Chapter 296 The cool operation of the evil four-legged mecha

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  Chapter 296: The evil four-legged mecha used
  two legion warships to paralyze their carelessness, and the scene turned into a coffin in space, which made the legion warships that arrived later become more vigilant.

  They turned on the evil energy shield one after another, and then looked for the source of the attack on the ground.

  With the green fel shield activated, they can no longer be killed with one shot.

  At this time, the evil four-legged mecha that had completed the first round of attacks had left its original launch site and moved to a dark corner under the cliff.

  The Burning Legion relies on beholders, monsters with extraordinary vision, to detect targets.

  Although the beholder's eyes are very powerful, they cannot accurately identify things with similar colors on the ground.

  Broken ones with the passive invisibility talent can treat them as if they were nothing.

  The evil four-legged mecha is painted a very rustic military green, and if you stand in the shadow under the cliff, you can also deceive their eyes.

  When the main cannon was fully charged, two green light beams were shot out at the same time, accurately hitting the same target in the sky.

  Facing the concentrated fire attack of two evil four-legged mechas, the shield of the locked Legion battleship collapsed, and the hull was damaged by the aftermath of the energy cannon.

  Although the damage was not too serious, the air leak was enough to kill most of the crew.

  Several legion battleships jumped over and quickly aimed at the launch point on the ground to attack.

  However, the evil four-legged mecha on the ground had already moved its position immediately.

  Under the guidance of the reconnaissance satellite, they moved quickly along the shadow of the cliff for a certain distance.

  After the attack is over, they come to the designated position to re-establish themselves, and then launch a fatal attack towards the target.

  On several legion warships that launched fel energy bombardments on the ground, the demon commander used the information fed back by the beholder to determine that the target had been destroyed by his own side.

  Didn’t you see that the ground was burned into a pool of green evil energy magma?
  As they prepare to celebrate, brilliant green fireworks flash around them.

  Looking at the destroyed friendly forces, they even forgot to counterattack the firepower points on the ground.

  Because this attack was launched from the evil energy magma pool.

  The fel energy magma pool was blasted out by them with the fel energy main cannon, so it was impossible for anything to remain intact.

  It's already burned like that, why are there still attacks coming out?
  Could it be that the enemy cannot be killed?
  After a brief hesitation, they attacked again towards the place where the attack appeared.

  However, just a few seconds after the attack ended, two green light beams shot out from the green evil energy magma pool again.

  The green light beam accurately hit a legion battleship, turning it into a gorgeous green firework.

  Once again, a battleship was damaged, and all the demon commanders were stunned.

  Damn it, you can't beat it to death!

  While the demon commanders felt very frustrated, the two evil four-legged mechas on the ground were as steady as old dogs.

  Regardless of the opponent's reaction, they maneuvered in the evil magma pool according to the plan, and then launched an attack towards the target in the sky.

  Immediately leave the spot after firing, and return to fire after charging to create the illusion of staying in place.

  This is the equivalent of World War II veterans enjoying drilling into shell craters.

  Because the accuracy of artillery during World War II was there.

  Veterans know very well that two shells cannot fall into the same position at the same time.

  This operation of the evil four-legged mecha is based on the belief that the attack accuracy of the legion battleship is high enough.

  Through visual deception, let the opponent attack the same position repeatedly.

  Of course, only a fel quadruped mecha that is not afraid of fel magma can fool the enemy so happily.

  Those legion battleships in the sky were full of confidence when they arrived.

  Now it has become a living target for ground defense weapons.

  Looking at the dilapidated Legion battleship suspended in the orbit of the planet, Herard was speechless at the Burning Legion's partiality.

  The dark forces in the universe have been marching towards the stars and the sea for tens of thousands of years, and their investigation methods still remain in the category of optical detection.

  As long as there is the most primitive radar, they will not be beaten like this.

  But radar was developed step by step.

  Without the opportunity of aircraft bombing, radar would not be able to develop at all.

  There are many ways to detect distant enemies in the magical world. The Burning Legion has beholders, detective demon creatures with powerful eyes.

  Within the arcane magic faction, there is also a powerful long-distance detection spell like the Mage's Eye.

  Other messy investigation methods are also very effective!

  Therefore, even technological races such as dwarfs and goblins do not have radar technology routes.

  When there are alternatives, who is still researching that stuff?
  Radar is a top secret technology that only a few dwarf engineers have access to.

  They signed a confidentiality agreement and did not dare to leak this technology.

  The radars on the weapons sold have very complete confidentiality measures.

  Just opening it will destroy the core components inside.

  Therefore, this technology will not spread for a long time.

  Located on the battlefield site in the orbit of the planet, Herad removed the important components from the wreckage of the Legion battleship, and then sent them back to Marton for recycling.

  In just half an hour, the Burning Legion damaged ten legion warships here.

  How long does it take to build a Legion ship?

  Although the volume is not very large, it will not be much shorter than the construction time of an aircraft carrier.

  I estimate that it will definitely take three or four years to build.

  And this is only the construction time.

  The raw material value and labor costs of the legion warship itself are not included.

  Calculated in detail, the cost is absolutely unimaginable!

  Herard calculated in his mind that it was roughly equivalent to the gross product of all countries on the earth in fifty years.

  Such an expensive war machine was completely destroyed in half an hour.

  Of course, for the Burning Legion, which has a big family and a huge business, this is just a drizzle!

  The only thing that made the demons unhappy was the unclear nature of the property damage.

  Little do they know that property damage is only a small part of the problem.

  Most importantly, these lost properties can be turned into weapons, which can then cause even greater damage to them.

  At this time, the broken planet Marton has become a heavy weapons manufacturing factory.

  Oversized arcane golems use pools of fel magma as natural heating devices.

  The huge magic steel parts are put in and heated, and then placed on the anvil for careful forging.

  The processed giant magic steel parts were installed on the evil four-legged mecha.

  The Fel Magma Pool can also provide energy for the assembled Fel Quadruped Mecha.

  As long as the super-large arcane puppets have enough high-level energy support, evil four-legged mechas will be continuously produced.

  However, this requires the Burning Legion to continue their efforts and continuously send legion battleships over.

  And the number of people who come each time cannot be too many.

  If hundreds or even thousands of ships really came to carry out a large-scale carpet bombing on the ground, no tactics would be possible!

  The attacks of several legion warships just now were all at the same location, and a pool of evil energy magma with a diameter of more than two thousand meters had been burned.

  Even though the evil four-legged mecha moved very fast, the first wave of attacks was scratched by the energy aftermath.

  Fortunately, it was just the energy aftermath, and the evil energy shield easily withstood it.

  But if intensive bombing is carried out on the ground, it’s hard to say whether it can hold up!
  Herard looked at the mountain that was half blown away and the huge magma pool on the side, and felt that it was necessary to move the battlefield.

  This planet can be repaired quickly, there is no need to fight the Burning Legion here.

  It is more appropriate to use the evil energy planet with a harsh environment as the main battlefield.

  (End of chapter)

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