Chapter 57--The ultimate comeback

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  "Captain..." Yuetu was in a daze. Just now, she didn't see any difference in the chakra attached to the hidden sword. The level of shock was no less than Kimimaro's.

  "Interesting... It seems that I need to go all out. I admire the surprise you brought. But your mission is contrary to the request of the adult, so I must eliminate you. The orphan of the Taketori clan, Taketori Kimimaro!" The talisman on his body moved again, and the black lines slowly connected together, turning into a large area of ​​darker skin.

  "There is a backup plan...Yu Ling." Even if he was an ANBU, in front of his opponent who announced his name and burst out his will to fight, Yu Ling couldn't help but be infected by this emotion. He calmed down and put his hands flat. He calmly revealed his real name.

  "Code name, Tianling."

  The two people moved at the same time.

  On one side, there was Yu Ling whose hands were wrapped with dark blue chakra.

  On the other side, there was Kimimaro who had changed beyond recognition.

  Now he has become almost like Jugo, with his whole body covered in a dark mysterious substance that is reddish-brown. There are sharp edges and corners everywhere, and the chakra reaction is stronger and more violent.

  He also became a monster.

  "He can actually do's a bit difficult to handle." Yu Ling stumbled, looking at such a change, he became a little anxious.

  "This is the power of that adult! Hahahahaha! This is the Curse Seal of the Earth! You can't match it. Give up... I can easily deal with you now." The emotions were also affected by the uncontrolled chakra. Under the influence, Kimimaro's somewhat quiet and aloof temperament was completely destroyed, and he became exactly the same crazy as Jugo, and undeniably powerful.

  "Then, we can only take the risk and give it a try." Chakra spread to the soles of his feet, and Yu Ling continued to maintain the starting position. The light blue chakra on his arms was looming, and a slight sound of breaking through the air erupted from time to time.

  "Kill you..." Kimimaro suddenly moved close to the ground, swinging his hands back while holding the bone knife. Due to the changes in chakra throughout his body, bone spurs grew on his back that could not be removed temporarily. "Curse Seal·Second Stage. Willow Dance, Chun Dance!"

  The two skills can now be activated at the same time. The bone knives in both hands were freely controlled, and the bone spurs on the body also rotated along the body without any structure due to their own movement and rotation.

  "Strength is useless...for a short time, just rely on speed to maintain it." At this point, looking at Kimimaro's speed, Yu Ling no longer thinks that he can forcefully repel Kimimaro with his own strength. , and turned to his original method, simply raising his arms. "Tian Ling Liu·First Style!"

  The bone knife waved out a phantom.

  This phantom was firmly blocked by another phantom wielded by the Hidden Blade.

  After a short confrontation, the two sides were divided at the first touch.

  Then, he rushed towards the opponent without stopping.

  "Captain..." At such a speed, Moon Rabbit could no longer aim. Looking at the two intertwined figures, I felt a little helpless and a little nervous.

  "Interesting... I can actually block it. Hahahaha! I saw you right, Yu Ling!" Before he finished speaking, Yu Ling chose to take the initiative.

  One hand stretched forward, pointing directly at Kimimaro's head.

  "How arrogant, hahaha! The dying struggle... is really ugly. Cursed Seal: Dance of the Willows!" Turning around, Yu Ling flew past him by the shoulder, braving the thunderous hidden sword, and carried it with him. The scraped bone fragments fell aside.

  Yu Ling was still in the air, still above Kimimaro.

  "Haha...die." The sharp bones pushed out from his shoulders and pierced into Yu Ling's abdomen without hesitation.

  "Fire Release: Blazing Feet." Not far behind, Yu Ling's cold voice came again, and the one who was hit in the air turned into white eyes with a bang.

  "Shadow clone... a boring trick." With a wave of the bone knife, he dispersed the surrounding white eyes and turned to face Yu Ling, who was galloping towards him.

  Now Yu Ling stepped on the flames, and his speed was once again increased. He stepped on a blackened footprint with one step, and the thunder flow carried by the hidden swords on the back of his hands showed no sign of weakening.

  "Humph... Chun Zhi Wu..." There was no emotion on his face, and he raised the two bone knives, like a real swordsman, with his legs separated.

  "It's just the physical skills of both hands, I won't lose. Next... take advantage of every opportunity!" Still taking the lead, Yu Ling stabbed straight with one hand, and followed this power to drive his lower body to complete an aerial turn. In an instant, he was in the air. Kimimaro had knife marks on both sides of his body.

  This is a sword with thunder current.

  The brief paralysis prevented Kimimaro from reacting. He could only look at Yu Ling passing over his head and slashed the second sword in succession.

  But Kimimaro, who uses bones as weapons, has nothing to say about the strength of his bones. Even a slashing attack with weight and momentum could not release Kimimaro's arm.

  The flesh was only cut, and the bones were directly exposed.

  "Haha..." Kimimaro sneered, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Kimimaro suddenly moved.

  Both knives struck Yu Ling's defenseless back vertically.

  Yu Ling knew that he had no time to turn around, so he made a backhand move and used his strength to complete a turn, leaving Kimimaro's attack range.

  Another horizontal chop. Taking advantage of the length of the weapon, another blow came from a distance. But Yu Ling had just completed the block, and the shock force from his arm had not yet been discharged, and he watched helplessly as the bone knife was about to hit him.

  "Fire Release: Blazing Explosion." The chakra controlled under his feet suddenly erupted, as if there was a control error, and the pure chakra directly knocked Yu Ling away.

  The ground was scorched black, and the grass under Kimimaro's feet was still burning.

  "Did you do it on purpose... It seems that I can't kill him even now." Just watching on the spot, not caring about the flames that had burned the hem of his robe, Kimimaro squinted his eyes and stared at the feather that had just been blown away. Ling, fiddling with the bone knife in his hand.

  "Then you can't escape... ten fingers pierce the bullet." The hot-blooded cheeks cooled down, and the corners of the mouth returned to drooping. He raised his hands flatly, spread his fingers, and dropped two bone knives on the spot, aiming at Yu Ling. .

  "'s in the air..." There was no time to think. The ten joints flew at an extremely fast speed, and only caused a very slight sound of breaking through the air. Among all the ninja tools, this joint is smaller and quieter than any other ninja tool except Qianbon.

  If it weren't for Yu Ling's innate sense of perception, he wouldn't have cared about such tiny movements.

  Bending down in the air, he managed to avoid the ten fingers, but he was still touched, and the momentum pulled his body around in a circle.

  Fortunately, the landing was perfect, and he was still facing Kimimaro.

  "Is it still useless... Corpse Vein·Karamatsu Dance!" Kimimaro was a little anxious when he found that no effective damage was done. Being delayed for so long by a child is a bit sorry for the adult's research results. He directly pulled out his spine, which was filled with flesh and blood, and gave up the two bone knives that fell on the ground. After taking two steps slowly, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Yu Ling.

  "It's very ninjutsu, well. I can only give it a try."

  Chakra leaked out.

  Colorful colors covered Yu Ling's body surface.

  But within a few seconds, there were only two colors left on the surface. They are red and dark blue respectively.

  Ninjas who are familiar with chakra will understand that these two are pure fire attribute chakra and thunder attribute chakra. The other three were taken back into the body by Yu Ling because he did not have suitable ninjutsu.

  "Chakra... is still so strong. But are you in time? Hahaha!" Seeing the vision, Kimimaro stopped decisively, threw his spine far away, and tried to capture Yu Ling.

  "It's coming so soon...Thunderbolt: Thunderbolt Blade." The thunder-attribute chakra seemed to have a home for an instant. The speed of light gathered on the surface of the Hidden Blade, reflecting the sun, isolating the air, and burning with lightning currents. Holding the air.

  With a gentle flick, the hidden sword popped out and hit the nearby spine, directly shattering the contact part and interrupting this continuous attack.

  "How could it be possible for you to be so relaxed? Hahahaha!" Suddenly a bone knife appeared in front of Yu Ling's eyes, a blow from behind.

  "Huh? Are you not paying attention? You're distracted... Then, Fire Release: Blazing Kicks." Immediately afterwards, the crimson chakra also found its host. It was still red, but it was filled with chakra. Body transformed into entity.

  The raging flames burned at the soles of his feet, and the air was squeezed for an instant, releasing a powerful counter-thrust and leading Yu Ling to dodge the attack.

  Seeing this, Kimimaro naturally wanted to pursue him. Every time you take flight, it is a rare opportunity.

  However, this battle is not a one-on-one battle. Those who can fight in groups naturally don’t need to fight one on one.

  Seeing the distance between the two sides, Shui Shuishen on the side seized the opportunity to take action.

  "Water Release: Water Whip!" While Kimimaro wasn't paying attention, the water whip successfully wrapped around his ankle, delaying his pursuit. Yu Ling also felt the fluctuation of his chakra for the first time, and made a prompt decision. He input a large amount of chakra into the hidden sword, raised his hands above his head, and performed another somersault to chop down.

  "Thunder Release: Double Thunder Shock!" Two bolts of lightning struck down and landed at Kimimaro's feet. Because of the conductivity of the water whip, Lei Liu was directly attracted and climbed onto Kimimaro's body without permission.

  "Ah... Hey, you dying rat. You are asking for your own death. Haha." The first time he was touched by lightning, he screamed out unaccustomedly. After that, he looked up like a normal person. Looking at Yu Ling, the corners of his mouth were quirked up in a strange way, his hands and feet were bent at strange angles, and his skin was torn, exposing his bones.

  Still growing bones.


  "Can I still move... The chakra consumption just now was a bit big... Hmm. Thunder Clone Technique! It should be a lot better if he does it for me." Yu Ling watched from a distance as he landed steadily and acted normally. Kimimaro also felt the lack of his own thunder attribute chakra, and immediately used the thunder clone, intending to let him release more powerful thunder escape in a more economical way.

  The chop just now was also a move that Yu Ling thought of on the spur of the moment. He didn't have an intuitive understanding of chakra consumption beforehand. Now, it's completely clear, but the price is a bit high.

  "Captain... there should be something else he can do, otherwise such an opponent..."

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