Chapter 368 Visiting the Sandfury Troll

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  Chapter 368 Visiting the Sandfury Troll

  Herad In the north of the Tanaris Desert, I saw an ancient city exposed to the sun.

  That's Zul'Farrak, home of the Sandfury Trolls.

  Sandfury trolls don't have much of a reputation.

  But they are just as powerful as other trolls and are adept at dark magic.

  The most adept at psychics among all the trolls are these Sandfury trolls who have lived in the desert for countless years, doing nothing.

  Although the Sand Fury Trolls are good at necromancy, they, like other trolls, do not like to use undead to fight their enemies.

  The only difference between the two is that the Sandfury Troll uses undead to defend itself against invaders.

  On both sides of the main road leading to Zul'Farrak, the Sandfury Trolls placed soul-bound corpses to guard them.

  Soul-bound corpses usually lurk in tombs without tombstones.

  The tombs are only covered with a thin layer of sand, which does not prevent them from detecting passing pedestrians.

  When a stranger passes by their tomb, the soulbinder reaches out to grab the enemy.

  These soul-bound corpses cannot bite, let alone eat.

  Their characteristic is that they are very strong and can hold strangers back and prevent them from escaping.

  The Sandfury trolls patrolling nearby will soon arrive to deal with the situation.

  If they are determined to be outsiders with malicious intentions, the patrol team will send them to the temple and lock them up.

  Then they will choose an auspicious day and chop off the enemy's head on the top of the temple.

  The enemy's head will roll all the way down from the top of the temple.

  The way these guys do things is similar to the Mayans on Earth.

  Savage, bloody and ignorant, but not evil.

  It is worth mentioning that the Sand Fury Trolls have become less fond of cannibalism after being taught by the Zandalari Trolls.

  Not liking to eat people is an important indicator of trolls.

  Therefore, although Herad was interested in their obsidian, he did not choose to rob them directly.

  Sand Fury Trolls are relatively open and can carry out normal transactions.

  Just don't bother with their sacred pools.

  Zul'Farrak was built in a huge mountain valley.

  A city wall was built at the entrance of the col as the first line of defense for the city.

  Since the Sand Fury Trolls don't have much contact with the outside world, only one gate is opened in the city wall.

  It was a sandstone arch carved with gaudy patterns.

  Sandfury trolls have great confidence in their own security system.

  Therefore, the sandstone arch was not equipped with a city gate.

  When Horad appeared outside the sandstone arch with the rock giants, the Sandfury Troll guards standing guard felt like they were facing an enemy.

  They nervously raised their weapons and put on a defensive posture.

  After all, this kind of mage with a huge summon is too dangerous!

  But they don't want to offend such a strong man rashly.

  If the opponent is annoyed and sends the rock giant to attack the city, it will cause a lot of trouble!

  The behemoth, which is more than ten meters high, is a little higher than the city wall behind it.

  What can we do to stop such a big guy from attacking the city?

  "Mage, what are you doing here? Don't make any crooked ideas. Our Sandfury clan is not easy to mess with!"

  Hearing the sullen warning from the Sandfury guard, Herad waved his hand kindly.

  "Relax, I'm here to negotiate a deal with your clan leader."

  When he said this, he kept a friendly expression on his face.

  But the Sandfury guards did not dare to take it lightly.

  A behemoth more than ten meters tall stood behind the white-skinned night elf.

  If it really offends the opponent, the rock giant can smash the sandstone arch with one kick.

  Several Sand Fury guards looked at each other, and the youngest among them quickly ran towards the city.

  Judging from its panicked look, it seemed as if an evil spirit was chasing it.

  An older Sandfury guard took two steps forward, pointed at his running companion and explained the situation to Herad.

  "Lok'ang has already gone to report. It will take a lot of time to travel. Please wait patiently for a while." Sandfury Trolls are affected by the geographical environment, and it is destined that it is difficult for them to obtain suitable mounts.

  Herard looked at the flying Sand Fury guards and was speechless at their backwardness.

  Communication relies entirely on shouting, and traveling relies on two legs. What the hell is this?
  But this is the reality of the Sandfury Trolls.

  Is it possible to solve communication problems by sounding the alarm?

  If the Sand Fury Trolls in the city think they are being invaded, it will turn into a city defense battle in minutes!

  Complaining about the Sandfury Troll's backwardness, Herard took out the table, chairs and tea set in the shadow of the rock giant, and then leisurely made tea.

  The sand that occasionally rolled up in the desert dissipated inexplicably several meters away from him.

  Seeing this scene, the Sand Fury guards felt more and more that this white-skinned night elf mage was not easy to mess with.

  However, I saw Herard pouring the water away after washing the tea set.

  There was still a look of displeasure on their faces.

  It’s such a waste to make tea on such a hot day.

  It’s so abominable!
  When the Sandfury guards complained about Herad's extravagance, they saw him taking out a few bottles of water and placing them on the table, and then waved to come and get them.

  The elder Sha Nu guard bravely walked over and carefully looked at the bottles of water on the table.

  The water in the bottle is very clear, and it looks like it was filled from the best spring.

  In a desert with little rain and drought, water is very expensive!

  The higher the quality of water, the higher the price will be.

  That crystal clear bottle is also of great value.

  Looking at the bottles of water in front of him, the elder Shanu guard did not dare to reach out rashly.

  "Dear mage, is this for us?"

  Herad waved his hand indifferently.

  "That's right, a small welcome gift."

  After receiving the exact answer, the elder Shanu guard excitedly picked up the water on the table.

  At the same time, it did not forget to thank Herald for his generosity.

  "Thank you so much!"

  After nodding and bowing his thanks, the elder Shanu guard distributed the water happily.

  The water is magic mineral water created using the water-making technique.

  The bottles are glass bottles produced in the island arsenal, producing thousands of them an hour.

  You can buy several for one copper coin.

  But in the outside world where mass production of high-quality glass is not yet possible, this is undoubtedly a handicraft worth collecting!

  After confirming that the water was okay, the elder Sandfury guard saluted Herad, then turned and ran towards the city.

  Judging from its speed, which is much faster than that of an ordinary troll, it is obviously an agile profession such as a hunter or thief.

  The older Sand Fury guards who arrived first quickly caught up with the younger Sand Fury guards who came before them.

  The two briefly exchanged a few words, and the young Sand Fury guard walked back with a bottle of water.

  In reality, Zul'Farrak is very large, and there are many trees in the city blocking sunlight and sight.

  The elder Shanu guard soon disappeared.

  Of course, its fast movement also plays a big factor.

  Because the city's ground has a slight upward slope.

  Occasionally, its figure can be seen passing between the gaps between buildings and trees.

  When Herald drank his third cup of tea, there were rapid footsteps in the city.

  A tall sandfury troll ran toward the city gate with several basilisks.

  Basilisk is an earth-type monster with very good combat power.

  Their gaze can briefly turn enemies to stone.

  Then you can surround the enemy and tear them apart easily.

  Those Sand Fury guards who had benefited were diligent in revealing their identities to Harad.

  It is Antusul, the warlord of the Sandfur clan.

  (End of chapter)

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