Chapter 186 Collecting Naaru Fragments

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  Chapter 186: Collecting Naaru fragments
  ended the test of the Sin Vanadium Stab Sword, and Herad went to the lower level to observe the growth of Arcandor on a routine basis.

  Tel'an, the Nightborne's senior botanist, inspects it carefully every day.

  Members of the Blue Dragon Legion in the Broken Isles often come to look after them.

  With Karazhan's magic network nodes providing arcane energy, and the careful management of these professionals, it would be difficult for Arcandor to figure out any problems.

  Herard walked around Arcandor, sat down in a room in the corner of the hall, and began to meditate.

  A ghost place like Revendres is not suitable for meditation practice in terms of safety or environment.

  The special arcane energy emitted by Arcandor creates a very comfortable environment.

  It’s a great place to practice meditation!
  The high elf ranger troops who are hunting the remaining orcs often come to Akandor to rest.

  The high elf ranger can completely suppress his thirst for arcane energy.

  But this special arcane energy makes people subconsciously want to get close to him.

  The special arcane energy generated by Arcandor is a harmonious symbiosis between arcane magic and nature.

  This special arcane energy gave Herard a somewhat familiar feeling.

  Somewhat similar to the power of the moon god given by Elune.

  Of course, it definitely didn't reach the level of the Moon God's power.

  But even though there is still a lot to be desired, this is still an amazing achievement!
  Those night elf mages from ancient times were already on the road to exploring the power of the Moon God.

  If there had not been a large-scale invasion of demons from the Burning Legion, they would probably have become demigods through practice.

  It's a pity that when the wheels of history rolled over, everything was ruthlessly crushed!

  The arrogant queen of the night elves, Azshara, led the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth.

  Those ancient night elf mages rose up to resist, and eventually all fell in the world-destroying war.

  Compared with the powerful Burning Legion, the power of the ancient night elf mages is just a mantis.

  Even though the night elves gathered many races, they still couldn't defeat the Burning Legion, and they had no choice but to detonate the Well of Eternity.

  The originally intact continent of Kalimdor was blown to pieces and became what it is today.

  Compared with the invasion of the Burning Legion, the problem of anima in the Shadow Realm seems serious, but it is much easier to solve.

  Find the culprit of the problem and let other Shadowlands bosses and Elune deal with it.

  The Burning Legion, which has destroyed countless living planets, is the real threat to Azeroth!

  The most important thing is that the moon god Elune is not willing to take care of it yet.

  After all, in the eyes of this true god, all living beings are just ants!

  He simply has to balance life and death throughout the universe.

  No matter how many planets the Burning Legion destroyed, it was not worth mentioning in Elune's eyes.

  At most, when a particularly valued believer encounters danger, he can appropriately demonstrate his power and let the Burning Legion retreat in spite of difficulties.

  Seeing such a large-scale true god, Herad could only shake his head helplessly.

  Sometimes, being too big is not a good thing!
  However, the pattern of true God is so big!
  Mortals cannot change the mind of the true God.

  If it were a true god changing the minds of mortals, this would be about the same.

  When night fell, Herard ended his day's practice.

  He checked the charging status of the Shadow Realm Keystone and found that it had been fully charged.

  The charging speed here in Azeroth is obviously much faster than the charging speed in the Shadow Realm.

  Herard suspected that this had a lot to do with the intensity of arcane energy.

  Or maybe it's Arcandor's special arcane energy at work.

  No matter what causes it, it’s a good thing!

  However, Herard did not teleport to the Shadow Realm immediately.

  He brought in arcane scavengers and tested their speed through makeshift portals.

  After repeated testing many times, I finally determined that I could only bring one.

  The Arcane Scavenger is so big that it can pass safely in just a few seconds, which is already a very good result!
  In the ruins of the village in the Ashes Wilderness, a dark portal quietly opened, and then quickly and silently disappeared.

  A mysterious man wearing a black robe and a hood covering his head appeared on the spot, as well as his metal puppet mount.

  The metal puppet was five meters tall, and its whole body was covered in gleaming Yin Iron armor.

  If the patrolling Stone Demons saw such a luxurious configuration, their eyes would turn red with envy.

  Although the output of anionic iron ore is relatively high, it is not so wasteful!

  Due to their large size, stone demons' armor is mostly made of glycoside copper.

  Due to the need to fly, the armor can only be simply worn to cover the main parts of the body.

  Otherwise, if the weight exceeds the standard, it will not be able to fly. The advanced gargoyle that can fly in the sky has put physics on the ground.

  But they still need to pay attention to load balancing.

  The metal puppet, who stood about the same height as them and had a round body, was covered in thick Yin Iron armor.

  With such thick Yin Iron armor, it is difficult for the stone demon's attacks to break through the defense.

  The only advantage of the Stoneborn Demon is that it can fly in the sky, much faster than the metal puppet.

  When Herard teleported over with the disguised Arcane Scavenger, the small Arcane Puppet finished its mission and quickly came to join them.

  When a large and two small group went south, the Arcane Scavenger would uncover a place where Naaru fragments were buried and would take them out and put them into the backpack behind him.

  This is scavenging, but it should be the highest level of scavenging!

  When they came to the southern border of Ashwild, the Arcane Scavenger did not follow Horad through the border.

  It will continue to collect Naaru fragments on the Ash Wastes.

  The Ashwild is huge and this can be a time-consuming job.

  The behavior of the metal puppets collecting Naaru fragments did not attract the attention of the patrolling stone demons.

  Although stone demons are intelligent creatures, their way of thinking is relatively dull.

  In their opinion, the metal puppet initially acted together with the Venthyr nobles.

  It should be some kind of experimental and precious puppet creation.

  After so much effort in digging out the Naaru fragments, it was naturally impossible to mess around with them.

  As long as it doesn't do bad things with Naaru Shards, collecting them isn't a problem.

  This is equivalent to collecting garbage and piling it up.

  Although the Ash Wasteland is already a Holy Light Wasteland, it is still necessary to tidy it up!

  However, every time they see a metal puppet using a shovel made of yin iron to dig into the soil, the stone demons always find this scene to be jarring.

  The spears they used were only equipped with Yin iron spearheads.

  This guy's entire shovel is made of Yin iron.

  Damn capital power, it’s so abominable!

  After cursing a few words in their hearts, the stone demons continued to patrol.

  The Naaru fragments on the Ash Wilderness are scattered in scattered locations.

  But it is very easy to find them.

  Those exiled Venthyr refugees spent countless thousands of years stamping out the road.

  They will avoid areas with Naaru shards.

  So just follow the road and dig into the golden ground on the side of the road.

  The geology of the Ashenwild changes very little, so the naaru shards are not buried very deep.

  It only takes a few shovels to dig them out.

  When the Arcane Scavenger was digging up the Naaru fragments, some ghouls who were not afraid of death came to snatch them.

  These guys, who were burned by the sun and blistered all over, but couldn't die no matter what, had no idea what they were robbing.

  The ghouls' brains are burned out and their thinking is simple.

  The big guy is digging something. If the big guy digs something, hurry up and grab it!

  The ghoul who frantically rushed towards the Naaru fragments, trying to snatch away the things, was beaten away by the Arcane Scavenger with a shovel.

  Although the body of the ghoul is shriveled, it is very tough.

  Attacks that are not strong enough will be difficult to cause fatal damage to them.

  However, under the impact of dozens of tons of shovels, their bodies were shattered into pieces, like broken plastic dolls.

  Seeing the ghoul being beaten to pieces, the Venthyr refugees and Stoneborn demons who were watching all felt their souls shrink.

  Most Venthyr refugees are not good at fighting.

  Seeing such a tragic scene, they were so frightened that they turned and ran away, fearing that the metal puppet would smash them to pieces.

  Stoneborn demons are very courageous. During battle, they like to catch their enemies and then drop them from high altitudes to break them.

  But this scene shot into pieces still had a great impact on them!

  The arcane scavenger who created the bloody scene didn't care at all.

  Its mission is to collect glittering pieces.

  If the enemy dares to obstruct its mission, it will be nothing if it is shot to pieces.

  (End of chapter)

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