Chapter 246 The First Blood of the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon

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  Chapter 246: The First Blood of the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon
  The energy cannon stripped from the Fel Hammer was not ultimately named the Shanghai Cannon.

  After all, only cannons in Shanghai can be called Shanghai cannons.

  This kind of energy cannon that can burn the surface of the planet into glass, it would be more appropriate to simply call it the evil energy star destroyer cannon.

  Evil energy and star annihilation are both elements that are explained simply and clearly.

  Although it is just a simple modification to the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon, it can be flexibly aimed at the target.

  The amount of work involved in this simple renovation is not small!

  After all, it was a diamond-shaped evil crystal more than twenty meters long.

  It can be used as a six-story residential building when erected!

  By adding a base and transmission mechanism to it, the volume can be further increased.

  Fortunately, the people responsible for manufacturing are not ordinary people.

  Only a large arcane puppet with a height of about fifteen meters can handle this large project.

  These behemoths, capable of demolishing buildings with their bare hands, were clinking hammers to build parts.

  Their huge size makes making large parts a breeze!
  But when they were swinging hammers, Herard always felt a little heartbroken.

  Why do arcane golems generally not exceed five meters?
  This was figured out by the high elf mages after long-term research.

  The five-meter-tall arcane puppet strikes a balance between size and energy consumption.

  The Draenei's Arcane Golem is also of a similar standard.

  The fifteen-meter-tall large arcane puppets require additional energy supply for every movement they make.

  The energy well water from the Sunwell obtained by Harad's wool harvesting has been consumed by them!
  If he didn't have his own source of arcane energy soon, he would be reluctant to use the precious well water.

  With the hard work of several large arcane puppets, the world's largest cannon was quickly transformed.

  The huge diamond-shaped evil crystal was wrapped in a cylindrical shell made of magic steel, which looked closer to the shape of a gun barrel.

  The length of the modified gun barrel has been increased to thirty meters.

  Herard did not simply make a stand and a turntable for it like the old anti-aircraft guns, so that it can rotate and that's it.

  He was very particular about equipping the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon with a turret and chassis.

  Judging from the interfaces reserved on the chassis, it seems to have mobile capabilities.

  It's just that the energy of the large arcane puppet has been exhausted, and currently only Zlali is maintaining the cannon.

  Its subsequent renovation project is on the verge of being suspended.

  Although it is still a fixed turret, the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon already has good combat capabilities.

  The gun barrel can be flexibly rotated in all directions, which means it can hit any target in the sky or on the ground.

  But at this time, it is inside the crater and can only attack uninvited guests from the sky.

  Herard was in such a hurry to complete the transformation, so of course he didn't just build it for fun.

  He teleported Zilali to inspect the legion world and wanted to listen to professional advice.

  As a result, Zilali, who has rich interstellar knowledge, could tell at a glance that there was a big trouble here.

  The densely packed planetary debris in low-Earth orbit seems to be a very effective defense.

  But it is not difficult for a star battleship to open a channel.

  Just knock off the larger planet fragments, then activate the energy shield and crash in.

  And the worst part is that there are several nearby planets not far away.

  Those green planets look like evil planets occupied by the Burning Legion.

  The Burning Legion has garrisons on every fel planet.

  If they learn about the changes in Marton, those evil planets that are very close will definitely send legion battleships to check the situation.

  The conclusion Zlali came to shocked Herad at the time.

  His plan included planetary defense measures.

  But he never thought that it would not be long before the enemy arrived here.

  After all, the universe is so vast that it would take a long time to fly from the earth to the moon.

  Planet to planet is that far away. It takes several months to get here.

  However, from the perspective of a race that truly possesses interstellar navigation, traveling at the speed of light or even traveling at super-light speed is a piece of cake.

  This is a mere tens of millions of kilometers apart, and the interstellar warships can fly over quickly without having to initiate a space jump.

  With the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon that can shoot down enemy ships, you don’t have to worry about being taken advantage of by Legion battleships!

  The modified evil energy star destroyer cannon has a high degree of automation.

  It can detect outer space around the clock, collect information around the planet for screening, and detect threats in time to eliminate them.

  For example, those meteorites that often fall down.

  If it is calculated that the impact point of the meteorite is on the crater side, it will destroy the meteorite in advance.

  In fact, it is a special arcane puppet whose main part is driven by evil energy and whose weapons are extremely powerful.

  If such a behemoth could move, no matter whether it was equipped with wheels or mechanical feet, it would produce slight earthquakes when it moved.

  Every time the magic mecha in Hellfire Peninsula takes a step in the game, nearby players will experience what it means to be shocking.

  How to make it not as disturbing as the magic mecha, this is what Herad needs to consider.

  Of course, these can only be put aside for later.

  It will be difficult for this large project to continue until the large arcane golem obtains enough energy well water.

  Only large arcane golems are suitable for creating large fel energy parts.

  In fact, building a 10,000-ton hydraulic press can also solve the problem.

  However, a simple forging machine like a 10,000-ton hydraulic press can only process fixed large parts, and is definitely not as useful as a large arcane puppet.

  And it cannot balance production and combat.

  Is it possible that the devil can be kidnapped, stuffed into the forging mold of a 10,000-ton hydraulic press, and executed?

  If you have the spare time, you can switch to a large arcane puppet and crush many demons to death!

  The muzzle of the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon pointed diagonally at the sky and remained motionless.

  On the surface, it appears to be in standby mode.

  The dark metal shell makes it look very inconspicuous.

  At this time, the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon looked very calm, but in fact, the energy inside was flowing between the runes at high speed.

  It can launch an extremely violent attack on the intruder at any time.

  This highly automated and highly intelligent planetary defense weapon is a type that does not need to be taken care of once it is installed.

  Therefore, after Herad completed the final debugging, he soon left this broken world with harsh environment.

  In the next two days, several nearby evil planets were quiet, and no surprise attacks or reconnaissances were launched.

  But on the third day, Herard received a magical video of shooting down the Legion battleship.

  Judging from the particularly dark scenes in the magic video, the legion battleship arrived at the broken planet Marton at night.

  The demon commanders aboard the Legion warships hope that night can cover their tracks.

  However, the magic detection equipment, which was turned on around the clock, discovered the legion battleship from a long distance.

  When it cleared the entry obstacles outside the asteroid belt, a dazzling green light beam shot out from the ground, accurately hitting the battleship's hull.

  In order to keep the operation secret, the Legion warships did not activate the fel shield.

  The green light beam easily cut through the shell of the Legion battleship, causing huge damage that could no longer be repaired.

  Before the demons in the battleship could react, most of them were sucked out by the vacuum of the universe.

  Some demons who responded quickly clung to the fixed facilities around them.

  But their struggles are pointless.

  Most demons are normal creatures, and they also need to breathe!

  Suffocation can cause fatal damage to them.

  This meaningless struggle just left their bodies inside the cabin.

  (End of chapter)

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