Chapter 184 Easily Obtain Sin Vanadium Ore

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  Chapter 184: Easily Obtain Sin Vanadium
  Ore. This mining area in the Ashes Wilderness is built on the edge of the fault zone.

  When the Naaru army attacked Revendreth, Emperor Denathrius fought back.

  The area where the Ash Wilderness is located was first burned to scorched earth by the Naaru army using the holy light.

  Immediately afterwards, he was bombarded indiscriminately by Emperor Denathrius.

  Then Ash Wilds was born!

  The two energies clashed wildly, leaving no place in the Ashes Wilderness intact.

  The fault zone where the mining area is located was blasted out by a powerful energy collision.

  If the two warring parties were more ruthless, the continent of Revendreth would probably be shattered!
  Of course, war does not only bring disadvantages.

  After the war subsided, this became the best mining area!
  The fault created by the energy explosion has a height difference of nearly two hundred meters.

  This means you can easily observe mineral distribution and save two hundred meters of digging underground.

  The flattering mud servant supervisor led Herard into the largest mine.

  The ore warehouse is in the cave not far from the entrance of the mine.

  Ore of different colors is separated by the miners and stacked in their respective areas.

  The ores in the Shadow Realm are different from the ores in the mortal world.

  It's so pure that it's almost like a metal lump.

  Silver-gray glycoside copper ore, silver-white anionic iron ore, and dark brown vanadium ore.

  These are the three main metal ores in Revendreth.

  Among them, vanadium ore is only produced in Revendreth.

  Its rarity is naturally the highest!

  As for glycoside copper ore and anionic iron ore, they are distributed throughout the Shadow Realm.

  However, anionic iron ore is relatively rare, and its status is definitely higher than glycoside copper ore.

  This can be seen from the inventory quantity.

  The pile of glycoside copper ore is more than ten meters high, a very large pile.

  The pile of yin iron ore is only a little over five meters long, but there is a lot of it.

  The vanadium ore is just six small pieces, packed in a small wooden box.

  Looking at the vanadium ore that was gathered together and was no bigger than a fist, the corners of Herad's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

  Although he heard that this kind of ore was rare, he really didn't expect it to be so rare!
  It was a large mine that dug out just a few pieces in just a few years.

  With such a low output, it is obviously not a metal that can be popularized.

  In Revendreth, which has a very long history, most of the equipment used by soldiers is glycoside copper.

  Equipment made of negative iron will be given priority to officers.

  As for the rarest sin vanadium, it is mostly used to make weapons, and armor is almost impossible!
  Those who can use that kind of weapon are high-level people in Venthyr.

  They live in the core areas of large urban circles.

  It is definitely very difficult for ordinary people to see them!
  If Herad tried to seize their weapons by force, it would be tantamount to launching a siege.

  Maybe it will attract the super god Emperor Denathrius.

  Therefore, it is safer to collect vanadium ore in a down-to-earth manner.

  Thinking of this, Herard followed the procedure and took some of the ore from the warehouse.

  Of course, all the vanadium ores must have been taken away.

  Looking at the head of the mud servant who nodded and bowed respectfully, Herad poured a small cup of Anima for it.

  The bull's-eye glass used for drinking liquor is half a cup, about half a tael.

  However, this amount of anima is too much for even a mouthful of boredom, and Supervisor Mud Servant couldn't even say anything excited.

  Venthyr nobles who came to collect ore often collected wool from it.

  It is ready to contribute some of its anima.

  After all, the mission of the Mud Servant is to serve these big guys.

  As a result, this big boss actually rewarded a lot of anima!

  With such a strong contrast, Director Mud Servant suddenly disliked those stingy Venthyr nobles.

  It took a lot of effort to save a little bit of anima energy as big as a soybean, but those guys had to pluck their hair out.

  But don't look at the stingy Venthyr nobles in its heart.

  If a stingy Venthyr noble shows up, it will still rush up to greet it and offer the anima it has finally saved. Serving the Venthyr nobles is the Mudservant's lifelong mission.

  Herad, who had already walked away, looked at the ore in the bag with a happy face.

  The bag is small, but it contains rare vanadium ore!

  As a rare ore unique to Revendreth, the value of this small bag cannot be measured!

  Sin Vanadium is lighter than steel, but as hard as Thorium.

  Infusing this soul-based metal with anima can greatly increase its strength.

  Even Azeroth's most powerful source metal is no match for the anima-infused Sin Vanadium.

  And it can continue to grow stronger with the blessing of soul power.

  There is currently no way to test to what extent it can be enhanced.

  Who would be willing to test two weapons made of vanadium against each other?

  While passing through a ruined village, Herard discovered that the cooldown of the Shadow Realm Keystone had ended.

  He immediately assigned the task to the small arcane puppet to clean up all intelligent creatures around this ruined village.

  Not a single one of the Venthyr refugees, ghouls, or stoneborn demons flying through the sky could be left alive.

  At the same time, he released a large-scale psychic scream into the ruined village, driving out all the guys hiding inside.

  High elves have very high soul strength and are a race known for their powerful soul power.

  The soul cultivation method taught by Elune has not been practiced very much, and the soul scream used by Herad is already very powerful.

  The Venthyr refugees hiding from the sun inside the ruins were terrified.

  As long as he locks them by sensing fear, Herad will immediately launch a soul attack.

  Most of the Venthyr refugees who were recruited died suddenly on the spot.

  Some with stronger souls became confused.

  Then a small arcane puppet came to the door to offer warmth.

  So far, we have never encountered a Venthyr refugee who has endured the devastation of the soul shock and still remained conscious.

  After confirming that there was no one alive within several kilometers, Herad activated the Shadow Realm Keystone and quickly left here.

  When the early morning sunlight was shining on the terrace at the top of Karazhan, a dark portal suddenly opened.

  The arcane scavengers stationed nearby stared at this unique temporary portal.

  Its mission is to clean up all dangerous elements.

  This legendary mage tower that has gone through many stories has too many uninvited visitors!

  It usually cuts the visitor in half with a long-handled machete.

  When it saw Herad's figure, its alert movements were instantly cancelled.

  As soon as Herard returned from the Shadow Realm, purple light suddenly lit up around him, and he arrived at the casting area in the middle of the mage tower in a blink of an eye.

  If he could teleport, he wouldn't even want to take a few more steps to get there.

  Of course, the main reason is that I can't teleport in the Shadow Realm.

  Next to the small furnace in the casting area, Herard put the vanadium ore into the crucible, and then activated the magic circle below.

  As the magic circle was activated, purple arcane flames burned.

  The temperature of arcane flames is very high, much higher than elemental flames.

  Thorium ore with a high melting point can be melted quickly.

  Sinvanadium ore has a melting point no higher than Thorium ore.

  In less than half a minute, these vanadium ores turned into liquid.

  Looking at the liquid sin vanadium in the crucible, Herard made a rough estimate. It was a bit reluctant to make a conventional one-handed sword.

  This quantity is enough to create a European stabbing sword, or a one-handed sword from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

  It’s the Tai Chi sword used by those old men and women in the park.

  It's hard to kill someone with that thing, but it looks great!
  Anyway, it was just for fun, so Herard chose the European rapier.

  Revendres's style in all aspects resembles that of the European Middle Ages.

  Wearing a European stabbing sword made of vanadium, it would be more appropriate to pretend to be a high-ranking Venthyr noble.

  (End of chapter)

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