Chapter 32 The eye of the storm in the south of the mainland

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  Chapter 32 The Eye of the Storm in the Southern Continent
  In order to cut the leeks of the Mana Floating Dragon, Herad made a lot of changes to the Arcane Puppet.

  The ultimate purpose of these guys collecting magical energy is actually to use it themselves.

  Since there is no need to transfer it to other containers, the arcane puppet itself must have a large enough capacity.

  In order to fly long distances, airplanes even store fuel in their wings. Arcane Puppet can also use this mode.

  Herard planned to hollow out the body of the arcane puppet to store the collected magical energy.

  The new arcane puppet has no human appearance at all. It is just an egg with two hands and two feet. It is a perfect egg superman!

  Although it looks a bit set back, its combat effectiveness will not be affected.

  Its chubby body shape will not affect its mobility.

  The movements of both hands will not have any impact.

  And in order to strengthen their defense, the material Herad used for them was mithril instead of cheap granite.

  Mithril is not the hardest metal.

  But it is the lightest and hardest metal that can conduct magical energy without loss.

  Some mages will wear mithril plate armor to increase defense when they go to the battlefield.

  This metal is a rare metal and is certainly not cheap.

  A small piece costs hundreds of gold coins.

  Taking advantage of this purchasing spree that spread across the continent, Herard obtained a lot of mithril reserves.

  In the foundry workshop of Chenfeng Arsenal, the dwarf and goblin craftsmen looked at the mithril being cast into huge body components and felt that the materials were wasted.

  Such rare metals are used in some very important positions.

  Other positions can be replaced with ordinary metal.

  But this is an engineering approach, and it is impossible for Herad to do this.

  Etching magic patterns requires the materials of all parts to be consistent.

  Therefore this large egg must be made entirely of mithril.

  The large egg made of mithril is beige in color.

  Yes, this is the color of mithril.

  The name with silver is just that the dwarves liked to name it that way, and then it was recognized by other races.

  But it doesn’t matter what color the big egg is.

  When arcane energy flows on the shell, any color is meaningless.

  After the various parts of the big egg are properly processed, they are sent to the assembly table for assembly.

  Looking at the rounded but mechanical finished product, all the engineers felt very good.

  Herard, who came for the inspection, circled around the big egg to check whether the surface of the machine body was smooth.

  The engineers had already inspected this carefully manufactured body and reported it only if there were no problems.

  Of course it was impossible for Herard to find any faults.

  He nodded with satisfaction and then performed post-processing on it.

  Magic pattern etching does not care about the softness or hardness of the material.

  This is a kind of penetration at the molecular and atomic level, and it does not really carve out substantial lines.

  Therefore, there is not much difference between etching magic patterns on stone and mithril.

  With the support of abundant mana, Herard finished etching the magic pattern of the big egg in one breath.

  After completing the etching of the magic pattern, he took out the magic crystal that he had prepared in advance and put it into the groove at the bottom of the big egg.

  The dwarf engineer then put the lid on and used a welding gun to completely weld it shut, eliminating the possibility of being instantly killed by the enemy's crotch removal.

  The mysterious magic patterns on the surface of this big egg that had completed all the steps began to glow purple.

  As the purple light becomes brighter and brighter, the beige body also changes towards purple.

  The big egg, which was completely penetrated by arcane energy, quickly climbed down from the assembly table and walked around the workshop to become familiar with this brand-new machine.

  Although the new machine body is in the shape of a large egg, its palms are made more delicately, with four complete fingers.

  In fact, three complete fingers are enough.

  Most things can be done with three fingers.

  But grabbing something with four fingers will definitely be more stable than using three fingers.

  Just relying on these two flexible hands, it can crush most enemies to death. Harad also equips it with a variety of basic spells.

  If there is sufficient magic energy, there is no problem in being a junior mage.

  No one would be able to recognize this kind of arcane puppet that has been greatly modified by magic.

  What is this?
  A big purple egg with arms and legs?
  Maybe as soon as you walk out the door, you will be reported as an invasive alien species.

  You may even be attacked by reckless witnesses.

  Herard decided to make this one independent from the Arcane Puppet.

  After thinking for a while, he decided to name it Arcane Scavenger.

  Although the name is a bit frustrating, it fits the current mission of this arcane puppet very well.

  Its mission is to go from house to house, find the mana dragon and absorb the magical energy.

  Mana Dragon is the garbage that keeps popping up.

  Arcane Scavengers clean up the garbage that affects the appearance of the city.

  Of course, it can also clean up other things when necessary.

  The reported Arcane Scavenger soon appeared on the main road between Yonge and Silver Moon Forest.

  Wherever it passes, there will not be a mana floating dragon left behind.

  This weird arcane golem is responsible for cleaning up the mana dragon. In addition to performing its own duties, it also helps pedestrians in trouble.

  After all, the mana dragon is like a leek, it takes time to grow after cutting it.

  Therefore, patrols can be slowed down, and it makes sense to help pedestrians in trouble.

  Whether in the Eversong Forest or the Silver Moon Forest, people can always wait for the help of the Arcane Scavenger when they encounter trouble.

  These weird and helpful arcane puppets have gradually become the protectors of the forest in people's minds.

  There is peace here among the high elves, and the small things the arcane scavengers do to help others will be widely sung and talked about.

  The human kingdom in the southernmost part of the continent has fallen into an endless tug-of-war with the barbaric invaders.

  The tribal army that occupied the Black Swamp used fel magic to shield it from outside prying eyes.

  While hiding their strength, they continued to send small groups of troops to plunder and fight against the bandit suppression troops sent by Stormwind City.

  Yes, in the human mind, these guys are like bandits.

  After all, these appear to be green-skinned mutant trolls.

  No one would believe that they are invaders from another world.

  In a pure physics professional battle, the two sides fought back and forth, and no one could do anything to the other.

  Humans generally have a disadvantage in terms of physique, so two will fight one.

  Those sturdy Stormwind City heavy infantry can even fight against green-skinned muscle sticks.

  Hellad read the information sent back by the spies and was speechless about Stormwind City's strategic vision.

  Those orcs were just teasing them.

  Delaying time for one's own forces to develop and grow in the Black Swamp is the strategic goal of the orcs.

  Once the orcs are ready, the Green Frenzy will overwhelm everything in its path!
  Although it is his prophetic advantage that makes him understand everything so thoroughly.

  But if ordinary people have enough sense of crisis, they can also find many doubts.

  The dwarf thief who went to collect information focused on the fog of the black swamp.

  This layer of fog that persists all year round is obviously not a normal phenomenon.

  His intuition told him that there must be something wrong inside.

  But his mission is just to explore the situation here.

  Entering the fog to explore the internal situation is not within the scope of his business.

  If you want him to explore unknown dangers, you have to pay more.

  Unfortunately, his sponsor knew what was in the mist.

  The key points circled by the dwarf thief did not have any effect.

  Herard just asked him to set up more shooting devices and try to collect as much information as possible about those green-skinned muscle sticks.

  (End of chapter)

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