Chapter 28 The Destruction of Zul’Aman

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  Chapter 28 The Destruction of Zul'Aman
  Zul'Aman's city walls were made of huge granite piles.

  The special paint configured by the Troll Witch Doctor allows the city wall to have a certain degree of magic resistance.

  Even the insect men under the Ancient God have not broken through this wall.

  But the impenetrable walls are slowly crumbling in the face of the purest physical destruction.

  The worst thing is that their great leader Zuljin may have turned into dust all over the sky.

  When the first wave of shells fell, Zuljingang was posing on the city gate tower.

  Then it successfully caught the cannonball with its face.

  The troll's fragile flesh and blood could not withstand an explosion of this magnitude.

  Even if it were replaced by an authentic troll from The Lord of the Rings, it would just look better!
  The bombing continues.

  Under the excited gaze of the high elf artillery, more and more cracks appeared on the city wall, and eventually it completely collapsed.

  That section of the city wall collapsed, sending up billowing smoke.

  Zul'Aman's city wall, which was said to be unbreakable, only withstood thousands of artillery shells and lost its ability to block the enemy.

  The high elf artillerymen who stopped shelling came to the side of the huge water curtain to admire their results up close.

  The dust in the sky dispersed, revealing a huge V-shaped crack on the tall and majestic city wall of Zul'Aman.

  The rangers and warriors, who had been waiting for a long time, rode arcane chariots towards the rift.

  Faster than them are the arcane puppets.

  Using their hands and feet, these humanoid war machines quickly climbed up the crack in the city wall and exchanged fire with the approaching troll defenders.

  Accompanied by the dazzling firelight and flying bullet casings, there was a miserable scene of the troll defenders being beaten into pieces.

  Arcane Golems are emotionless war machines.

  The high elves in the arcane chariot are even more avengers dominated by hatred.

  They are more terrifying than arcane golems without emotions!
  Even the priest, whose mission is to heal the sick and save people, only wants to turn the trolls into corpses.

  These killing machines dominated by hatred poured into Zul'Aman, and nothing could stop them in their path.

  Even Zul'Aman's proud air force is just a group of pitiful living targets.

  The corpse fragments of War Eagle and Dragon Eagle rained blood on Zul'Aman.

  The bronze dragon Hidormi, who came to watch the excitement, saw the opportunity and blocked the flight path of the cannonball.

  Several cannonballs with powerful kinetic energy hit the golden dragon scales and bounced away without even leaving a scratch.

  Feeling the impact of the cannonball, Hidormi found that the power was not as strong as it seemed.

  "It's not very powerful!"

  After complaining, she got back into the gap between time and space and continued to watch the show.

  The machine cannon, which poses no threat to adult dragons, can harvest ordinary creatures without any pressure.

  Even if a troll hides behind a wall, it will be killed or seriously injured by the cannonballs that penetrate the wall.

  In the face of this crushing war machine, confrontation is meaningless.

  Unless they have anti-tank missiles.

  It's a pity that the trolls only have swords, spears and bows and arrows.

  The Arcane Golem and Arcane Chariot advanced very quickly.

  Their energy reserves are limited and they must achieve sufficient results as quickly as possible.

  Therefore, it is often just a simple sweep, and after killing as many enemies as possible, they will rush to the next area.

  The warriors and rangers who followed behind were responsible for cleaning up the remaining enemies.

  The high elves have strong individual combat effectiveness, and they can eliminate the troll defenders who do not have an advantage in numbers without any pressure.

  When encountering troll defenders hiding inside fortifications, they will throw grenades inside to blow them up.

  Although the power of the grenade is not strong and may not kill the troll, there is no problem in injuring it.

  Throwing grenades and then rushing in to harvest them is the most common sight on the battlefield.

  Except for a few tall temples in Zul'Aman, the other buildings are at the level of thatched houses.

  A thatched hut can be blown down with just one grenade, and it cannot function as a defense at all.

  As the outer perimeter was cleared, the focus of the high elf army's attack soon became those temples. Temples were important to animal gods.

  Once the temples are destroyed, they cannot gain a foothold in this world.

  The forest trolls defend the temple very strictly.

  But the troll defenders were suppressed by the powerful firepower and could not raise their heads. They could only watch in horror as the arcane puppets and arcane chariots climbed up the stairs.

  In fact, when these two war machines came here, their energy had been almost exhausted.

  If the troll defenders continue to rely on the terrain to fight, they can completely exhaust their energy.

  However, most of these frightened troll defenders chose to escape from the temple through the secret passage.

  While the high elves put all their energy into breaching the temple.

  They successfully escaped from Zul'Aman and entered the vast mountains.

  Correspondingly, the army of high elves destroyed the core of the temple as quickly as possible.

  Without the support of the power of faith provided by the core of the temple, the animal gods shrank rapidly and were soon completely destroyed by the mages.

  Zul'Aman lost its animal gods and the native trolls fled to death, completely reducing it to a dead city.

  The army of high elves plundered Zul'Aman and blasted all the buildings and walls before leaving with satisfaction.

  For a long time to come, there will be no forest trolls here.

  There are many rivers in Zul'Aman, which is definitely the most suitable place for beasts to live!
  Without the forest trolls hunting wild beasts, all kinds of wild beasts will soon occupy this place and turn it into their paradise.

  When the forest trolls return to Zul'Aman, they will definitely be shocked by the scene in front of them.

  But the forest troll's anger meant nothing.

  The home was completely destroyed and turned into a paradise for wild beasts.

  This hatred has reached the sky!

  But a roar without strength is just the roar of the incompetent.

  Without the help of animal gods, what can they do even if they come back?

  As for re-energizing the animal spirits and allowing them to return to the real world.

  The energy required would be astronomical.

  For example, the night elves have not been willing to resurrect the wild demigods who fell during the War of the Ancients.

  It's not that the night elves are too stingy.

  It really consumes a lot of energy!

  Without any external pressure, the resurrection process has been delayed again and again.

  Even if ten thousand years have passed, no bubbles have appeared.

  In other words, the soul of the wild demigod lived happily in the Emerald Dream.

  Otherwise, he would probably be so angry that he would come alive to ask for an explanation.

  The battle report that the high elves' army successfully destroyed Zul'Aman was quickly sent back to the Silvermoon City Council through magical messengers.

  Looking at the number of enemies wiped out in the battle report and the exaggerated data of zero losses on our side, the entire Silver Moon City Council was shocked.

  "Kill Zul'jin, kill all the animal gods, and raze Zul'Aman to the ground. This is simply a myth and legend!" "

  Oh, the Sunwell is up there! This is incredible!" "

  What's so incredible about this? Flowers After earning so many gold coins, this result is normal."

  "It makes sense, it's called killing the enemy with money."

  The councilors discussed excitedly for a long time before they thought of preparing something to celebrate the army's triumph.

  High elves are definitely the best at holding celebration ceremonies and banquets!
  After all, their daily life consists of various celebrations and banquets.

  While Silvermoon City was decorating with lights and preparing for the banquet, the army of high elves was taking a temporary rest at the Farstrider camp.

  Although the battle did not consume much, the wounded have fully recovered under the treatment of the priest.

  But there should always be enough preparation time for Silver Moon City.

   Thank you to the Great Sage of Mars Ruler and Brother Zilong for your 100-point reward. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. By the way, experts are all idiots! Can COVID-19 be compared with a cold?
  (End of chapter)

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