon was pinned to the ground by Arcane Scavenger, who used magic to absorb the sacred energy in his body.

  The energies of the light and dark series are fundamental to the universe.

  Their energy level is at the highest level.

  However, he is not picky about magic and can absorb even the highest level of energy.

  This highest level of energy would be more troublesome to absorb.

  But as long as Turayan is pressed properly, slower absorption is not a problem.

  Paladins are very powerful.

  However, facing the arcane scavenger weighing more than ten tons, Turalyon's struggle was a joke!

  He could only be pinned to the ground like a dead dog and turned into a gift package of energy from the Arcane Scavenger.

  (End of chapter)

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