Chapter 125 Velen’s powerful strength

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  Chapter 125 The Power of Velen

  When Herad found the prophet Velen, this old man with a big beard who had lived for tens of thousands of years was condolences to the Delaney refugees.

  As early as the era of the Eredar people, Prophet Velen was a powerful figure among thousands of people.

  But judging from his sincere expression when he expressed condolences to the refugees, it was definitely not a show.

  The purple-skinned prophet Velen stood among a group of blue-skinned Draenei, and he looked very eye-catching.

  Seeing Herard coming, Velen slightly speeded up his condolences to the refugees.

  There were only a few hundred refugees in the Karabo Temple, which did not take up much of his time.

  Soon he ended his condolences to the refugees and thanked Herard who was standing beside him.

  "Young man, on behalf of all my tribe, I would like to thank you for your selfless assistance."

  Seeing Velen bending down to salute, Herad quickly raised his hand to stop him.

  The high elf, who is less than 1.8 meters tall, is trying hard to prevent the draenei who is over 2.2 meters tall from bowing. This scene looks very embarrassing.

  "There is no need for the prophet to be polite. There is a big matter that requires the prophet to worry about. We are helping each other."

  After hearing what Harad said, Velen no longer insisted.

  He changed his expression of gratitude by bowing his hands and bowing.

  "In any case, our family has remembered this kindness! Then tell the old man about the situation of Sargeras' clone!"

  The grudge between Prophet Velen and Sargeras has lasted for more than 25,000 years.

  As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the Eredar people on the planet Argus had created a highly developed arcane civilization.

  They stood at the top of civilization in the entire known universe.

  However, Sargeras, a despicable and evil fallen titan, deceived Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, and most of the eredar by pretending to be a good guy.

  Although Velen tried his best to dissuade his people, they still embarked on a path of depravity from which they could never turn back.

  Facts have proved that the endless knowledge and power promised by Sargeras was actually just a despicable scam!

  Those Eredar whose minds and bodies were distorted by evil energy, fell completely into darkness, and there was no chance of looking back!
  Witnessing the destruction of the eredar civilization with his own eyes, Velen hated Sargeras more than anyone else.

  He felt great after learning that Sargeras had deliberately planned to take action against Azeroth, but failed to get good news every time.

  "Haha, great! This is how we deal with that despicable and shameless guy, slap him in the face!"

  After venting the unhappiness that had been accumulated in his heart for more than 20,000 years, Velen urged Herad to take him with him quickly. He goes to the Tomb of Sargeras.

  Although that wasn't the actual body of Sargeras.

  But the corpse of Sargeras's clone can also be used to vent the hatred in his heart.

  Velen was so desperate to purify the corrupted incarnation that Harad would not dampen his enthusiasm.

  In the crypt of the Tomb of Sargeras, Velen, who had just stepped out of the temporary portal, was startled by the huge red dragon head approaching.

  Anyone would be frightened when they saw a head bigger than the city gate approaching.

  Alexstrasza, Queen of the Red Dragon, doesn’t care if she scares people.

  When she saw this purple-skinned old man just now, she almost thought he was an Eredar demon.

  Fortunately, Herad had mentioned the situation of the Draenei before.

  After looking at it carefully, she nodded with satisfaction.

  "Yes, he is indeed a demigod-level priest! If he helps, the progress can be much faster!"

  Seeing the Red Dragon Queen being so rude, Herard was speechless towards her.

  However, most of the guardian dragons have a carefree personality.

  Moreover, in terms of seniority, the Red Dragon Queen would completely crush the old guy like Prophet Velen.

  Is it powerful to be tens of thousands years old?
  The guardian dragon kings were canonized by the Titan gods hundreds of thousands of years ago.

  They had lost count of how many years they had lived before this.

  There is no need for any etiquette at all for a grandchild who is thousands of years younger.

  Although Velen was startled by the Red Dragon Queen.

  His mental endurance is very strong!

  During his escape journey of more than 20,000 years, he had seen countless storms and waves.

  Soon he turned his attention to the fallen incarnation.

  Looking at the miserable green giant that contained huge amounts of evil energy, he gritted his teeth and walked over.

  "Sure enough, it's this guy! The despicable deceiver!" Angrily recounting Sargeras' crimes, Velen raised his hand and shot a golden beam of light, hitting the chest of the fallen incarnation hard.

  The powerful strength of the demigod priest was fully demonstrated at this moment.

  Ordinary priests use golden light balls or light bombs, or small energy bodies of other shapes to bombard the enemy.

  Either drop a line of golden flames above the target's head.

  Velen, on the other hand, shot out continuous holy energy from the palm of his hand, forming a thick golden beam.

  If you describe the ordinary priest as an old-fashioned rifle.

  Then Velen is a heavy machine gun with super firepower.

  How can a rifle that fires a shot and pulls the bolt compare with a heavy machine gun that clicks?
  Of course, this is just a simple metaphor.

  The gap in energy intensity between the two sides is even greater!

  In fact, Velen alone can equal a thousand priests.

  Under the continuous illumination of the golden beam, the evil energy contained in the fallen incarnation was quickly purified.

  The chest area of ​​the fallen incarnation even recovered the original color of the material.

  Seeing this scene, the expressions of the chaste saint and the guard maid were a little shocked.

  These two titan creations using the Holy Light are clear.

  They will never reach this height.

  How can the Holy Light stolen with arcane power compare with the Holy Light gained through devout faith?

  Even the Titans, who can evolve all things with arcane power, cannot use such pure holy light.

  The Red Dragon Queen was very satisfied with the strong strength shown by the foreign aid.

  She transformed into the form of a high elf and patted Herad kindly on the shoulder.

  "It's really thanks to you that you have found such a powerful helper in just a few days. It is estimated that it will take at most three months to solve this problem!"

  Hearing that it would take another three months to purify the fallen incarnation, Harad said to Aegwynn. It is very doubtful that he can be killed.

  But the Red Dragon Queen was not surprised at all.

  A normal enemy is very powerful while alive, but will be reduced to ashes with just a touch of fire.

  However, some enemies have very special bodies.

  Being dead is more difficult than living!

  She pointed at the fallen incarnation being purified by the Holy Light and said: "The corpse of such a powerful demon is definitely the most difficult to deal with!"

  Velen has a deep study of demons, and he understands this deeply.

  "Yes, the pollution of evil energy is really terrible! Our home planet Argus has now become an evil energy planet!"

  Thinking of this kind of evil energy with extremely vicious nature, it is Sargeras, the demon king. Developed evil energy.

  Velen was very angry inside.

  The intensity of the holy light rays that were originally outputting steadily increased suddenly.

  However, this intensity only increases by 20 to 30%, which is not as exaggerated as in the game.

  In order to purify this scourge as soon as possible, Velen summoned a large number of draenei priests and defenders to come and take action.

  None of them are very strong individually.

  However, when their number increases to a certain level, the purification efficiency produced is also considerable.

  If the Draenei had not experienced a tragic war, they would have suffered heavy casualties by now.

  This race, which vigorously promotes the Holy Light, can come up with a corps of priests that are counted in legions.

  Even if the fallen incarnations were purified in one wave, it would not be difficult.

  After all, the power of Holy Light is definitely the natural enemy of the devil!
  This is why the Burning Legion uses orcs to kill people with borrowed knives.

  In fact, even with heavy losses, the draenei priests still numbered in the thousands.

  If all the refugees scattered around can be found, this number can be increased a lot.

  Looking at the crypt that had become the Holy Land of Holy Light, Herard sent over the high elf priests who needed professional training.

  As for the Paladin profession, it is right to choose from priests.

  To become a powerful paladin, devout faith is very important.

  The pastor is definitely the most suitable candidate!
  High elves need to master a more powerful power of holy light!
   Happy Lantern Festival to everyone!
  (End of chapter)

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