Chapter 376 The miserable Fire Demon King

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  Chapter 376: The Sad Lord of Fire, the

  Dark Iron Dwarves, suspected that Ragnaros, King of Fire, was asleep.

  However, this powerful fire element lord was far more active than usual at this time.

  However, although it is very active, it cannot break free from its restraints.

  Several khaki energy chains penetrated its body, binding it tightly from top to bottom.

  Fire elemental creatures are mostly disembodied energy bodies.

  Only a few special fire element creatures can combine with magma or high-temperature-resistant metal to form a weird semi-entity state.

  The flaws of the semi-entity are not big, but they are not small either.

  Ragnaros, as the strongest fire elemental creature, would definitely not do such a stupid thing.

  Having a pure energy body is the most perfect choice!

  This means not being easily restrained by enemies.

  But its pure energy body is meaningless in front of the earth-yellow energy chains.

  This earthy color represents earth energy.

  Earth energy can restrain Ragnaros's fire energy.

  Of course, the restraining effect of earth energy on fire energy is definitely not as good as water energy.

  But it is definitely much stronger than wind energy!

  And when the energy intensity is high enough, the factor of attribute restraint can be ignored.

  This is the case with Ragnaros at this time.

  Even if it tries its best, it can't break free from the energy chains on its body.

  This elemental lord who successfully escaped from prison has deteriorated a lot in strength from before.

  It is naturally impossible to break free from the shackles of Khazgoroth's Hammer!

  In fact, even if it were in its prime state, it would not be able to compete with the Hammer of Khazgoroth.

  The source of power of Khaz'goroth's Hammer is the elemental realm of earth and fire.

  It's as if the king wanted to challenge alone the violent institutions of the state that had rebelled.

  No matter how powerful the king is, it is impossible to win.

  Unless the king is an extremely strong man and then establishes a country in the village.

  It is not difficult to successfully suppress the rebellion by beating up the entire village.

  But how could there be so many bloody things in the world?
  It is true that Ragnaros is an extremely powerful man.

  The earth elemental realm is not a village-level body.

  That is a Wuzhi Mountain that suppresses Monkey King!

  The Hammer of Khazgoroth cannot call upon the power of the entire Earth Elemental Realm.

  But even in Ragnaros' heyday, it was difficult to break free from the shackles of the earth-yellow energy chains.

  When the boss encounters this kind of treatment, the younger brothers will naturally not let it go.

  However, no matter how they tossed it, the khaki energy chains remained unmoved.

  The trapped boss roared angrily, cursing them all as trash.

  Just as they were struggling, more earth-yellow energy chains bound them.

  At the same time, the fire element energy in their bodies was extracted and injected into the magma to increase activity.

  These guys have been in the main plane for hundreds of years.

  Now it's time to get them back.

  As the fire element energy in the body is drained.

  The younger brothers disappeared one after another and returned to the fire elemental world to wait for rebirth.

  Ragnaros is still struggling to hold on.

  As the backbone of fire elemental creatures, it cannot dissipate so easily.

  But its persistence was in vain.

  Its ultimate fate is to return to its own territory and wallow in mischief.

  As the fire element energy continues to be injected into the magma.

  The extremely active magma surges toward the crater.

  The Dark Iron dwarves carved the entire crater into a tower of black stone.

  Now this unique wonder is facing a severe test.

  Although the intensity of the magma surge is suppressed, it will flow smoothly from the channel leading to the Searing Canyon.

  But under the continuous ravages of high temperatures, it's unclear whether the superstructure of Blackstone Tower can be saved.

  This will test the construction skills of the Dark Iron dwarves!

  The first magma that came out was obsidian magma with relatively high purity that had been screened by Herad.

  They flow out of the channel and flow into the huge pool along the guide groove, turning them into pieces of obsidian and sinking to the bottom of the pool. Due to volcanic activity near Black Rock Mountain, it rarely rains.

  When Herad needs rain, it must rain!

  After all, no matter how great the influence of natural power is, it cannot compete with the power of magic.

  Thick dark clouds gathered above the pool on the mountain.

  The rainwater fell into the pool without leaking, and not a drop was wasted outside.

  The water is evaporated by the hot magma, flows into the dark clouds, and then falls as rain.

  This is an infinite loop cooling system.

  The black dragon prince Nefarian, who escaped from the Blackstone Tower, looked at the strange celestial phenomena in the distance, and then led the team to leave quickly.

  Being able to steadily guide volcanic eruptions, and being able to control the wind and rain, these are not things that ordinary spellcasters can do!

  Although the black dragon has magic resistance that is so powerful that it is close to immunity.

  Nefarian didn't want to try to see if he could block the attack.

  Moreover, the other party waited for everyone to complete the evacuation before releasing the magma that had been suppressed for a long time.

  Obviously not trying to hurt anyone.

  Since the powerful spellcaster is reasonable, he is naturally prepared to be reasonable.

  He decided to wait until the volcanic eruption was over before moving back.

  Herard glanced at the movements of the black dragons in the sky.

  It was discovered that the black dragons were flying to the distant mountains in search of a foothold.

  These black dragons without Deathwing's instigation are not as trouble-making as in the game.

  But judging from the posture of the black dragons, they probably want to wait for the volcanic eruption to subside before occupying the upper level of the Black Stone Tower again.

  Black dragons just like to live in hot places.

  The active volcano Blackstone Mountain is obviously very popular with them.

  It seems it will be difficult to regain the home of the Dark Iron Dwarves!

  When Herod lamented the black dragon's ruthlessness, he did not consider that he had just destroyed the home of the Dark Iron dwarves.

  Originally, since all the Blackstone orcs were killed, the Dark Iron dwarves could still occupy the lower half of the Blackstone Tower.

  They don't all live in the Blackstone Abyss further down like in the game.

  Now they have nothing.

  But Harold would not feel sorry.

  The Dark Iron dwarves are the servants of Ragnaros, the Firelord.

  After using that thing later, send it back to where the fire element creature should go.

  Then the Dark Iron dwarves can be free.

  According to Herard, living in a volcano that is so hot that it explodes is not a pleasant experience.

  Wouldn't it be better to find a place with spring flowers and start over?

  Harad gave the Dark Iron Dwarves good consideration.

  However, he ignored the special characteristics of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

  All dwarves like to be near lava.

  Because their resistance is high enough, they are not afraid of high temperatures of 60 or 70 degrees.

  Compared with the convenience of forging brought by magma, what is the mere high temperature?

  Dark Iron dwarves are more resistant to fire than ordinary dwarves.

  What seemed like a very harsh environment to Harad, seemed normal to them.

  However, in order to prevent them from continuing to seek death, Herad also blocked the passage from Blackstone Mountain to the Burning Plains.

  When the volcanic eruption subsides and the Dark Iron Dwarf comes back to check on the situation, he will definitely be pissed off to death by this attentive service.

  But Harad is on the other side of Blackstone Mountain, and they won't know who did the good deeds.

  At this time, on the mountain on the other side of the Searing Canyon, a steady stream of hot magma flowed into the pool and quickly condensed into obsidian.

  Beside the boiling pool, the rock giant covered in water fished the obsidian ashore and gave it to his companions to pile up in the teleportation circle.

  When the amount of obsidian accumulates to a certain level, Herad will activate the teleportation circle and teleport it to the broken planet Marton for storage.

  This is an already complete production line.

  In terms of magic mining technology, Herad is definitely the best!
  Of course, he is also very good at technology mining.

  While the dwarf was still wielding a hoe and building a mining railway at most, he was already exporting professional mining machinery.

  Seeing those professional mining machines, even the dwarves in Ironforge were confused.

  It turns out there are so many ways to mine!

  (End of chapter)

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