Chapter 213 Attack on Hellfire Fortress 1

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  Chapter 213 Attack on Hellfire Citadel 1
  The best way to utilize the source of magical energy. In fact, so far, there has never been an optimal utilization plan.

  However, the demigod-level arcane puppet in Silver Moon City is definitely qualified to compete for the pinnacle throne in this regard!
  The best mass-produced magic materials at present, combined with the energy well water of the Sunwell, form an extremely powerful semi-god-level arcane puppet.

  Demigod-level arcane golems can guard Silvermoon City and patrol the territory of Quel'Thalas.

  If the Silvermoon City Council passes the relevant bill, it can also take the initiative to eliminate enemies that threaten the High Elf Kingdom.

  Herad wasn't the only one who could teleport around regardless of anything.

  High Elf Mages are as powerful as clouds, and they can easily open temporary portals.

  When the demigod-level arcane puppet suddenly appeared, the country could not be destroyed, but the city was destroyed!
  Fortunately, the high elves are not an ambitious race.

  Otherwise, there would be no place for other races to survive freely in the entire Eastern Kingdom continent.

  The demigod-level arcane puppet is very considerate, and there are two ways to die.

  Either get trampled to a pulp by big metal feet, or be burned to ashes by magical flames.

  Or get a one-stop service, this is also possible.

  In the council hall of Silvermoon City, the members were having a heated discussion.

  Councilors are divided over a city plan to combat forest trolls in the Hinterlands.

  In Herard's view, this kind of thing can be passed directly.

  First teleport the demigod-level arcane puppet, and then the large army will go over to clean up the battlefield.

  What a relaxing and enjoyable process of suppressing bandits!

  But the MPs are talking nonsense.

  Herard didn't understand at all how they could talk about big things for a long time.

  And it was pulled and pulled to other places.

  It is a simple decision whether to fight or not. We have been discussing it for more than half a year, and it has not been decided yet.

  Thinking of the efficiency of the Silvermoon City Council, Herard was speechless.

  The political system of the human kingdom is relatively much better.

  Although there are constraints from noble factions, they are not as exaggerated as the high elves.

  Many things can be resolved after just a few discussions.

  The king also has pretty good discretion.

  As long as it is a reasonable decision, the nobles will not object.

  But the most pleasant political system is the theocratic system of the Draenei.

  Velen only needs to say that this is the will of the Holy Light, or this is the arrangement of fate, and the decision can be easily implemented.

  For example, several large mines in Shadowmoon Valley are currently mining in full swing.

  When Velen assigned the task, not a single Draenei had any objections or even any dissatisfaction.

  If it were any other race, there would be more or less objections.

  Several special meetings need to be held to carefully negotiate the benefit distribution plan.

  Theocratic power itself has strong brainwashing properties, and coupled with the prestige accumulated by Velen for countless years, it has created a high degree of unity among the draenei.

  As long as it is beneficial to the race, the Draenei can do it regardless of personal gain or loss.

  Fortunately, these guys are simple and kind-hearted and don't have any tricks.

  Otherwise, how can other races in Draenor do anything?
  Looking at the Draenei who responded to everything, and the high elves who opposed everything, Harad could only feel deeply helpless.

  At the same time, he was secretly glad that Azeroth was relatively peaceful at the moment.

  If the world is really in chaos, even if the high elves are very powerful, it will be difficult to face the enemy!
  When Harad complained about the poor political system of the high elves, Zlali suddenly remembered what Harad had promised her previously.

  "It's been several days. Have you found those hateful evil orcs?"

  The clear voice that suddenly appeared in his mind startled Herad.

  After realizing what was going on, he immediately started looking for the target.

  "I'll look for it right away. I'll get it done soon."

  Hearing that Herad was already looking for the evil orcs, Zilali said nothing more and quietly waited for the search results.

  When dealing with these straight-forward Naaru, you must not use bullshit.

  Otherwise, no matter what character Naaru is, you will be blacklisted.

  Because they can see into a person's soul and know if you are lying.

  Due to years of war and the invasion of Azeroth, the number of orcs has declined significantly.

  As the population declines, the territory occupied also shrinks a lot.

  Currently they are mainly gathered in the Tanaan Jungle where the Dark Portal is located.

  Harad used the Dark Portal as a starting point and headed due west to search for traces of the evil orcs. Starting from the Dark Portal, there are many areas on the land that have been burned into glass.

  Of course, the orcs in those areas didn’t even leave any residue behind.

  Seeing the obvious losses of the orc army on the ground, Herad was very moved by the destructive power of Deathwing.

  As for why it was determined to be Deathwing's hand, the glassy ground explained everything.

  The dragon fire temperature of the black dragon is higher than that of other dragons.

  The dragon fire temperature of the Black Dragon King is naturally higher.

  The one who can burn the ground into glass is basically the Black Dragon King.

  When he found the huge fortress complex, Harad was speechless at Deathwing's desire for destruction.

  Two holes were torn in the city wall and hundreds of buildings were burned.

  Judging from the traces left behind, Deathwing flew down and burned it casually, and then landed on the city wall to rest.

  This very random act of destruction destroyed most of this huge fortress complex.

  The prototype of the huge fortress group in the game should be Hellfire Fortress.

  Hellfire Citadel is the home base of the fel orcs.

  So Herard was looking forward to it.

  At this time, Hellfire Citadel has been partially destroyed by Deathwing.

  Fortunately, this is indeed the base camp of the evil orcs, and there are many evil orcs stationed here.

  Even after being devastated by Deathwing, there were still a large number of fel orcs that survived.

  They're perfect for punching bags.

  As for the fact that they have suffered a lot, this is not within the scope of Herard's consideration.

  Among ordinary demon-blooded orcs, there are occasionally good people.

  Evil orcs are the most evil orcs.

  They are madmen completely controlled by demonic blood.

  There is absolutely nothing wrong with applying the concept that orcs must die to them!

  Harad positioned the temporary portal in the middle area of ​​Hellfire Citadel.

  Seeing the temporary portal open, Zilali cheered and ran in.

  The evil orc laborers who were building a bunker saw a giant light door appear.

  They stupidly gathered around to check the situation.

  The golden giant suddenly rushed out from the giant light door, kicking them down and trampling on them without any care.

  This golden giant is composed of Naaru and large arcane golems.

  The Naaru may still have some compassion for the fel orc drudges.

  Arcane puppets are completely inhuman robots.

  They were in charge of melee attacks, so they would trample down unscrupulously, trampling the evil orc slaves into broken tomatoes.

  Who cares if you are a combat unit?

  You can kill any red orc.

  If they are trampled to death, they will be trampled to death. There is no need to care about them.

  Puddles of green blood, symbolizing environmental protection, dotted the barren, red, cracked ground of Hellfire Citadel.

  Although the evil orc peons look a little timid, they are not as timid as the orc peons.

  These red-skinned orcs mustered up the courage to surround him and smash the golden giant's calf with hammers.

  But their hammers are used to repair houses.

  It's okay to hit ordinary enemies, but it has no effect when hitting metal lumps like this.

  The defensive power of Thorium plate armor is very powerful.

  Even without the infusion of divine energy, they cannot break it.

  When a small hammer hits it, it just makes some noise!
  The golden giant can easily crush them with just a single move.

  When more than half of them were killed or wounded, the evil orc slave laborers finally got scared and fled the battlefield one after another.

  The inhuman golden giant chased and trampled them all the way.

  It wasn't until the evil orc warriors appeared that these weak evil orc peons were spared.

  (End of chapter)

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