Chapter 79 - Breaking into the Memory Bank

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  "If you don't have to come out, you won't have a chance." Yu Ling now doesn't pay attention to the three bones that have no practical use. He just lets them float around him, even if he gets close, he can't lift them. his interest.

  "Tch, you can cut it off and I can grow it! Let me finish off your brother first!" Kimimaro raised his right hand and pulled it towards the lightning clone on the side.

  He looked at the person over there who hadn't moved, and subconsciously felt that he was a soft persimmon. You wouldn't be a good ninja if you don't pinch the soft persimmons, and Kimimaro naturally wouldn't want to miss this opportunity.

  The bones flew out, and the five fingertips flew up and down, entangled, and stretched; at the same time, they concentrated in one position, rotated, and all pierced the body of the thunder clone. Just put it on, and there will be no further effect after that. Just like it was stuck on Yu Ling, who was blessed with earth attributes. However, this time it seems a little different.

  If you look carefully, the gap is clearly visible...

  On the clone's body surface and fingertips, a gap separates the two sides.

  There was no contact, and the rotation of the fingertips was in the air. The thunder clone was just constantly releasing chakra, shaking the air. This detail was not visible at all from Kimimaro's point of view, but Yu Ling was facing the gap, and his original worries about the clone disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  "Huh? I have the same defensive power as your kid. They are really similar brothers! It's not a big problem, it's not a big deal, Corpse Veins Ten Finger Penetrating Bullet!" Seeing that Karamatsu's dance had no effect, Kimimaro gave up the attack. The control of bones allowed them to shine with their own light and fly freely for the last time in the last moments of their lives.

  At the end of the fight, the ten bullets failed to hit a single one.

  "Oh! You are really good kids. It is your luck to dodge my bullets, and it is also my magnanimity! Thank me, and then be thrown out by me!" "You are

  so arrogant, and you have never learned a lesson. Then, let us end you. Thunder clone, come on." Yu Ling closed his eyes and complained quietly in his heart. After giving the order to the thunder clone, he took the first step. With the blessing of wind attribute chakra, he can reach the sky in one step. His body soared upwards, reaching the top of Kimimaro's head in a few seconds. Turning face down, hands flying, Indian postures are presented one after another.

  "Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" In the brain, the ability to control chakra was further refined, and five huge fireballs smashed down at a speed comparable to those bone bullets. This is the most convenient fire escape ninjutsu that Yu Ling has used besides the fire clone. Practicing since childhood has made me the master I am now.

  "Don't let it out."


  The fireball stopped a second before it hit the ground, trembled suddenly, and then started to rise again.

  These are not Yu Ling's handiwork. He wouldn't let the opportunity that was about to come to him slip away like this.

  "Just let them surround you...this is called tactics."

  Like an old ninja's voice, low and steady. The echo in Yu Ling's mind... was more like a kind of hypnosis. Without any consciousness at all, Yu Ling just followed the instructions. In an instant, the fireball flew to Yu Ling's side and circled around his waist at high speed. Carried by centrifugal force, all the flames dispersed outwards, leaving Yu Ling inside unscathed.

  "Who are you?" Yu Ling didn't feel any malicious presence, but he was still curious about this person's existence.

  Many times, his presence helped Yu Ling. It more or less helped his growth and cultivation. This time, it is the most obvious appearance. It was always the same will that was engraved in his mind, subconsciously telling Yu Ling what to do. This time, he actually spoke directly.

  no respond. It's like the scene just now never existed. The fireballs were still flying around Yu Ling, and he could feel that he was controlling those fireballs. However, it felt like there was an empty space in my mind.

  "What are you yelling for? Apart from me, you have your brother, but there is no one else here! Don't bluff. I know best here. Are you afraid of me and don't dare to attack?" Kimimaro's big words were really speechless, Yu Ling simply ignored them, stopped in the air, and glanced at the thunder clone below.

  The thunder clone realized it, lowered his head, and chakra exploded under his feet. The light blue thread-like chakra extended from the heel, dragging a right-angle thunder stream backwards, and two cracks were forcibly opened on the ground.

  "Your brother can also use this kind of thunder escape? Compared with the thunder flow you attached to the sword, it is much more powerful! What do you think, kid? Are you ready to rely on him? But, even if he is stronger than you, This is still my territory! You can't change the world like this!" Kimimaro pulled out two bone knives, one pointed upward at Yu Ling, and the other was raised horizontally, aiming straight at Yu Ling with the flash of lightning. The thunder clone came over.

  "Use your speed...kill him."

  "Yes." There was a one-sided message spread between Yu Ling and his clone. Yu Ling can convey or obtain information directly through brain waves, while the clone can only convey his thoughts through language or release.

  From Kimimaro's point of view, this unprovoked "yes" was really creepy.

  "Uh... Hahaha, your brothers are starting to talk nonsense! What are you doing? Watch and watch! Corpse Vein·Chun's Dance!"

  Kimimaro held the knife in both hands and slowly spun around. In a circle, the bone knife will be swung at different heights.

  Not long after, a spherical whirlwind formed, surrounding Kimimaro and approaching the charging lightning clone. Kimimaro, the nemesis of physical skills, can only show his value when he gets close. Such a whirlwind can not only protect its surroundings for a period of time, resist some attacks, but also increase its movement speed unnaturally.

  The first contact between the bone knife and the thunder clone!
  Both sides were unscathed. The thunder clone stretched out an arm wrapped around Lei Liu, and what hit it was an ordinary but tough bone knife blessed by inertia.

  Because of the protection of the thunder flow, the arm was not damaged by the blow; the bone knife was not broken by the powerful thunder flow because of its strong initial strength.

  However, both sides were also affected by the counter-shock force and took more than one step back.

  "Yo! Not bad speed. Hey, your brother is really good, he can actually tie with me. You know, in this dimension, I am a god!" Kimimaro was still not affected by the failure, and he was very enthusiastic He said provocatively, raising his right hand high and waving in a circle at Yu Ling in the air.

  " can only talk." Yu Ling sneered and tilted his head, making the thunder clone not understand what Yu Ling was going to do. No information arrived in his mind, and in reality Yu Ling did not give any instructions.

  "Master has no orders... then I can't stand still. Lei Dun·Earth Walk." From a distance of three meters, Lei Clone grabbed the ground with his left hand and formed a seal with the other hand. This simple ninjutsu was completed in three seals. The valves on the acupuncture points were unlocked, and the pure thunder attribute chakra poured out. Following the left hand inserted into the ground, it reached Kimimaro's feet within a few breaths. . Thunder and lightning naturally crawled up the bones.

  "Is it just thunder and lightning? What's the use of this?" Kimimaro did not see the scene of thunder and lightning burning his bones, and he was still unafraid of thunder and lightning. In his memory, these thunder currents could only compete with his bones, and it was impossible to crush them.

  But that was just Yu Ling's thunder attribute chakra, mixed with more or less impurities. Now, it has completely thunder attributes. The speed of the thunder flow was much faster than before. However, Kimimaro still didn't notice this.

  "Huh? Why did the clone move on its own? I'm not ready yet. Forget it, it doesn't matter, you can use it now. Anyway, I now have fireballs that can be mobilized at any time!" With

  fireballs around me, The momentum is just different. The chakra condensed by oneself is combined with the rising flames. The two merged into one, making Yu Ling look like a god descending to earth.

  No one cares. The thunder clone and Kimimaro below were still in a stalemate, and the distance of three meters was like a natural chasm.

  "There is no doubt about the strength of the thunder clone. The problem is the defense of those bones. Naturally, my thunder attribute cannot hurt him, but what if it is transformed into a combined ninjutsu? Do I still need a clone?"

  Yu Ling floated in the air, alone. He rested his chin on his hands and looked up at the sky. He looked puzzled. The fireball around him was still spinning in circles.

  "Come down! Come down! Don't you dare, hahahaha!..." Kimimaro below had just resisted the rapid thunder flow, and his confidence was once again bursting. He was dancing on the ground, and the long bones behind him were swaying with his body.

  "Clones... are not feasible. I can't rely too much on clones. I must develop my own power..."

  "Go back if you don't dare to come down! You won't be able to make it anyway. I said, here, I am God!" "

  ...My own strength"

  "You are talking, do you think I can't come up? I won't give you time to wait until you come down!" "

  ...Don't let it out in a hurry, just keep it like this. , waiting for the opportunity."

  "Three! Hey, did you hear that!"

  "Prepare a chakra attribute first, and then add a new one..." "

  Two! Yeah! Corpse Veins..."

  "Soil Escape: Rocks are dancing..."

  Yu Ling was able to condense stones out of thin air, and this batch was created right in the middle of the Phoenix Immortal Fire.

  "You're not ready yet? Corpse Pulse: Dance of Karamatsu!" Kimimaro roared angrily, his patience really exhausted by the expressionless ninja in front of him and the irritable child above him. Ignoring the ninja in front of him, he raised his hand and flicked it. Ten bone thorns shot out of his skin and hit Yu Ling from the side.

  "Sorry for waiting, Xijiu. Now let me show you... my own power." Yu Ling said while winking at the thunder clone.

  "Thunder Release: Thunder Ball." The thunder clone received the order and immediately began to form seals. Blue chakra balls emerged from the fingertips and slowly floated towards Kimimaro.

  "Tch, or thunder and lightning? It's useless to me! Ha..."

  "Fire Release·Fire Explosion!"

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