Chapter 330 The Fall of Andorhal

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  Chapter 330: The Fall of Andorhal
  The knights were sprayed with disgusting excrement, and soon began to feel severe discomfort.

  Fortunately, the abomination's excrement is not very toxic.

  At this stage, psychics and pharmacists will not go crazy enough to strengthen it.

  The abomination in the game was studied by crazy psychics and apothecaries.

  That kind of guy covered in poison is completely a mobile plague messenger!
  Although the abominations in reality are not that perverted, their combat effectiveness is far superior to that in the game.

  The knight who used the Explosive Spear and was backlashed felt extremely sick at the moment, and his body also experienced adverse reactions such as fatigue.

  The hatred of being stabbed through the guts by a lance was not enough for them, so they turned around and swung an axe.

  The knight's thorium armor is of high quality and is a high-end product that has been purchased frugally for generations.

  The giant logging ax that struck with great force did not break through their ancestral Thorium armor.

  However, being unable to cut through Thorium armor does not mean that it is impossible to cut through knights.

  They were hit by the giant logging ax and flew more than ten meters away, feeling that all the bones in their bodies were about to be shattered.

  Fortunately, Thorium armor has the dual enchantment effect of increasing hardness and absorbing impact.

  Otherwise, this ax can make them seriously injured or even die directly like heavy infantry.

  The knights struggled to stand up and hurriedly called for their horses to come and pick them up.

  The other knights were harassing Abomination nearby.

  If you pierce the enemy with your lance, you will get something disgusting splashed in your face.

  These knights who were covering up did not dare to attack with lances.

  They slashed at the abomination with their heavy swords.

  Every time, he rushed over and struck with a sword.

  This kind of attack is very obscene.

  But it’s really safe and effective, and you won’t get disgusting things splashed on your face.

  And when dealing with undead creatures, slashing is more effective than piercing attacks.

  However, the attacks of these knights angered the Abomination.

  The enemy relies on their fast movement speed to harass them in this obscene way, so they must be given a unique move.

  The chain with the meat hook was thrown towards the knight by the hatred, hooked on the knight himself or the war horse, and then quickly pulled back.

  Humans have cultivated high-quality war horses for thousands of years and possess very powerful physical strength.

  They can easily carry knights weighing hundreds of kilograms and run.

  However, compared with their hatred, their little strength was like a tug-of-war between little Teddy and a grown man, and he was pulled over without any suspense.

  Abomination doesn't care whether it's the knight himself or the horse.

  The giant logging ax weighing hundreds of kilograms chopped the enemy into a pulp with one strike.

  Without the horse, most of the knights were useless.

  As for the war horse without the knight, it is naturally completely useless!
  Although it can be improvised.

  The effect it exerted was minimal.

  More than twenty abominations attacked and took away a dozen knights.

  This caused considerable losses to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  Since there is no source of high-quality war horses, although the Kingdom of Lordaeron has a huge population, there are not many knights.

  War horses are on earth and can be raised as long as there is pasture.

  As for high-quality war horses, they can be slowly cultivated after obtaining horse breeds.

  Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty spent decades cultivating high-quality war horses in order to expel the Xiongnu.

  Finally, a large-scale cavalry force was formed to level the grasslands.

  The high-quality war horses in the wizarding world are not so easy to handle.

  Those kingdoms with resources on hand will find ways to control the outflow of high-quality war horses.

  The small kingdom of Alterac possesses high-quality war horse resources.

  Therefore he had a knightly order of two thousand men.

  The Knights of the Kingdom of Lordaeron are also of similar size.

  The commander of Andorhal was already heartbroken after losing only a dozen knights.

  He ordered the knights who lost their horses to run away with the surviving horses.

  Other knights went to get weapons that could effectively deal with the abomination.

  The knights who ran back to get their equipment quickly came back to kill them again. The weapons in their hands are a bit like a toilet pusher connected to a long pole.

  Those were unused piercing thunderbolts during the Orc War.

  This thing will explode when it pokes into the armor, producing a terrifying stream of high-temperature metal, burning a big hole in the enemy's body.

  Since Abomination had no armor, the commander had a piece of iron tied to the front end.

  This way, when you poke the abominations, you can successfully trigger the explosion to destroy them.

  This modification of the thrust mine was not a temporary thought of the commander.

  The first time he saw the abomination, the commander was thinking about how to deal with these undead monsters.

  Although psychics have repeatedly emphasized that they can control undead creatures.

  But it’s always good to plan ahead.

  Otherwise, if these terrifying giant monsters go crazy and we can't come up with an effective solution, wouldn't we have to wait for death?
  When the knights quickly approached the Abomination with piercing thunderbolts, those big guys with the lowest IQ were still eating their prey.

  The hatred of life and death once again gave the knights their backs.

  It's an absolute pleasure to charge into the enemy's back!
  The modified piercing thunder struck the abomination's back and burst into brilliant fire.

  The metal jet containing ultra-high temperature burned them all the way from their backs to their chests, and penetrated them from front to back.

  This damage is the penetrating effect of cautery.

  The nature of damage is somewhat similar to fire magic like Fire Spear.

  The physical penetration damage caused by the lance is completely incomparable!
  Hatred was almost pierced by a lance earlier.

  However, they would be fine if they pulled out their lances and ate some meat to replenish their strength.

  This burst of thunder burned them to death.

  He hates this kind of undead creature with a certain degree of physical activity, and what he fears most is the burning attack method.

  Because high temperature will destroy a lot of flesh and blood tissue near the wound.

  The body became very weak due to the heavy injuries.

  The knights took the opportunity to slash them with their heavy swords.

  Realizing that something was not going well with the big guy, the surrounding ghouls rushed over to support him.

  With these nimble ghouls joining the fight, it will be impossible for the knights to concentrate on dealing with the abominations!

  Just when the battle was stalemate, another group of undead creatures ran over from the city gate.

  When the commander on the human side saw this situation, he didn't panic at all.

  There was even a relaxed look on his face.

  The undead creatures mobilized by the psychic finally arrived on the battlefield!

  Just when the commander felt that the overall situation was settled, the undead creatures rushing into the city did not attack the enemy, but launched an attack on humans.

  The commander, who was confused by this unexpected situation, shouted excitedly to his subordinates.

  "What are you doing? Adjutant, go find those psychics and ask about the situation!"

  The adjutant heard his boss's shout and quickly arranged for his men to go find out the news.

  It didn't take long for him to get some very bad information.

  The psychics who were being chased by ghouls just now had no idea where they had gone.

  The city was in chaos and one could imagine the consequences of running around.

  The adjutant with a heavy heart made the worst judgment.

  "General, those psychics may have been killed."

  The commander was not surprised at all when he heard the bad news.

  Looking at the chaotic situation in the city, he waved his hand feebly.

  "Go and arrange for the residents to evacuate!"

  The adjutant glanced at the decadent commander, and after some tangles in his mind, he accepted his fate and issued the evacuation order.

  Although the adjutant's strategic vision is not very good.

  He could still tell that the situation of the battle was indeed not good.

  The undead creatures have a new force joining them, and we may not be able to suppress their momentum.

  If no retreat is organized, all the residents of the city will die here.

  (End of chapter)

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