Chapter 415 Doomsday Judgment

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  Chapter 415 Doomsday Judgment
  On an evil planet outside Argus, the demons looked at the huge fireball rising in the distance in horror.

  The huge fireball was dazzling, like a dazzling sun.

  Even though the demon has strong fire resistance, it still feels uncomfortable to the eyes.

  As the fireball rose, a large amount of dust also rushed into the sky, forming a huge lava-like fire cloud.

  Soon the cloud of fire was covered by more dust.

  The dust spread out in the sky, forming a mushroom-shaped dust cloud.

  This seemingly devastating attack reminded some demons of the scene of legion warships bombing the indigenous people.

  However, the damage caused by the legion battleship is far from this!

  A mushroom cloud rising two to three thousand meters high and completely destroying several square kilometers is the limit.

  The big explosion in front of us produced a mushroom cloud tens of thousands of meters high.

  Even if they are hundreds of kilometers away from the edge of the explosion area.

  You can still feel the extremely hot wind passing by.

  A large area with a radius of fifty kilometers has been completely destroyed by the blazing fireball.

  Most of the demons in that area would definitely not survive that explosion.

  The so-called strong flame resistance is only used to withstand normal temperature flames.

  However, within the scope of that fireball, even the magic steel was melted!

  Weapons and armor made of magic steel are resistant to high temperatures.

  Throwing it into hot magma and heating it won't even soften it.

  That fireball can melt the high-temperature-resistant metal such as magic steel, and can burn the demon's body into slag.

  Seeing those mutilated hellfire puppets struggling to stand up.

  The demons watching from a distance were not surprised.

  In other words, the bodies of these guys are evil rocks.

  And it is far away from the center of the explosion.

  Otherwise, it would have been torn into pieces or even broken into powder!

  The demons all speculated on what kind of attack could cause such terrible damage.

  Just when they were thinking about whether it was a giant meteorite impact, another huge fireball shot up in another area.

  There were two consecutive large-scale destructive blows.

  The demons who transformed into melon-eating crowds finally started to panic.

  Giant meteorite impacts are rare.

  It is a major event that only happens once in a thousand years!

  Even though these demons have lived for countless thousands of years, they have only seen them in person very few times.

  It's obviously impossible for it to happen twice in a short period of time.

  Moreover, they did not see the flame trail when the meteorite fell.

  Although it’s really hard to see clearly during the day.

  But there was no sign just now!

  Realizing that it might be an enemy attack, many demons ran towards the deep mountains and forests.

  If the enemy is on the ground, no matter how powerful they are, they will not retreat without a fight.

  How to fight enemies in space?
  Even if they have the ability to fly, they can't fly too high.

  Most flying demons can only fly a few hundred meters high.

  Mephits can fly to a height of more than two thousand meters.

  Only anti-gravity creatures like beholders can easily reach an altitude of 10,000 meters.

  But they can't go into space.

  Beholders are flesh-and-blood creatures that require oxygen to stay alive.

  When they were at an altitude of 10,000 meters, they already had severe symptoms of hypoxia.

  Those beholders who lack strength often stabilize their suspension height at about five thousand meters.

  In fact, except for Sargeras, the fallen Titan, all demons do not have the ability to physically enter space.

  Facing enemies in space, the demons can only rely on legion battleships.

  The demons on the ground have another option besides running away.

  They can operate fel anti-aircraft cannons on the ground to return fire.

  But the fel anti-aircraft cannon could barely reach outer space.

  And the attack power is not that good either.

  Seeing sporadic green rays coming up, Herard curled his lips in disdain.

  With this level of weak attack, even if it attacks an ordinary legion warship, it will take several hits to destroy the hull. The obsidian battleships are parked here, and it won't matter if they bombard them for a long time.

  In fact, the current attack carried out by the Obsidian battleship is not intended to wipe out all the demons.

  Although the attack of the heavy energy cannon was very fierce, the damage caused was only 3,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

  Probably about the same power as the Tsar Bomba, the largest hydrogen bomb on earth.

  The Tsar Bomb sounds terrifying.

  Novaya Zemlya, which was bombed by it, is still in good condition.

  That shocking explosion created a relatively large crater on the island.

  In fact, Novaya Zemlya was bombed hundreds of times by the Soviet Union.

  The damage caused was hundreds of holes in the ground.

  The terrain in the surrounding area is somewhat flat.

  After all, the shock wave generated by a nuclear explosion is still very powerful!

  Whether buildings or forests, they will definitely be razed to the ground.

  Since Novaya Zemlya has been bombed by hydrogen bombs many times, the radioactive contaminants have been almost completely treated by the hydrogen bombs.

  Even if there was any remaining nuclear contamination, it was cleaned up by Soviet soldiers.

  So there are no problems there other than slightly higher radiation levels.

  Novaya Zemlya, which has suffered so many nuclear explosions, has now been developed into a wildlife park.

  There are residential buildings, schools, hotels, and shops on the island.

  There are even television and radio stations.

  This shows how difficult it is to destroy the planet!
  If a dirty bomb containing a large amount of nuclear contamination is not used.

  It's hard to wipe out both the inhabitants and the wildlife on the planet!

  The destructive power of the heavy energy cannon is no more powerful than the Tsar Bomb.

  And it has no nuclear radiation at all.

  Even if you want to cause secondary damage, you can't do it.

  So Harad simply attacks the demonic gatherings on the planet.

  After destroying the main demon gathering place and severely damaging the demon's strength, the obsidian battleship flew away.

  Looking at the picture transmitted by the beholder, the demon ruler didn't understand what the other party was doing.

  what's the situation?
  Just blow up a few large gathering places and be done with it?

  According to the idea of ​​the demon ruler, the opponent should finish the bombing and send troops to attack.

  For example, spreading spores will cause green natural disasters on the planet.

  It is already preparing to be transported to other planets for refuge.

  The demon ruler would never have thought that the other party was just testing the actual combat power of the heavy energy cannon.

  After collecting actual combat data, I naturally had no interest in staying any longer.

  As for killing them all.

  Herard had fought until he lost confidence and began to become numb.

  Facts have proved that it is impossible to kill all the demons!

  The Twisting Nether cannot be destroyed, and demons will be continuously generated and resurrected.

  Only killing the demon leader is the most effective way to deal with it.

  For example, after killing Archimonde, the demon couldn't find a direction to attack.

  The demonic armies that are attacking other planets are far less aggressive than before.

  The Burning Crusade has become a joke!
  If only Kil'jaeden could be killed as well.

  The Burning Crusade will likely come to a halt.

  Because Sargeras is the leader of the Burning Legion.

  The command of the Burning Legion is in the hands of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

  This hands-off shopkeeper is currently busy crossing the sea of ​​stars.

  Prepare to personally destroy Azeroth.

  Where does he have time to direct the demons under him to work?
  Horad's goal is to kill Kil'jaeden and bring complete chaos to the Burning Legion.

  This may force Sargeras to come back and take charge.

  Of course, it would be best to kill Sargeras as well.

  He invented the Burning Crusade.

  Only by getting rid of this culprit can the universe usher in true peace!
  (End of chapter)

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