Chapter 394: The Attack of the Black Bull Lord

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  Chapter 394: The Attack of Lord Black Bull

  There are many mantids guarding the position across the sea.

  Just a rough count, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people.

  But their strength is really not that good!
  Otherwise, I would not stay here and find other ways to cross the sea.

  The enemies these weaklings have to deal with are very powerful.

  Whether it's against powerful natural spells or advanced long-range weapons with powerful firepower.

  The defeat of the weak mantid is an inevitable outcome!

  When Herad controlled the power of the earth to open up the underground mine, he paid attention to the battle here the whole time.

  Seeing hundreds of thousands of mantids helpless, they were wiped out like melons and vegetables.

  There was no wave in his heart.

  These guys are just slightly humanoid insects, and their blood is also translucent insect blood.

  Therefore, even if they died all over the place, the battlefield would not look bloody.

  When people eat a crayfish buffet, do they feel uncomfortable with the mountains of shrimp shells on the table?

  It must be impossible to think about it!
  As for these killing insects, naturally the more they die, the better.

  Looking at the mantid corpses on the battlefield, Horad suspected that the pandaren would make a feast out of them.

  It's a pity that the living standard of the panda people is too high.

  The conditions for unconventional cuisine such as insect dishes have not been studied.

  They were completely oblivious to the fact that mantid was a high-protein food.

  A large number of mantid corpses were piled into a hill by the pandaren, then poured with alchemical oil and set on fire.

  Alchemical fire oil burns extremely well.

  Once the fire is fully established, there is no need to worry about them.

  The raging fire will consume everything, leaving only a large amount of ashes piled here.

  In the coming year, the vegetation here will be extremely lush.

  On the coast where the flames were blazing, everyone was speechless looking at the empty sea in front of them.

  Previously, there was a pontoon bridge at the ferry crossing, which could lead to the island where Niuzao Temple is located.

  When the pandaren army on the island was fighting the mantid, they chose to blow up the floating bridge to delay their offensive.

  Looking at the sea with only a few bridge piers left, the reinforcements had no solution to the traffic problem.

  If the river is a few hundred meters wide, just use the power of nature to grow a big tree horizontally.

  In this strait of more than 20 kilometers, even if the world tree fell down, it would not be able to reach the other side.

  Everything that could be crossed had been used up by the mantid.

  Not to mention finding a ship, not even a single piece of wood would be there.

  Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, the ground shook slightly.

  Within a few seconds, a huge levee rose from the sea floor, cutting off the strait.

  This was when Herald discovered the plight of everyone and solved this little trouble.

  The depth of the strait does not exceed fifty meters.

  Let alone raising a dam, even if the strait disappears, there won't be much pressure.

  It's a pity that Herard doesn't like to have a cup for fun.

  Why should we turn to land reclamation to solve a problem that can be solved with dams?
  The width of the sea embankment is over one hundred meters.

  Pandaren armies can quickly cross this dam by running.

  The mantid who was attacking Niuzao Temple immediately discovered that there was a mysterious force raising the dam.

  Looking at this posture, it seems that reinforcements are coming.

  They decisively sent troops to intercept, trying to block the enemy's reinforcements.

  The mantids that can cross the strait to come here are either powerful or good at flying.

  However, when facing the rapidly advancing enemy forces, they could not even exert an obvious blocking effect.

  Looking at the one-sided battle situation, Herard shook his head speechlessly.

  Without the protection of the Old Gods, the Mantids are just a bunch of bugs with brains!
  If it weren't for their very strong reproductive capabilities. I'm afraid they have been exterminated by the mogu or pandaren long ago!
  Under attack from both sides by the reinforcements and the Pandaren defenders of Niuzao Temple, the mantid army that was originally preparing for a big fight was, as expected, completely destroyed.

  The Mantid lost the advantage of aerial bombs, and its ground offensive was delayed by natural spells.

  They have no chance of defeating the enemy.

  After joining the defenders of Niuzao Temple, the confidence of this Pandaren army, which was originally only for rescue and fighting against the autumn wind, began to rapidly increase.

  After discussing with the generals, Zhu Taran formulated a new battle plan.

  Uproot all mantid military strongholds in the area and hand over all the kypar trees to druids and botanists.

  Venerable Black Bull Niuzao did not agree with such a radical military action.

  Venerable Black Bull has a high affinity with the earth and is the demigod of the wilderness responsible for guarding the west.

  He has a very stable character and likes to play it safe and steady.

  But right now, I do have the advantage, so I should be brave enough to pursue the enemy.

  It’s definitely right to expand your results quickly now!

  Fortunately, Venerable Black Bull is not a stubborn bull.

  After listening to everyone's reasons and seeking advice from Herad, he decided to personally lead the team to eliminate the mantids.

  A huge yak, more than 20 meters tall and nearly 30 meters long, is opening the way. What enemy can stop it?

  At least the Mantid has absolutely no ability to block it!
  They were able to hit Niuzao Temple and make Venerable Xuan Niu's face swollen. They were just bullying Venerable Xuan Niu because he couldn't fly.

  In order not to be demolished by the mantid, Venerable Black Bull could only stay at Niuzao Temple obediently.

  Now that he has no worries, he can finally take the initiative happily!

  When the super tank-level Black Bull Master appeared on the front line.

  The mantids who saw him fell into a state of confusion.

  How to fight such an enemy?
  No matter how many soldiers rushed forward, they would all end up being crushed by one foot.

  When the giant yak charges, nothing in its path remains intact.

  The only difference is whether it becomes fragments or part of it is broken.

  Ninorok, the leader of the mantid flying insects, looked at the huge yak on the ground that was destroying the camp wantonly.

  In addition to being shocked, it was still shocked.

  "How is that possible? Why did Niuzao dare to take the initiative?"

  Ninoloc is a powerful flying insect who has experienced hundreds of battles.

  Not even a thousand but eight hundred pandaren died under its claws.

  Provoking and intimidating Venerable Black Bull became commonplace.

  But this time, no matter how it threatened, it could not make the huge yak retreat.

  After taking one look at the arrogant Black Bull Lord, Ninolock decided to make him pay a heavy price.

  "Big stupid cow, your family will be in trouble soon!"

  After saying that, it led the flying insect troops and rushed to Niuzao Temple.

  When leaving, it turned to look at Venerable Black Bull on the ground, hoping to see his panicked expression.

  However, Venerable Black Bull was unexpectedly stubborn this time.

  Faced with the threat of house demolition, he did not panic, but continued to destroy everywhere without hesitation.

  Although he didn't understand what was going on with this guy, Ninolock couldn't care less at the moment.

  Since this guy doesn't care about his home being torn down.

  Then go over and destroy it severely.

  When the time comes, drop all the alchemy bombs and blow up all the buildings in Niuzao Temple.

  This big yak will regret it!
  When he saw the Pandaren army on the road, Ninorok did not choose to attack.

  It wants to use all the alchemy bombs on Niuzao Temple.

  When it comes to destroying the Niuzao Temple, it will definitely not leave a wall behind!
  Seeing the mantid's flying insect army heading towards Niuzao Temple, all the pandaren on the ground showed expressions of pity.

  How could Venerable Xuan Niu leave Niuzao Temple without full confidence?
  You are asking for death!

  (End of chapter)

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