Chapter 117 Looking for the Draenei

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  Chapter 117 Searching for the Draenei
  Under the continuous burning of the dragon's breath and the flame of holy light, the evil energy in the fallen incarnation's body steadily decreased.

  The surrounding ground quickly returned to normal.

  However, it will take a long time to completely purify it.

  A conservative estimate would be about a year.

  The two stone giantesses were okay, they had a lot of patience.

  The Red Dragon Queen was a little anxious.

  It's definitely okay to let her sleep for a year.

  It wouldn't work if I breathed fire here every day.

  She looked at Herad who was still admiring the scene of the evil energy dissipating.

  "Go and bring that exiled race over. We have a lot of idle land arrangements here."

  Seeing how anxious she was, Herard reluctantly ended the decompression time.

  Finding the draenei isn't easy.

  Those guys have been beaten into homeless dogs by the orcs, and they hide in the mountains and forests as turtles.

  This can only rely on the gryphon to search slowly in the air.

  The Wildhammer dwarves would certainly be willing to provide the gryphons.

  However, sending out a large number of griffins to search will arouse the vigilance and tracking of the orcs.

  Orcs are well adapted to mountain and jungle operations.

  In the deep mountains and old forests, Herad could not guarantee that they would all be wiped out.

  If they were successfully tracked and the remnants of the Draenei were found, they would probably cause many tragedies.

  Therefore, when looking for draenei, the more hidden the better.

  Herard decided to take Alleria on a trip to Draenor to let her see what the invader's home was like.

  As the coalition forces rest and transport troops by sea, Alleria has been training her griffons recently.

  When she learned that Herad had already been to Draenor and was planning to take her to visit this time, she immediately agreed without hesitation.

  She has always been curious about the world beyond the Dark Portal.

  What kind of bad world can breed such a bloody and cruel race?

  When she just passed through the Dark Portal and saw a large area of ​​burned land, she felt that it was still the same.

  The land burned by fire and the corpses scattered everywhere are completely in line with the nature of the orcs who like to set fire and kill.

  In fact, the orcs don't mess around too much on their own turf.

  They cut down trees in the forest to build necessary houses.

  What really destroyed this place were the fire elements who were more fond of setting fires.

  But the orcs already had a bad reputation.

  It is normal to be wronged by others.

  The two men and one griffon standing at the top of the Dark Portal did not attract the attention of the orc defenders below.

  The height of the Dark Portal is over there.

  Who would look up to see if there is anyone at such a high place?
  Even if some orc defenders saw it, they just thought it was a big bird landing on it.

  After all, Draenor also has giant flying monsters.

  After lamenting the destruction caused by the fire element, Herard began to cast space spells to find a foothold in Shadowmoon Valley.

  By consulting Gul'dan's memory, he obtained relatively detailed geographical information about Draenor.

  There are also places where the draenei are most likely hiding, making it difficult for the orcs to search.

  Draenor is a strange planet.

  The ocean coverage is frighteningly high, and only this continent exists.

  So the draenei don't have much choice.

  Shadowmoon Valley, located south of the area where the Dark Portal is located, was the original main distribution area of ​​the Draenei.

  If you look for it in the jungles and mountains there, the probability will be higher.

  Soon Herard found the ideal transmission point.

  In the sky above the Dark Gate, a purple mysterious magic circle flashed past.

  Seeing this situation, the orc defenders scratched the back of their heads in confusion.

  Although there is sometimes a little movement in the Dark Portal.

  But those were just flashes of green light or green small-scale explosions.

  What's going on with this purple light?
  Just when the orc defenders were scratching their heads, Herad and Alleria appeared on the hill by the sea.

  Appearing hundreds of kilometers away in an instant, only the speed of light can exceed the teleportation speed!

  The location where the two of them were was at the northernmost edge of Shadow Moon Valley.

  If you go further north across the strait, you will reach the Hellfire Peninsula where the Dark Portal is located.

  But there aren't many demons stationed there now, and there aren't many hellfires either.

  The sky here in Shadowmoon Valley is still as dark as in the game.

  The dim environment here, like the surrounding areas of Karazhan, is also affected by the overflowing dark magic. Karazhan is relatively easy to repair because the tower body is damaged.

  It's just that the orcs haven't been wiped out yet, so there's no need to repair the damaged locations.

  The source of dark magic in Shadowmoon Valley is quite powerful.

  It's the dark star in the sky that's causing trouble.

  After the death of the Naaru, who are filled with golden holy light, they will form a substance that emits the power of shadow.

  That's how Dark Star came to be.

  It would be okay if Naaru died on the ground, just polluting a piece of land.

  When the body dies, it is in the sky, and it becomes a light-shielding device running in the same orbit.

  Due to the relatively high position of the Dark Star, the darkness in Shadowmoon Valley is much lower.

  During the day, it's almost like the time when the sun just goes down.

  Although it was a bit dim, the surroundings could still be seen clearly, and no special lighting was needed.

  Therefore, the flowers, plants and trees here are still alive and have not become a dead place with withered vegetation.

  After the two put on engineering glasses, they could see the situation on the ground clearly.

  And the two of them are not the main force in the investigation.

  Because the gryphon's eyes are even more powerful, it monitors the situation below when flying.

  When it finds a humanoid creature with a special shape, it will remind Alleria to pay attention.

  Draenei and orcs are very different.

  Their skin is blue, they are taller than the orcs, they have tendrils on their necks, and their legs are the structure of goat hind legs.

  The males have large tails and the females have goat horns.

  When Alleria heard this, the way she looked at Herad changed.

  "Big tail, goat legs, and goat horns on the head. Are you sure this is not an eredar demon?"

  The eredar demon is the main force of the Burning Legion.

  Their images are also recorded on Azeroth.

  Although Herard knew the situation, he still felt a little uncomfortable with these blue-skinned people.

  But he still had to explain it.

  "They used to be the same race as the Eredar demons. Because they joined the Burning Legion, they later split into two races." "I

  understand, they are the blue-skinned Eredar demons."

  Alleria understood in an instant. How should it be described.

  Since the gryphon couldn't tell the difference between skin color, Alleria gave it the features of an eredar demon.

  The Burning Legion has not invaded Draenor yet.

  Don't be afraid of the gryphon finding the head of the eredar demon.

  In the jungle on the edge of Shadowmoon Valley, strange creatures appear from time to time.

  At first the gryphon will send out false alerts.

  After making a few mistakes, it will almost learn.

  Basically, you won’t make stupid mistakes again.

  I have to say that the gryphon's intelligence is still pretty good!
  Of course, it can't be compared with the ghostly white chocobo.

  It's a pity that white chocobos can't fly.

  Otherwise just let it out and it will take care of everything on its own.

  Without enough manpower and the gryphons not being very smart, it would be quite difficult to search for the draenei!
  Just when Herard was falling asleep with his arms around Alleria's waist, he suddenly heard the griffin's excited cry.

  This time is different from before, it seems very confident.

  Herard cheered up instantly and looked at the ground expectantly.

  When he saw the big blue tail below clearly, his mood suddenly became very depressed.

  It was a male draenei hanging from a tree.

  But it was obvious that he was dead.

  Alleria touched the griffin's head depressedly.

  "Find the next one."

  Through body movements and simple language, the griffon understood what its owner meant and continued to fly forward.

  However, its flight speed slowed down and its search became more careful.

  According to the gryphon's thinking logic, the first one appeared, and there must be more nearby.

  There are many huge raised stone pillars in this area, and the terrain is much more complicated than a simple jungle.

  From time to time, you can see orc search teams and the draenei killed by them.

  Apparently the orcs discovered clues about the Draenei and were hunting them down here.

  (End of chapter)

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