Chapter 316 The great temptation of eternal life

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  Chapter 316 The Great Temptation of Immortality

  Horad's method of dealing with Kel'Thuzad was simple.

  He gave this guy who was pursuing immortality a simple multiple-choice question.

  Option 1: Embrace death and become a despised zombie or skeleton mage.

  Option 2: Transform the body and imprison it in an arcane machine. The lifespan can be increased at least ten times.

  If you choose the first option, Merry Winterwind, the first human mage to die on the battlefield and then be resurrected by necromancy, can be a good reference.

  Merry Winterwind is one of the founders of the Council of Tirisfal, a friend of the Kingslayer Garona, and Med'an's guardian and mentor.

  Every title can make people scream.

  But he lives in seclusion near Crow Hill in Duskwood and is almost unknown to outsiders.

  Because he is a zombie mage who can walk, cast spells, and has self-awareness.

  This kind of alternative and terrifying existence cannot be accepted by mainstream society!

  Yet Kel'Thuzad's role model was him.

  If you can become a self-conscious undead, it means you can stay in this world forever.

  This way you can enjoy studying the mysteries of magic!
  As for the price, it is naturally not accepted by mainstream society.

  I can only find a place where no one is and live in seclusion.

  This was also the only concern in Kel'Thuzad's mind.

  Does Meri Dongfeng want to enter mainstream society?
  He must be thinking!

  But relying on forbidden magic to stay in the world always has to pay a sufficient price.

  Although the second plan is ridiculously modified and can no longer be considered a human being, it is much better than the first plan.

  Combining the human body with arcane mechanical bodies can indeed significantly extend life span.

  Mechanical bodies driven by arcane energy have proven to be very reliable creations.

  Arcane energy will protect the mechanical body so that it will not get stuck during daily operation.

  The mage's body is protected by a life-support device and has been in a dormant state for a long time.

  However, his brain remains awake and can drive the arcane mechanical body.

  This can extend lifespan to thousands of years.

  If you practice hard enough.

  It is also possible to climb to the peak of becoming a demigod!
  So which one is better, arcane mecha or zombies?

  This obviously requires no hesitation.

  Kel'Thuzad felt that the arcane machine was perfect.

  As for zombie mages or skeleton mages, those are cheap and undignified pieces of junk.

  The dark spell information obtained from the Eternal God Religion instantly became useless.

  Having discovered a new continent, Kel'Thuzad now had only one thought.

  That is to work hard to make money and save enough to buy the arcane mechanical body.

  Arcane Mechanics have a lower price limit, but no upper price limit.

  An arcane mechanical body made of ordinary materials would cost about ten thousand gold coins.

  As a noble archmage, of course it is impossible to use such ordinary things.

  Of course, the price is too high and unrealistic.

  For example, that powerful arcane machine worth half a million gold coins.

  I can only think about that in my dreams.

  What Kel'Thuzad was interested in was an arcane machine priced at one hundred thousand gold coins.

  This price puts some pressure on him.

  But in order to have face when going out in the future, he must work hard to save a coffin book.

  Kel'Thuzad, who was full of motivation, immediately applied to investigate cult issues in other areas.

  Of course, this will definitely cost extra!

  Kel'Thuzad traveled around trying to make money.

  As a result, life for the cultists became increasingly difficult!

  Isn't it easy for the Archmage to deal with a group of novices?

  Ordinary Dread Lords are not sure they can successfully win against him.

  The Master is very strong, and the powerful Master is even more powerful than the heaven! Even if you can't defeat him, you can flash away and leave the enemy helpless.

  If a war really breaks out, the Dread Lord will only be tricked by him.

  Seeing the annoying human mages destroying secret bases everywhere, the Dreadlords could only endure it again and again.

  If you can't kill the opponent, there's no point in attacking him!
  Their tolerance resulted in the uprooting of the power they had cultivated.

  In the end, the Dreadlords only opened up the situation in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

  The Kingdom of Lordaeron has been severely infiltrated by the Cult of Eternal God.

  But without the fern tree people providing accurate information, Kel'Thuzad had no place to exert his efforts.

  Just catching some small fish and shrimps on the street will not damage the foundation of the Eternal God Religion at all.

  The Eternal God's infiltration into the Kingdom of Lordaeron has reached the top of the kingdom.

  This resulted in other kingdoms being resisted at the diplomatic level when they wanted to help.

  Although we know that the problem is serious, how to deal with it is still a difficult problem.

  As long as the Kingdom of Lordaeron does not openly use necromancy or release undead creatures to do evil, other kingdoms have no right to interfere.

  Only the most shameless countries can interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

  Moreover, the situation of other human kingdoms is not very good.

  Mage hunters and agents are diligent.

  However, the Eternal God Religion in various countries has not been completely dealt with.

  Those guys are like weeds on the prairie.

  No matter how you clear it, the weeds will grow back.

  The same is true for the Eternal God Religion.

  Members of the Cult of the Eternal God were often burned at the stake.

  Burnt to charcoal amid shrill wails.

  But death cannot deter others.

  The Dread Lord's cheap immortality will always make humans flock to it.

  After all, not everyone can afford ten thousand gold coins.

  Ten thousand gold coins on earth is almost a small goal for the real estate giant.

  This is a huge sum of money that most people will never make in a few lifetimes!
  You don't need to spend any money, you just need to serve the Eternal God Religion, and you can obtain eternal life in the future.

  What could be more enjoyable than this?
  From commoners to nobles, everyone will be impressed by the generous treatment of the Eternal God Religion.

  The fern tree people who act as informants throughout the continent organize and report the collected information to Herad.

  Looking at the momentum of the development of the Eternal God Religion in various places, Herard could only lament that human beings are so poor!
  If it were placed on earth, would nobles still need to worry about a small goal?

  With power comes money.

  They only need to click their fingers, and the merchants can quickly come up with a small target and present it to them.

  The productivity of Azeroth lies here.

  It is difficult for businessmen to make a small target.

  It is naturally difficult for the nobles of the human kingdom to get enough money from businessmen.

  Because there is no choice, people have to take desperate risks.

  And not everyone only values ​​eternal life.

  King Terenas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is very concerned about the combat effectiveness of undead creatures.

  King Terenas' lifelong dream is to form an invincible army to sweep across all human countries and recreate the supreme glory of the Arathor Empire thousands of years ago!
  Undead creatures can maintain combat effectiveness without eating or drinking.

  These guys who died once are very difficult to kill again.

  If you break an arm or a leg, or if your head is cut off, just reattach it and that's it.

  In the dungeon of Lordaeron, King Terenas watched the battle in the arena with great satisfaction.

  On the arena, three ghouls were fighting an orc infantry.

  The orc infantry is brave and good at fighting, and can defeat four or five human infantry.

  Only the most elite human heavy infantry can fight against ordinary orc infantry.

  At this time, the orc infantryman on the field who was stronger than an ox was tightly entangled by three skinny ghouls.

  Although neither party could get a good deal, the ghoul's fighting ability was evident.

  (End of chapter)

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