Chapter 217 Attacking the Fel Furnace 1

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  Chapter 217 Attacking the Fel Furnace 1
  The Fel Furnace is located to the north of Hellfire Citadel, and further north on the plateau is the Throne of Kil'jaeden.

  Only by clearing the Fel Energy Furnace can we attack the next target.

  Anyone with a furnace in their name is either a real furnace or an energy device like an arcane furnace that collects energy.

  But this evil furnace combines the two into one.

  The eredar demon mage of the Burning Legion corrupted several volcanoes with fel energy into fel volcanoes.

  The evil magma flowing out of the evil volcano is a raw material containing mixed evil energy.

  They flow into the huge steel building at the foot of the mountain.

  The steel building looks like an old-fashioned furnace.

  These steel buildings are fel furnaces.

  The fel energy purified by the fel furnace is used to supply fel cannons and legion portals.

  It is also an arsenal in itself.

  Use fel magma to smelt ore and forge weapons.

  It is equivalent to a self-sufficient small industrial base.

  This mode is very similar to the Karazhan Mage Tower.

  However, the Karazhan Mage Tower is much larger than the Fel Furnace.

  After all, it was the legendary mage tower that the human guardian Medivh had been tinkering with for half his life.

  The interior of the mage tower has been transformed by space magic, and it can fit several skyscrapers inside!

  If all are developed and utilized, they will have extremely powerful productivity.

  If that ignorant Medivh were resurrected, he would definitely be surprised by his former wealth.

  When this guy was messing with the Mage Tower, he was rushing to build the largest leisure place in the Kingdom of Stormwind!

  Now his big hotels and theaters have all been turned into arsenals and magic workshops.

  They provide various weapons and equipment for warriors who resist evil forces.

  The Broken Elites of the Ashtongue Deathsworn Force were carefully inspecting the Karazhan RPG-7 rocket launcher.

  There are many countries on earth that can produce rocket launchers.

  But the Soviet RPG-7 rocket launcher is definitely the most popular classic weapon!
  It is the most common and most effective fire support equipment in the world.

  The RPG-7 rocket launcher has the characteristics of simplicity, ease of use, high reliability, and strong lethality.

  The rockets that Herad equips the Breakers are the most powerful 105mm armor-piercing projectiles.

  Because although this 105mm armor-piercing bullet is more expensive, it can penetrate 750mm rolled homogeneous armor.

  Caliber is an important indicator of the power of thermal weapons.

  This kind of rocket, which can penetrate the front armor of main battle tanks, is the most suitable weapon for dealing with fel artillery.

  As for the cheap 73mm armor-piercing bullet, it can only penetrate 400mm of rolled homogeneous armor, and the penetration depth is less than half a meter.

  It should be more suitable to use it against Demon Guards. (The Demon Guards strongly protested against treating them as tanks.)
  After checking their equipment, the Ashtongue Deathsworn troops carried their RPG-7 rocket launchers and entered the temporary portal.

  The other end of the temporary portal opens in a hidden valley near the Fel Energy Furnace.

  An illusory door of light suddenly opened in the valley, and then something seemed to come out of it.

  Even though there are demons from the Burning Legion in the valley at this moment.

  They can't figure out what's going on.

  That little bit of light distortion disappears when it leaves the light gate.

  It seems to be just the spatial ripples produced by the light gate.

  The Ashtongue Deathsworn troops, led by Akama, easily avoided the demon guards patrolling along the way.

  At this time, the sky has darkened, and even if the Breaker's optical stealth method is slightly flawed, it will be perfectly covered by the night.

  Judging from the intensity of patrols on the periphery, the Demon Guards of the Burning Legion are already very serious.

  However, facing these infinitely invisible Broken Ones, their efforts are meaningless!
  There are dozens of fel cannons surrounding the fel furnace.

  Normally, no enemies can get close to here.

  Even the domineering Deathwing gave up after several trials.

  After all, the power of a salvo of dozens of evil cannons is not small!
  There is no direct conflict of interest between the two parties.

  What if you are killed or injured?
  The elite Breakers of the Ashtongue Deathsworn army are determined to cause destruction. The Burning Legion destroyed their homeland twice.

  And they turned them into this ugly appearance.

  It makes perfect sense to trouble the Legion.

  The elite breakers who came to the outside of the defense line quickly assigned attack targets.

  The use of the RPG-7 rocket launcher is very simple.

  Aim at the target, then release the safety and pull the trigger. That's it.

  As long as a normal person with a brain can get started in a short time.

  In the hands of the people of the Middle East, RPG-7 rocket launchers have shot down US military helicopter gunships again and again, destroyed US Navy SEALs time and time again, and blown up US military vehicles again and again.

  Even if the mecha comes, it will be destroyed with one shot.

  Using it to hit the Burning Legion's fel artillery is definitely easier than hitting those US troops who will lie down to avoid it.

  As the horn sounding representing action sounded, the outer defense line of the Fel Energy Furnace suddenly burst into flames.

  The explosion flames in the night are very dazzling, and the damage is also fatal.

  The demon guards and hellhounds guarding the fel cannon, as well as the Morg engineers and Ganger tinkers who were doing maintenance, were all swallowed up by the explosion of fire.

  But they are only incidental and necessary goals.

  The ones that mainly bear the damage are those fixed evil cannons.

  The lower part of the Fel Cannon is a rotatable base, and the upper part is a football-shaped metal cage.

  Inside the metal cage, the pale green evil flames were restrained.

  Hollow-charge rockets hit the cage, burning parts of the metal cage.

  The evil runes in that area were also destroyed.

  Without the restraint of the evil runes, the evil flames began to run rampant.

  Those demons who took a free bath of ordinary flames took a bath of evil flames again.

  Ordinary fire does almost no damage to demons.

  It's different if it's replaced by evil flames!

  Although evil energy exists in demons.

  But that was diluted evil energy, not this refined evil energy.

  It's like the light can heal a wound.

  The highly condensed holy light will burn people into charcoal.

  Therefore, when the Fel Cannon is exploded, the Fel Flame produced is the fatal blow.

  The green evil flames swept through the surrounding area, burning all the demons into charcoal.

  Even the hellhound with anti-magic skin was burned to a medium-rare state by the fel flames.

  This sudden change made all the demons in the Evil Energy Furnace area dumbfounded.

  It is true that there have been explosions recently.

  But each time there were several sporadic explosions.

  With demon guards and hellhounds guarding them, it would be difficult for the mutated draenei to find a chance.

  Destroying all the evil cannons at the same time is really an exaggeration!
  Before they could recover from the shock, a huge illusory light door suddenly took shape in the camp.

  Herad opened a temporary portal next to the legion portal.

  As soon as Zilali walked out of the temporary portal, a golden light beam swept across the battlefield, and then launched a golden light ball to attack the survivors.

  While continuing her long-range attacks, she used her magic sword to destroy the legion's portal.

  The small arcane puppet that appeared a step later also started slashing with the bloody giant sword.

  The Legion Portal is the most important building of the Burning Legion.

  Only with this convenient legion portal can the Burning Legion's huge military advantage be brought into play.

  However, under the destruction of two indestructible weapons, the legion portal, which took a lot of high-end magic metal to build, was quickly dismantled into a pile of scrap metal.

  Without this legion portal that can quickly transfer troops, the demons from Kil'jaeden's Throne have no choice but to walk here if they want to support this place.

  (End of chapter)

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