Chapter 26 The Bronze Dragon with a Big Heart

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  Chapter 26 The Big-hearted Bronze Dragon
  Solidomi, the consort of Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu, is responsible for managing the larger affairs of the clan.

  The entire bronze dragon clan is basically her one-word hall.

  Even Chromie, who has an out-of-touch personality, still had to behave well enough to meet the uncrowned king of the bronze dragon clan.

  Solidomi saw Chromie coming to see him and was a little confused about her sudden return.

  "Chromie, why are you back?"

  Chromie had already thought of a countermeasure on the way here.

  "Your Majesty, Lordaeron has always been very stable. I want to change to a more exciting place. Does Silithus need support?"

  Solidomi knew something about this weird guy.

  But wanting to go to the front line isn't a bad thing.

  Her strength is pretty good, enough to deal with the inexhaustible Qiraji worms in Silithus.

  It's rare to see a bronze dragon with ambition, so Solidomi certainly wouldn't deny this request.

  "Okay, you can report to Silithus in a few days."

  After receiving the Bronze Dragon Queen's approval, Chromie nodded his head excitedly.

  "Great, I'll go there tomorrow!"

  Seeing Chromie leaving in a hurry, Solidomi thought for a moment and decided to send a novice to the continent of Lordaeron for training.

  The continent of Lordaeron will not become the center of a storm in a short period of time, so it is suitable for cultivating new people.

  She didn't know that the continent of Lordaeron at this time had become undercurrents.

  There could be a terrifying battle at any time.

  The Silvermoon City Council is not very efficient.

  But problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

  Councilors approved it after a brief discussion.

  A large number of arms orders and deposits were sent to the Chenfeng family's arsenal.

  The high elves' huge amounts of money are squandered through various business channels.

  Those golden little cuties blinded the eyes of all the forces in the mainland.

  Even the goblins got the news and came to the door, seeking cooperation with the Chenfeng family.

  Goblins are also a race that focuses on engineering.

  However, the specialty of goblin engineering is its powerful explosions, and it specializes in creating various types of big explosions.

  Including the kind that exploded before being launched.

  Harad would never dare to use these green-skinned dwarfs' engineering creations!

  But he will not deny the goblins or cooperate with these guys because of this.

  Technological weapons have always been based on quantity.

  Only when a sufficient number is smashed down can the most effective killing effect be produced.

  Although the goblin engineering creations are very unreliable, there is still no problem in providing semi-finished products.

  In terms of semi-finished products, except for the dwarfs who also have a complete industrial system, there is really no other race that can compete with the goblins.

  At the same time, Herad spent a lot of money to recruit outstanding engineers from the goblins.

  As long as they get rid of their bad habit of cutting corners, these goblin engineers can still be saved.

  The newly arrived bronze dragon Xidormi had doubts about Quel'Thalas' unusually prosperous trade, but he didn't take it to heart.

  The High Elves are the most powerful and economically developed magical kingdom in the Eastern Kingdom.

  It is not unusual for them to appear in such pomp and circumstance.

  Rather than observing the high elves, Hidormi paid more attention to the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Magical Kingdom of Dalaran.

  These two human kingdoms are the participants in important events in the future.

  For example, Alsace is still a little kid.

  The future Lich King must not allow any mistakes!

  Those miserable mages in the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran should also be monitored.

  For example, Khadgar is about to go undercover in Karazhan's mage tower.

  His mission is equally important.

  Monitor Medivh and discover his conspiracy with the orcs, and then find someone to kill Medivh.

  These important people must not make any mistakes!
  Therefore, she spent her energy monitoring the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Magical Kingdom of Dalaran.

  Xidormi performed his duties so rigidly that Chromie, who quietly inquired about the news, was reassured. It will take some time for Quel'Thalas to complete its war mobilization.

  As time goes by, she will definitely become the scapegoat!
  The situation developed exactly as Chromie expected.

  It took a long time for the high elves to prepare strategic supplies.

  The Silvermoon City Council's wrangling meeting lasted for nearly half a year before it ended completely.

  During this period, Hidormi had no idea of ​​delving further.

  Horad was initially uneasy about the bronze dragon's lack of reaction.

  When a large amount of war supplies were ready, the Silvermoon City Council's wrangling meeting ended.

  At this time, he no longer worried about the interference of the bronze dragon.

  If the bronze dragon intervenes at this juncture, it will directly make enemies of the high elves and indirectly offend the red dragon who is the head guardian of the dragon.

  Don’t be afraid of light interference, let alone dark interference.

  Quel'Thalas has a magical defensive barrier, and he is not worried about the bronze dragon quietly teleporting its troops in and launching its usual beheading tactics on him.

  The overall situation has been decided, and the bronze dragon can no longer influence this war.

  The busy preparation work of the high elves lasted for nearly half a year.

  As the all-out war mobilization order was implemented, this extremely powerful war machine finally revealed its terrifying fangs!

  High elves, like night elves, are a natural fighting race.

  Although their size has shrunk a lot, their combat effectiveness has not deteriorated much.

  The large number of thermal weapons has greatly improved the conventional combat effectiveness.

  Five hundred arcane chariots, five hundred arcane puppets equipped with machine guns, and a large number of direct-fire artillery.

  This is all the achievements of Chenfeng Arsenal with the support of all parties.

  The ones who contributed the most were the dwarfs and goblins.

  All other kingdoms can do is provide some mineral resources.

  And because it is artificial mining, the combined output of all kingdoms, including the dwarf kingdom, cannot keep up with the mechanized mining of dwarves and goblins.

  The large-scale mining machinery was working at full capacity, digging a whole mountain into a sinkhole!

  As long as there are sellers scanning goods, nothing is impossible.

  However, due to the limited development of sea transportation, although the two engineering races have huge production capacity, they cannot all reach Quel'Thalas.

  Otherwise, Zul'Aman might be blown into a sinkhole.

  When the army of high elves moved south from Silvermoon City, Hidormi still did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

  In her opinion, this was another case where the high elves were idle and wanted to fight the trolls.

  Aspects have no prejudice against trolls.

  But they will not favor the barbaric and backward race of trolls.

  So there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating, sleeping and fighting trolls!
  What happened to the high elves fighting a dozen trolls?
  Will it affect the overall trend of the timeline?
  And even if the high elves level Zul'Aman, they will not completely destroy the huge group of forest trolls.

  There are forest troll forces distributed throughout the continent of Lordaeron.

  Zul'Aman is only the most powerful force.

  The arrogant Xidormi just watched the army of high elves send troops to Zul'Aman.

  After gathering behind the magic defense barrier and making preparations, the mages of Sunfury and Eclipse Legion teamed up to cast spells and launch a surprise attack with a super-wide flame storm.

  The troll garrison was stationed on the slope, occupying certain favorable geographical conditions.

  But it was two powerful mage groups that launched the surprise attack.

  Firestorm is a large fire that bursts out from the ground and burns the enemy.

  A single flame storm can cover approximately one hundred square meters.

  The combined spellcasting Flame Storm combines the magic power of all mages, and the coverage area is naturally astonishing.

  That huge slope, about two kilometers long and more than fifty meters wide, has now turned into purgatory!

  Even the air was distorted and deformed by the flames, as if the souls of countless trolls were ascending to heaven.

  They never thought until their death that the high elves would gather so many powerful mages to launch a sneak attack.

  Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire spreading evenly on the slope, Herard couldn't help but sigh at the power of the Archmage.

  However, when fighting in the outside world, mages can generally only use it two or three times.

  Next, they have to deal with the animal gods of Zul'Aman, and other troops are the main force fighting the forest trolls.

  (End of chapter)

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