Chapter 215 The devastating battle

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  Chapter 215 A devastating battle.

  I watched the golden giant in the distance wreak havoc, tearing down the half-broken Hellfire Fortress even more.

  The fel orc warlocks made a difficult decision.

  That's running away.

  In fact, if a few of them take out their private goods, they can launch a powerful hellfire offensive.

  But consuming all the Hellfire Stones here would obviously not be a good deal.

  Just when several evil orc warlocks were about to run away, their positions were locked by Zlali.

  The golden beam of light sweeping through the ruins raised its angle and shot toward the area where the evil orc warlock was.

  The golden beam of light hit the rock wall and quickly burned through the rock wall, almost taking away an evil orc warlock behind.

  Realizing that their position had been exposed, several evil orc warlocks moved quickly.

  These evil orc warlocks have a good hiding place.

  They are hidden in the soldier caves in the city wall.

  They are simply impossible to see with the naked eye.

  However, Naaru is a holy light energy creature without eyes.

  Energy creatures rely on their super sense to see things.

  If the evil orc warlocks had just watched the battle quietly, Zlali would not have noticed them at all.

  After all, she is very busy now and has no time to pay attention to the little mouse in the distance.

  They choose to take action regardless of life and death, but that is different!

  If you dare to take action, you must be prepared to have your claws chopped off.

  Zilali allocated part of her attention to deal with these little mice.

  The golden beam of light quickly cut through the city wall, frightening several evil orc warlocks so much that they almost flew out of their wits.

  If you hide here any longer, you will only be burned to charcoal or crushed to death by the collapsed city wall.

  As they ran away in panic, they quickly formulated countermeasures.

  That is, they use the treasures at the bottom of the box at the same time in exchange for a chance to escape.

  The Hellfire Stone was sent into the twisted void by them, and then appeared at an altitude of several thousand meters, preparing to enter the high-altitude projectile process.

  Several evil orc warlocks assigned their respective areas and laid a dragnet to cover the golden giant.

  If a hellfire puppet is smashed down, the range of the blow will be very limited.

  But with several of them smashed down at the same time, it’s not that easy to dodge!
  Facing huge pressure, the golden giant could only fight obediently with the hellfire puppet.

  Of course, if the golden giant is knocked to the ground in the first round, this will naturally be the best ending.

  The force of the meteorite hitting it is terrifying, enough to cause serious damage to it.

  Under the expectant gaze of the evil orc warlock, six meteorites with green flames streaked across the sky and smashed towards the hateful golden giant.

  However, Zilali will not just wait to be hit.

  She adjusted the angle of the golden light beam to intercept the hellfire meteorites falling from the sky.

  The Holy Light version of the laser cannon is naturally effective in air defense.

  If an ordinary meteorite hits it, it will be cut open in two swish.

  But this is a hellfire meteorite, which contains a lot of evil energy.

  Fel energy can temporarily resist the burning of the Holy Light.

  Therefore, it will not be easily cut by the golden light beam like ordinary meteorites.

  However, during the falling process, the evil energy collided fiercely with the holy light and was being rapidly purified.

  As the fel energy is purified, the fel rock turns into normal rock.

  The golden beam of light cut it in half and then locked onto the next target.

  The hellfire meteorite fell very quickly.

  Moreover, the first Hellfire meteorite resisted for several seconds, creating opportunities for other Hellfire meteorites.

  Therefore, this Hellfire meteorite has not been completely purified.

  But the condition of this heavily damaged Hellfire meteorite is still very bad.

  When it hit the ground, it just made a big crater.

  It didn't turn into a hellfire puppet and crawl out like other hellfire meteorites.

  This is because there is not enough evil energy to protect itself, and the body is seriously damaged during the impact.

  Although the hellfire golem is very rough, it is made of several pieces of fel rock.

  But the basic joint movement part is still there.

  How can you move if your joints are broken?
  It is now just a Hellfire meteorite full of cracks and cannot smoothly transform into a Hellfire puppet form.

  With the eredar demon mage repairing it in the future, it might still have a chance to stand up.

  Zilali ignored this crippled guy.

  She fired golden balls of light at the hellfire golems that were crawling out of the pit. At the same time, he took off the magic sword fixed on his back and rushed towards the nearest hellfire puppet.

  The hellfire puppet that had just crawled out of the pit opened its mouth and let out a huge roar, showing off its terror.

  Then a shining golden magic sword was thrust into its mouth.

  The magic sword Lemonia cannot exert its full power in the hands of the enemy.

  But its extremely sharp characteristics were perfectly displayed.

  Insert the magic sword into the hellfire puppet's mouth and stir it up, easily making it shut its mouth forever.

  The eredar demon mage is very confident. When making the hellfire puppet, he always places the soul of hellfire in his head.

  Maybe they think that because their heads are smaller, they are less likely to be headshot during battles!

  It's a pity that Herard set up the attack logic for the arcane puppet.

  When encountering hellfire puppets, they will attack their heads first.

  The most important hellfire soul was destroyed, and the headless hellfire puppet collapsed.

  Seeing that the hellfire puppets were eliminated with just one sword, the evil orc warlocks ran faster.

  You would be a fool not to run away at this time.

  When all the hellfire puppets are eliminated, it will definitely be their turn to summon them next.

  They hurried to the bottom of the city wall, then rode away on the hell horses summoned from the demon world.

  The Hell War Horse is a powerful horse-like monster that can run many times faster than an ordinary mount.

  Zilali, who was busy dealing with the hellfire puppets at this time, had no time to deal with these little mice that escaped.

  However, the evil orc warlock ran into the city gate and was about to escape, when Herad teleported the small arcane puppet.

  A small arcane puppet suddenly appeared at the city gate, and the blood-red giant sword blocked the way.

  The evil orc warlock running at the front wanted to stop the hell horse in fear.

  Unfortunately, the hell horse couldn't react at all, and hit the blood-red giant sword on the spot, smoothly splitting it in half.

  The mount was beheaded, and the evil orc warlock also had a hard time.

  Its legs were put in stirrups, and it didn't have time to shrink its legs.

  So it was a free experience of rapid amputation.

  Even if the evil orc warlock who has lost his legs survives, he will spend his whole life in a wheelchair.

  If it can master the demonic transformation of the warlock in the game, it may have a chance to escape the fate of mutilated limbs.

  But the small arcane golem won't give it any chance.

  It casually slashed at the evil orc warlock who was holding his broken leg and wailing.

  The defenseless fel orc warlock escaped the fate of becoming a wheelchair-bound fighter.

  The other fel orc warlocks saw this scene and tried to get around the small arcane golem on both sides.

  However, escaping is absolutely impossible!
  At the last moment of their lives, they saw a flash of blood-red light blade.

  The indestructible blood-red sword energy cut them in half, including men and horses.

  After killing all the evil orc warlocks, the small arcane puppet flew towards the city.

  Although its main goal is to harvest the souls of evil orc warlocks.

  But it would also be nice to go in and harvest the souls of ordinary evil orcs.

  Seeing the new enemies appear, the evil orc warriors in the city gained hope.

  This enemy, carrying a blood-red giant sword and wearing armor with ever-changing colorful rays of light, doesn't look that good either.

  We can't defeat that huge enemy, but we can't defeat an ordinary enemy like you?

  Don't think that holding a giant sword means you are powerful.

  My great wheel ax is not much smaller than your great sword.

  The simple-minded evil orc warrior did not see that the other party was flying into the city just now.

  They thought the other party was using the big jump skill to suddenly enter the city.

  A powerful warrior can jump onto the city wall, then leap thirty or forty meters away, leaping forward on the roof.

  Such enemies are certainly very strong.

  But having more people can make up for the lack of strength.

  A group of evil orc warriors held up wheeled axes and charged forward with confidence.

  Judging from their howling fanaticism, it seems that they have already won.

  Of course, there is no need to use sword energy attacks to deal with these little Karami.

  The small arcane puppet rushed into the crowd and then spun at high speed.

  The storm of blood-red blades moved around, cutting all the fel orc warriors into pieces.

  The wheel-axe that the evil orc warriors are proud of is not much stronger than a branch.

  (End of chapter)

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