Chapter 23 The white chocobo becomes stronger inexplicably

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  Chapter 23 The white chocobo
  prototype that has become inexplicably stronger belongs to the category of arcane puppet from the perspective of energy attributes.

  However, its appearance is very close to that of an infantry fighting vehicle.

  Apart from the magic lines flowing with arcane energy, there is nothing similar to the arcane puppet.

  Herard struggled for a while and couldn't think of a name.

  Finally, he refers to the example of gnomes naming multi-legged robots walking tanks.

  Since it can be named so simply, I will call this Arcane Chariot.

  The combination of arcane puppet and chariot, there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling it arcane chariot!
  The first arcane chariot was born, and subsequent production was much simpler.

  Just copy the prototype in its entirety.

  Horad made five more arcane chariots to make up an auspicious number.

  He then gave three of them to Sylvanas.

  Sylvanas looked at the freshly baked products and was very satisfied with the fact that Herad gave her priority.

  It seems that my second brother is really the closest to me!
  Thinking of this, Sylvanas put her arms around Herad's shoulders, leaned over with her bright red lips, and kissed him on the face.

  Feeling that she had gone too far, Sylvanas turned away with a blush on her face.

  This was the first time that Herard had enjoyed such an intimate gesture.

  But when Sylvanas was happy, she would often kiss her owl.

  Thinking that the kiss he got was probably treated like a pet, Herard's mood suddenly turned cloudy.

  "Don't tell eldest sister about this. I'm leaving first."

  After warning, Herard got on the chocobo and prepared to leave.

  After calming down, Sylvanas turned around and waved goodbye to him.

  "Don't worry, I won't provoke that domineering guy."

  "Okay, then I'll go deliver the goods to my eldest sister."

  "I wish you a safe journey!"

  I saw the white chocobo carrying Hera. De left quickly, and Sylvanas scratched her somewhat hot ears in confusion.

  "Strange, am I dazzled? Why does it feel like Xiaobai's speed has become much faster?"

  Herad's white chocobo is one of the best high-end mounts.

  But no matter how good its qualifications are, there are limits.

  The potential of a high-quality mount like the Chocobo has been fully exploited by the high elves, and there should be no further breakthroughs.

  It was discovered that the speed of the white chocobo has become much faster, and Sylvanas attaches great importance to its nature.

  But this guy's speed is too fast!

  Ostrich can run at a speed of seventy kilometers per hour.

  The body structure of a chocobo is closer to that of an ostrich.

  But they are larger than ostriches and can spread their large wings and use updrafts to accelerate.

  When the white chocobo spreads its large wings and runs, it even seems to be taking off.

  In just ten seconds, it had already rushed around the corner of the road and disappeared into the sea of ​​golden trees.

  Looking at the frightened birds above the forest, Sylvanas decided to wait until Horad came back to find out.

  The extremely fast white chocobo arrived at the junction of Yongsong Forest and Silver Moon Forest in just over half an hour.

  There is a wide river running from east to west, perfectly separating the Yongge Forest and the Silver Moon Forest.

  Herard found a place to sit down and rest by the river.

  The white chocobo was wandering by the river, looking for the fish swimming to the shore.

  Once it finds a target that can be attacked, its slender neck will quietly approach it, and then launch a swift and violent peck.

  No fish can escape its sharp beak.

  Chocobos, carefully cultivated by high elves, are creatures at the top of the food chain throughout the continent.

  Usually kept in the wild in the forest, those that run on the ground, swim in the water, and fly at low altitudes are all their food.

  Bobcats are also afraid of these carnivorous chocobos.

  If you see them from a distance, avoid them.

  Neither speed nor strength have any advantage, so what can they do to fight the chocobos?
  Those bobcats without long eyes often become a meal for chocobos.

  The white chocobo who was fishing by the river unexpectedly caught a big fish weighing more than ten kilograms. It happily ran to Herad with the big fish in its mouth.

  Seeing it holding the big fish in its mouth, Herard knew exactly what it was planning.

  I definitely want to add some seasoning to this fish to improve its taste.

  Herard summoned the wind element in his contract and gave Big Fish a simple electrotherapy and wind blade cutting package.

  After this set of processing procedures, the big fish turned into half-cooked fish fillets with a rough appearance.

  After sprinkling it with pepper and salt, he placed a plate of freshly baked fish fillets on the stone slab.

  Although the food processing was rough, the white chocobo felt very satisfied.

  It only took a few mouthfuls to put all the fish fillets into its stomach.

  After satisfying its appetite, it stood on one foot on the edge and took a nap with its eyelids drooped.

  This way of resting while standing on one foot allows both feet to rest in turn while quickly entering a fighting or running state.

  The overlord-level white chocobo stood here, and the surrounding area became a restricted area. No animals dared to approach.

  Herard took out an enchanted fishing rod, hung up the bait and experienced the fun of fishing leisurely.

  Although he is no longer ready to become a fishing master, his fishing skills will not deteriorate due to this.

  The hook of his enchanted fishing rod will have a certain attraction to fish.

  And the thread will not be easily pulled and the pole will not break.

  Good fishing skills, coupled with a cheating enchanted fishing rod.

  Used to deal with the fish in the river, it is a complete dimensionality reduction attack!
  Even the smaller sharks in the sea have been caught by him.

  He was just fishing for fun, and the fish in the river suffered!

  The white chocobo took a nap for half an hour, woke up, happily ate two big fish, and started flying again with Herad on his back.

  A mount that can run long distances just by eating fish, the price/performance ratio is absolutely great!

  However, Herard did not pay attention to its speed the whole time.

  Even if he noticed that Chocobo's speed had become much faster, he wouldn't particularly care about the change in speed.

  Yongge Forest and Silver Moon Forest are so big, it is impossible to say that it will have adventures there, and it is not certain that it will eat heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

  On the river hundreds of meters wide, a huge stone arch bridge spans both banks, maintaining land traffic in the north and south areas.

  The white chocobo happily crossed the bridge and reached the lush forest on the opposite side.

  It has been living in this silver moon forest full of green.

  The golden Yongge Forest in the north has always made it a little uncomfortable.

  After sending Harad to the Farstrider camp, he ran out of the camp and headed west.

  The rangers who were training near the camp saw a white figure running past quickly, and they all stopped to watch.

  It wasn't until the white chocobo ran into the forest that they looked back and started discussing.

  "So fast! Is a swift-level chocobo that fast?" "

  It seems not that fast. No, definitely not that fast!"

  "Well, it really can't be that fast."

  Alleria saw He Ladd came over and curiously asked him about the white chocobo.

  "Why is Xiaobai's speed so much faster?"

  Herard looked at the rangers surrounding him in confusion.

  "Has it become faster?"

  After hearing what he said, the rangers nodded in unison.

  "Yes, it's a lot faster."

  "It's obviously faster than Chocobos of the same level."

  "It stands to reason that it can't be faster."

  Everyone said this, and then Herard believed it was true.

  Unable to get an answer from him, the rangers used Eagle Eye to conduct a carpet search to see what the white chocobo was doing.

  (End of chapter)

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