Chapter 275 The modern giant artillery appears

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  Chapter 275: Modern cannons appear.

  Killing bugs is the dream of night elves, especially druids.

  Druids don't like cannons that are full of destruction.

  But if artillery can destroy bugs, they will fully support it.

  Looking at the list of artillery listed by Herard, Staghelm asked what he didn't understand.

  "Sir, what does 155mm mean?"

  "This represents the thickness of the shells used."

  "Does the larger the number, the thicker and bigger the shells?" "

  Yes, that's the case."

  The reason why a bigger knife kills more people , the druids know it.

  Think about it, the bigger the cannonball, the bigger the insects it kills.

  Staghelm scanned the trade list, then pointed to the largest item and asked Malfurion's opinion.

  "Teacher, what do you think of this 380mm cannon?"

  Malfurion nodded firmly after looking at it.

  "Yes, yes. The power will be at least twice as strong."

  His druid students nodded in agreement.

  "The instructor is right! Judging from the numbers, the power will definitely be much greater than 155mm." When

  the other night elves heard their conversation, their expressions changed slightly, but they did not show it in the end.

  They probably already knew how bad the druids were at math.

  As for the mathematical idiots of the druids, Herad did not tolerate them.

  "Everyone, that's not how the power of the explosion is calculated."

  As he spoke, he pulled up a theoretical data sheet on the caliber of the artillery shell and the power of the explosion.

  "As long as the caliber of the artillery is slightly increased, the explosive power of the shells will increase exponentially!
  This 380mm artillery was originally prepared for battleships. The explosive power of its shells is enough to destroy this hall!" The

  fortress hall is a living wood building, which is solid. The level is no worse than rock architecture.

  One cannon can destroy the fortress hall, which is unimaginable to the druids!
  But when Herard showed the production scene, everyone was shocked.

  The metal giant, which is bigger than the mountain giant, uses a giant hammer to forge red steel pillars.

  The sound of metal clashing and the hot sparks flying everywhere made the night elf bosses collectively confused.

  The forging efficiency of the metal giant made them very envious.

  They discussed how to imitate this forging pattern.

  "It seems appropriate to let mountain giants forge iron."

  "No way, those guys only like to sleep!"

  "There is skill in blacksmithing, and mountain giants will only smash them to death."

  In the end, the topic of giant forging triggered by the large arcane puppet was end.

  The manufacturing process of the giant cannon shown by Herard soon reached the stage of completion of assembly.

  The long and thick barrel and the huge body made the audience have no doubt about the power of this weapon.

  Weighing hundreds of tons, if it is not powerful, it would be a slap in the face!
  After the night elf bosses sighed with emotion, they suddenly discovered a very serious problem.

  How should such a heavy weapon be pulled?

  The 155mm towed artillery can also be pulled by two Nightsabers.

  Is this giant artillery weighing several hundred tons going to form a night saber pulling fleet?
  The night elves have seen the goblin merchant's three-wheeled motorcycle.

  But compared with a small car that weighs a hundred pounds or so, and a behemoth that weighs hundreds of tons, there is absolutely no comparison between the two!
  Just when they were worrying about how to pull the giant artillery, Herad had already opened the portal to the island arsenal and sent over this super-heavy self-propelled artillery that was almost out of print.

  Super heavy self-propelled artillery has extremely high requirements on roads.

  This behemoth can easily sink into soft soil.

  So it's better to drive on the railway and become a train gun.

  The human kingdom does not have the courage to build railways.

  The road conditions are not sufficient to carry super-heavy self-propelled artillery.

  The desert terrain of Silithus is also not suitable for super-heavy self-propelled artillery.

  But the night elves have tasted the sweetness and must have the courage to build railways.

  The goblin engineer drove the super-heavy self-propelled artillery through the portal, then stuck his head out of the car window and greeted the night elves warmly.

  In the past, his products were often disliked by night elves. Now I can finally feel proud.

  However, the night elves were still so disgusted when they saw the goblin engineer in the car.

  In the eyes of the night elves, these wretched-looking green dwarfs can also make rough junk.

  This nice-looking giant tank definitely has nothing to do with the green dwarf!

  that's the truth.

  If you really want the goblin engineers to do it themselves, you can only get a suicide tank with a fully patched shell, and firing a gun is equivalent to self-destruction.

  Herard did not dare to let them come into contact with the actual production process.

  All the goblin engineers can do is design and improve the blueprints, and then leave them to the arcane puppets to do the work.

  Designing and tinkering with chips is all they do.

  Goblin Engineer is also very satisfied with this model of using his brain but not his hands.

  Of course, being able to operate advanced weapons and equipment designed by themselves will make them even happier.

  When Herard took the night elf bosses into the car, the goblin engineer had already released the drone and was preparing to go find the test target.

  Seeing Herard come in, he excitedly asked for instructions on what to do next.

  "Boss, what kind of target are we aiming for?"

  Hearing his subordinates ask about the next task, Herard gave instructions without hesitation.

  "Find the farthest and largest insect nest, and then blow it up into the sky!"

  The goblin engineer was familiar with Herad's character and had long known that he would make such a request.

  But routine inquiries still need to be made.

  "Okay! I'm already looking for it."

  The interior space of the super-heavy self-propelled artillery is very spacious, about the same size as a bus compartment.

  This car is highly automated and can be operated by just one person.

  However, if you go out on a mission, it is normal to bring dozens of soldiers to provide security.

  The night elf bosses who visited were very satisfied with this aspect.

  The process of soldiers patrolling in the desert is definitely not a pleasant experience!

  Goblin engineers control drones to detect insect nests, which gives everyone a similar feeling to using flying pets to detect bugs.

  The difference is that flying pets do not require frequent control.

  Staghelm looked at the fancy interface on the screen and curiously asked the goblin engineer who was controlling the drone.

  "Sir, what are the advantages of this drone?"

  The goblin engineer turned to look at Staghelm, and then shouted in surprise.

  "Oh my God, you're so tall!"

  Hearing the goblin engineer's exclamation, Staghelm suddenly had black lines on his head.

  Although he is indeed taller among night elves.

  But is it necessary to shout out like this? Wouldn’t it be nice to say something useful?
  Regarding the mantra of goblin engineer, Herard was also speechless.

  This guy was simply led astray by the dwarf engineer!

  The goblin engineer sighed with emotion and began to introduce the advantages of drones to everyone.

  "The drone flies very high, flies very fast, and has a large detection range.

  It searches for the attack target and transmits accurate data, and then I can launch an attack."

  After some glitz and glamour, the goblin engineer Introduction, the night elf bosses are already confused.

  Looking at the dots of clouds on the screen, it was obvious that the goblin engineer was right.

  Herard, who was watching the whole process, was very impressed by the goblin engineer's sales ability.

  If he were to introduce it, he would only briefly introduce the drone.

  In fact, there is nothing to be proud of when the drone performs so well.

  Without satellites in outer space to provide positioning, it doesn't even know where it is flying.

  The warfare system of advanced thermal weapons is fundamentally based on the positioning services provided by satellites.

  Satellites are the root of everything!

  (End of chapter)

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