Chapter 323 A confrontation of mutual deterrence

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  Chapter 323: A mutually deterrent confrontation.

  Wearing the Helm of Command, Herad easily scanned the entire Eastern Kingdom continent.

  It was finally determined that only the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Lordaeron had the most exaggerated number of undead creatures!
  The two troll branch races, forest trolls and jungle trolls, are not as big as the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  They just guard the tomb with undead creatures.

  The Kingdom of Lordaeron uses hatred to pull plows in the fields and ghouls to cut grass and cut trees.

  The efficiency of undead creatures taking over the work of cows and horses is amazing!

  A day's work only requires one piece of meat.

  Such good things must of course be vigorously developed.

  Facing accountability from other countries, King Terenas confidently stated that this was a reasonable use of magical power.

  After all, necromancy is also a type of magical power.

  Although this is a dark method that cannot be put on the table.

  But in the past, psychics would also make the dead speak to comfort their loved ones or identify criminals on the spot.

  Now it's just about making the dead do more and making them more powerful.

  With this seemingly logical reason, other kingdoms naturally have no reason to stop the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  After completing the detection of the entire Azeroth, Herad took off the Helm of Command.

  At this time, the cold bloodline he blessed was about to end.

  After some careful detection, he found that the overall situation of Azeroth was good.

  It's relatively normal on the other two continents.

  Undead creatures usually exist in special forms.

  Regular undead creatures are more likely to appear on the troll's territory.

  Trolls with ancient traditions have always been like this, so this is no surprise.

  They often make their clansmen into soul-bound corpses or mummies.

  Moreover, they only guard their own one-third of an acre of land and will not go outside to cause trouble.

  Even if they launch an attack, the troll will not use undead creatures.

  Consider that trolls make and use undead creatures at home.

  Other races did not use this as an excuse to launch crusade.

  Could it be that because the trolls created undead creatures to guard the tombs, they sent troops to attack them?
  The Kingdom of Lordaeron is in a similar situation.

  It's just that the Kingdom of Lordaeron can't be as wealthy as the trolls and leave such useful combat units as the undead creatures unused.

  Use undead creatures in war to unify the seven human kingdoms and even the continent.

  This is the true intention of King Terenas.

  In order to realize this grand wish, rash war is not an option.

  The army of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is currently confronting the army led by Fording in the Western Frontier.

  King Terenas trusted the Eternal God Church and excluded the Holy Light Church in every possible way, which angered the first-generation Paladin Fordring who had long been rebellious.

  As one of the earliest contributors to the kingdom's expansion, the Fording family has a high reputation in the Western Territory.

  As the current Lord Fording ascended to the throne and shouted, nearly half of the farmers in the Western Development Territory joined his camp.

  They divided their spheres of influence along the open road that ran from east to west.

  A situation of confrontation between the north and the south formed.

  In fact, if the southern town of Andorhal were not absolutely loyal to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Western Frontier would soon be occupied by Fordring.

  If that happened, King Terenas would probably go crazy!
  Andorhal is on the west shore of Lake Keldaron, located in the middle area of ​​the entire Western Development Territory, and is also the core area.

  There are many large farms around it, which can easily gather a large population.

  Whether it is the soldiers loyal to the Kingdom of Lordaeron or the thousands of undead creatures, they are a force that cannot be ignored.

  Therefore, Fordring could not lead his army to block the western pass leading to Tirisfal Glades.

  Otherwise, if Andorhal and Tirisfal Glades attack from both sides, Fording's thousands of troops really won't be enough to fight!
  The composition of Fording's army is very pure, and most of them are people from his territory.

  Then there are those priests expelled by the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, he purchased some arms.

  And adopted Herad's suggestion to spread the power of Holy Light in the army.

  Regardless of whether they are nobles or commoners, anyone with some talent can practice. The Holy Light and other powers have high requirements on talent.

  The level of talent determines their ultimate achievements.

  Some people give up after using a few Holy Light skills.

  For some people, even casting a Holy Light skill is enough.

  This level does not meet the minimum standards of a Paladin.

  But they are definitely much stronger than ordinary soldiers.

  Soldiers with weak Holy Light power will have considerable attack and defense.

  Moreover, the wealthy Holy Light Church equipped them with a low-end version of the Light Casting Suit.

  The low-end version of the Lightcast suit is not as exaggerated as the Paladin's Lightcast suit.

  But it is also built according to the standards of heavy infantry.

  These infantrymen who use divine power are named Holy Infantrymen by the Holy Light Church.

  The more than one hundred holy infantry that have been formed are the confidence for the confrontation between Fording and the armies of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  The glittering Saint Infantry rivals the Golden Saint Seiya.

  When they lined up in a horizontal formation on the battlefield, they were extremely intimidating to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  Not to be outdone, the Kingdom of Lordaeron sent abominations and ghouls out to cut down trees.

  The hateful oversized logging ax struck down, and the towering tree they were hugging collapsed.

  If the logging ax weighing several hundred kilograms hits the tank, it will probably shake the tank.

  Although the ghoul is much weaker, its black claws are very sharp when scratching the tree trunk.

  Those black claws flew up and down, and could bring down a towering tree in minutes.

  If this scratches someone, they will disembowel him immediately!

  If infantry in light armor faced them, the outcome would not be much better than those of towering trees.

  On one side, they demonstrate by showing off their equipment, and on the other side, they demonstrate by cutting down trees with undead creatures.

  This confrontation between the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the separatist forces has frightened the Kingdom of Alterac!
  If they don't have something powerful on their hands, the top leaders of the Kingdom of Alterac will not be able to sleep well.

  Seeing this kind of internal strife between human kingdoms, Herard could only shake his head helplessly.

  Although he sold a lot of arms this time.

  But now he has no interest in gold coins.

  The orders for refurbishment of old ships in the Kul Tiras fleet have already made him a lot of money.

  The arms trade with the night elves is even more fruitful!

  Strategic materials like obsidian are much more useful than gold coins.

  Small orders of one to two million gold coins from other human kingdoms.

  Sincerity is nothing!
  The only thing that interests Horad is the Dread Lord lurking in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  Where are the Dreadlords and how many there are there.

  The target that can be determined at present is the bald angel.

  The bald envoy currently lives in the royal city.

  Herard suspected that it was training powerful undead creatures such as death knights in the dungeon.

  But one Dreadlord was not enough for Herad to close the net.

  Kil'jaeden's skills are not small.

  When he invaded Draenor, he threw himself into Mannoroth, the strongest abyss demon.

  Azeroth is more than ten times stronger than Draenor.

  If there aren't a dozen Dread Lords, that would be looking down on Azeroth.

  Harald didn't understand how difficult it was to get into Azeroth.

  The Scepter of Sargeras was crafted using a large number of eredar demon mages.

  In order to build this space artifact, the Burning Legion did not care about the cost!
  Many eredar demon mages were greatly reduced in strength as a result.

  He was teleporting around with the Scepter of Sargeras, and the top brass of the Burning Legion had fainted in the toilet from crying.

  (End of chapter)

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