Chapter 306 Blocking the portal and killing demons

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  Chapter 306 Blocking the Portal and Brushing Demons

  Dr. Zizi stood at the window that was blown up by the shell, carefully observing the movements of the plant army below.

  In the ruins of the outer city littered with corpses, from time to time the corpses of demons were parasitized by spores, and stood up again and walked around stiffly.

  The scene reminded it of the Dread Lord's necromancy.

  That kind of method of desecrating the dead is repulsive even to the devil.

  Spore parasitism is of the same nasty nature.

  However, it has no decent long-range weapons to attack enemies.

  Both magnetic storm weapons and melta weapons have very short ranges.

  Melta weapons have a range of no more than a hundred meters.

  The flamethrower, which is purely technological, and the dragon's breath, which is purely magical, both have about the same range.

  Only the genuine dragon breath sprayed by the giant dragon can reach a range of two to three hundred meters.

  Magnetic blast weapons have a longer range than melta weapons.

  It reached a range of about 150 meters.

  But this pitiful range is just a display compared to the central area of ​​the city, which is more than 500 meters above the ground.

  It's better to find some construction debris from upstairs and throw it with a simple trebuchet.

  Throwing objects from high altitude can still knock the enemy to death.

  Magnetic blast weapons and melta weapons can only work in field battles and street fighting.

  While Dr. Zizi was thinking this, the two special army warships that had been inserted into the ground were being bombarded by mortars from the plant army.

  The way the special legion warships are used is very strange.

  It rushed directly into the atmosphere with a shield of evil energy, and stuck hard on the indigenous planet.

  Then the legion portal is opened on the battleship, and the demon army is quickly teleported over to kill them.

  Although it is a pity as a one-time consumable.

  The demons like this kind of special legion battleship that sacrifices itself for others.

  Every time you are transported to the indigenous planet in this way, it means you can kill as much as you want.

  However, this battle was a little different from the past.

  As soon as they rushed out of the battleship's gate, they were bombarded by intensive enemy artillery fire.

  The destructive power of the close-range explosion of the artillery shell is very large.

  Ordinary armor cannot completely resist it.

  As long as there is a breach, the all-pervasive spores will quickly invade.

  Comrades around them who may betray them at any time pose the most deadly threat to them.

  When the two sides were fighting in close quarters, the demon parasitized by the spores had no scruples and stalked its companions at the previous moment.

  The longer this stubborn battle continues, the more unfavorable the situation becomes for the devil.

  Since they were all wearing armored protective suits, the demons couldn't tell whether they were friends or foes.

  Plant life is different.

  They can be distinguished clearly through special induction.

  Often two metal cans are still fighting one moment ago.

  The next moment they pounced on the other demons, pinning them to the ground and lifting off the armor plates of their armored protective suits.

  The battlefield gradually shifted to the interior of the special legion warship, making the scene even more chaotic.

  Magnetic blast weapons cannot be used in places where metal is everywhere.

  Once this weapon is used, the high-voltage arc is sure to strike the nearest metal.

  Then the user himself is the first to receive the call.

  Although the melta weapon can fire, it will be finished in less than three seconds.

  As long as you expose yourself, recoilless rifles and rocket launchers with longer ranges will come to you immediately.

  Facing the weapons used to fight tanks, they are not as good as the armored protective suits of armored vehicles. There is no difference between them and not wearing them!

  The demons never thought that they would be so embarrassed by backward gunpowder weapons!
  The planets they invaded in the past were not technological races that did not use gunpowder weapons or even more advanced weapons.

  But in front of the army of the Burning Legion, they will soon be torn to pieces!

  Sometimes all it takes is some secret instigation, and the technological races will kill each other, and then be easily picked off by the Legion.

  The demons, who had never thought about it, ignored the true characteristics of the plant army. Huge in number, growing rapidly, and parasitic with spores.

  These three factors are the core of the invincibility of the plant army.

  As for thermal weapons, they only play a supporting role.

  Even if you only fight with cold weapons, it is not difficult to kill them.

  The height of black mushroom people is about the same as that of dwarves, and their strength is also about the same as that of dwarves.

  The thrown javelin can fly a hundred and dozens of meters and pierce the armored protective clothing of the demon.

  The long-range throw is so powerful, and it's not bad at close combat either.

  Many of the demons who died in the melee were stabbed to death by the black mushroom people.

  In the end, the battle inside the special legion battleship turned into an army of plants surrounding the legion portal to kill.

  Most of the demons that pass through the legion portal are standard demons such as demon guards.

  Armored protective clothing is tailor-made for them.

  Sometimes more powerful fel lords appear.

  But this kind of demon with quite strong combat power cannot last long in the siege.

  As for the more powerful Doom Guard, it is not included in the teleportation list because the huge demon wings on its back are difficult to get.

  Moreover, their size is a bit large, and it is difficult to pass through the legion portal of this size.

  As for the Dread Lord, a demon that is not very big but is quite powerful.

  They have a very high status in the Burning Legion and will not easily join such a battle.

  If they really teleport over, Ursales who is guarding the edge will kill them immediately.

  No one can ruin this gluttonous feast that blocks the door and spawns monsters.

  Seeing that the containment of the demon was proceeding in an orderly manner, Herard was relieved to teleport to the battlefield in outer space.

  When three special legion warships rushed down, one of them was destroyed immediately.

  Herard entered the interior of the battleship and found that its structure was simple.

  The front part of the battleship is a solid awl.

  There is no air and no gravity in space.

  Air resistance and the balance of the hull will not affect flight.

  Even if the battleship is turned into a church, it is still a battleship that can fly normally.

  When it enters the atmosphere, due to the heavier weight of the front end, it will plunge with the front end downward like an aerial bomb.

  After the tip pierces the ground, the evil energy inside will corrupt the earth, and then generate more evil energy.

  The fel energy furnace inside the warship refines fel energy and supplies it to the legion portal to maintain transmission.

  This creates an infinite loop that never stops.

  As long as the natives on the planet don't have the strength to push back, evil energy pollution alone will destroy the planet.

  Therefore, if the special legion warship lands on the planet, if there is no super strong person sitting on the planet, it is normal for it to perish.

  After completing the research, Herard disliked the special legion battleships.

  There is no evil main gun on this thing, so the value of it being scrapped is greatly reduced.

  However, in order to prevent the Legion Portal from being used by demons again, Herad still dismantled it.

  After removing the core components, the remains of the Legion battleship were pushed into the atmosphere.

  The wreckage of the legion battleship, which was in violent friction with the atmosphere, soon burned violently, dragging a long flame trail and hitting the ground.

  The target locations chosen by Herard for the wreckage of legion battleships to fall were all in no man's land.

  When the Black Mushroom People need materials, they can dismantle the remains that were originally waiting to be recycled.

  Soon the battlefield in outer space was cleared by Herad.

  The useful parts are sent to Marton, and the useless parts are thrown to the ground and used as ordinary materials.

  Watching the remains of the legion warships that kept turning into bolides and hitting the ground.

  Herard figured out that they might as well be used as space-based kinetic energy weapons!
  If such a large legion warship is smashed down, it can create a huge crater on the ground comparable to a nuclear explosion.

  The shock wave swept across dozens of kilometers.

  In addition to not being able to produce nuclear radiation, it is a proper nuclear weapon indicator in other aspects!
  (End of chapter)

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