Chapter 386: Surrounding and Wrathful Evil

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  Chapter 386:

  Surrounding the area where Xalatas, the Sha of Wrath, and the Sha Demon were fighting fiercely.

  A huge white tiger crept closer.

  This is the White Tiger Venerable who has traveled a long distance over the mountains and ridges and came here to check the situation.

  Seeing that the Sha of Wrath was being attacked by the mysterious strong man, Venerable White Tiger suddenly became energetic.

  The huge energy reaction and the inextricable battle all prove that the mysterious strong man is very powerful.

  Venerable White Tiger waited and watched, feeling that the failure of Wrath of Evil was already doomed.

  Obviously this is a good opportunity to beat up the drowned dog!
  The evil spirit of anger and the mysterious strong man fought on the cliff.

  Not far behind it is a bottomless cliff.

  Venerable White Tiger, who likes to make sneak attacks, quietly took a detour to the bottom of the cliff and quickly climbed up.

  Tigers are always described as having no ability to climb.

  However, if you hang an old hen from a tree that is strong enough, a tiger can easily climb up and eat the chicken.

  The demi-god-level tiger's climbing ability is naturally even more exaggerated!
  The sharp claws dug into the mountain wall, and the limbs rushed up super fast.

  In just a few dozen seconds, He climbed up the cliff of more than 2,000 meters and pounced from behind the Sha of Wrath.

  As soon as Wrath of Evil noticed the movement behind him, he was struck by a pair of tiger claws flashing with electricity, and began to tear at him crazily.

  Tiger's attack routine is very simple.

  They all approach quietly and pounce, and then choke directly at the right angle.

  If the angle is not right, they will slap the enemy hard with their tiger paws.

  However, the Sha of Wrath is an energy body, so slapping turns into crazy tearing.

  Seeing a white tiger as big as an elephant charging out, Xal'atath thought it was a new enemy.

  He finally felt relieved when he discovered that the other party's target was not him, and that he was using his tiger claws to tear apart the evil demon crazily.

  It would be great to have someone to help fight this very durable guy!
  The Sha, born from the corrupted earth of the wreckage of Y'Shaarj, ranks highest on Xal'atath's blacklist.

  Then there are the other Old Gods and their trained minions.

  Xal'atath doesn't want to take action against other creatures until the guys on the blacklist are dead.

  The huge white tiger that suddenly appeared to attack the demon was good at attaching lightning to its claws to attack.

  In terms of lethality, it is naturally quite good!
  Therefore, Xal'atath doesn't mind a bit of coordination.

  If he finds that the giant white tiger's defense is not good enough, he will help it withstand some damage.

  This is not Xal'atath changing his gender and becoming a good remnant soul of the ancient god who is willing to help others.

  But to make better use of this working tiger.

  Venerable White Tiger, who transformed into a working tiger, felt that this mysterious and powerful man was a good person.

  Little did he know that for Xal'atath, everything was just use!

  With someone to share the damage, Venerable White Tiger's combat effectiveness was maximized.

  He once challenged the powerful God of Thunder.

  Although eventually defeated by Thor.

  The battle between the two lasted for more than thirty days and nights.

  You must know that when Thor was still alive, no demon dared to show up in Pandaria!
  That guy stole the power of Titan's direct disciple, Grand Guardian Rai.

  He is the well-deserved strongest man in Azeroth!
  If Thor hadn't been arrogant and ran to Uldum to rob the Forge of Origin, he was killed by the Tol'vir detonating the Forge of Origin.

  Azeroth may be a new situation.

  Although Lord White Tiger lost the battle with Thunder God, his strength is still worthy of praise.

  Of course, it could also be that the God of Thunder couldn't bear to hurt the White Tiger Venerable and wanted to capture him alive and surrender.

  But no matter what, his attack power is indeed very sharp!
  With the help of this powerful thug, the energy consumption rate of the Sha of Wrath is greatly increased.

  After Hellad finished renovating the underground mines, he also controlled the power of the earth to restrain the Sha of Wrath.

  Earthy-yellow energy chains shot out from the ground, piercing through the body of the Evil of Wrath and binding it, preventing it from making major movements.

  The Sha of Wrath became a living target, allowing Xalatas and the White Tiger Master to attack more smoothly!
  Seeing the night elf mage in the distance who came to help approaching with a giant hammer whose head was larger than his own body, the White Tiger's eyes almost fell out of his eyes.

  He is a wilderness demigod who has seen the vast world.

  Know the artifacts called the Pillars of Creation left behind by the Titans.

  The powerful Black Dragon King, Neltharion, known as the Guardian of the Earth, is the master of this artifact. How did that night elf mage get this artifact?
  During the War of the Ancients, Neltharion completely degenerated into Deathwing.

  Then not long after, the Well of Eternity exploded.

  Under the impact of the earth-shattering disaster, the Pandaren Emperor Shaohao transformed into a mist that shrouded the continent to protect it from being destroyed by the aftermath of the explosion.

  Although a few years ago, the panda explorer Liu Lang rode the giant turtle Shen Zhenzi out to inquire for news.

  But Liu Lang didn't get much information.

  As long as there is no destruction outside, many races survive strongly.

  Liu Lang couldn't find out about the things on the upper levels of the pyramid.

  When Liu Lang dies of old age and Shenzhenzi is left alone, he will never return to Pandaria.

  Therefore, Venerable White Tiger does not understand many things.

  In His mind, Neltharion is still Neltharion.

  Night elves are still night elves.

  As for why this night elf has turned white and shorter, it is probably due to malnutrition.

  Taking it for granted, Venerable White Tiger had no interest in caring about why this powerful artifact was in the hands of the night elf mage.

  Killing the difficult Wrath of Evil was what he wanted to do most.

  When Herald came to the edge of the battlefield and saw clearly the honor of the Sha of Wrath, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

  The guy looked like a black sea cucumber with several legs.

  The cone-shaped spines on its body are white and have higher energy intensity.

  The ferocious body in black and white makes the surrounding environment seem a bit gloomy.

  Of course, such a disgusting guy must be killed as soon as possible.

  Thinking of this, Herad placed the Hammer of Khazgoroth on the ground to increase the output of the power of the earth.

  As more power of the earth was injected into it, the khaki energy chains binding the Evil of Wrath glowed brightly.

  Feeling the chains on his body getting tighter and tighter, Wrath Sha became anxious even though his IQ was very low.

  If he was chained like this again, he would probably be strangled into several pieces.

  In order not to be torn into pieces, the Evil of Wrath mobilized a large amount of energy to compete with it.

  This causes its attacks on other enemies to become more and more unrestrained.

  After all, other enemies are just slowly bleeding out.

  This enemy is directly fatal!
  "Are you so capable of resistance?"

  Herard muttered, and then continued to increase his suppression.

  The power of Khazgoroth's Hammer is comparable to that of the elemental lords of fire and earth.

  Its full output can create super earthquakes.

  Or a giant volcano rises and destroys large areas around it.

  Suppressed by such a powerful artifact, the Sha of Wrath will never be able to break free!
  In fact, the reason why the Sha of Wrath has been so arrogant for so long is because the quality of Pandaria's strong men has declined.

  If it were thrown onto the continent of Kalimdor, it would be surrounded and beaten to death by a group of wilderness demigods in minutes.

  So the Sha of Wrath is just in a good place.

  Only in this way can we survive comfortably for many years.

  After all, there are only four wilderness demigods in Pandaria.

  And they are also guarding all four sides of the mainland.

  The title of Venerable White Tiger is the Northern God.

  Responsible for the security affairs in this area of ​​Kun-Lai Mountain.

  If he was willing to give up his face, he would invite the other three wilderness demigods to come over and fight.

  Nothing happened to Wrath Sha for a long time!

  However, the arrogant Lord White Tiger could not ask for help.

  Fortunately, Herard always wanted to kill him when he saw these disasters.

  Otherwise, God knows how far the evil spirit of anger will develop!
  (End of chapter)

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