Chapter 49 - A narrow escape from death

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  "Leitong!" Qingye noticed the abnormal behavior of his long-time teammate, and called out anxiously, bringing the already dazed Leitong back to this world.

  "Similar! With my ninjutsu, we have lost too many teammates before we even started to resist effectively! We must grasp it well this time!" Aoba looked at the two captains behind who had not yet adjusted, and the chakra in front was attracted The two ninjas who came out were accompanied by Hayate, who had just been knocked away.

  "Ahem, Xiyan. I can still do it. Let's go up together later." Hayate hit a boulder and his head was a little dizzy. It took him a while to recognize the voice of Uoyuki Xiyan next to him. and appearance.

  "Haifeng, are your senses okay? I just saw that you can't focus, and you can't feel your hearing normally. What on earth are you doing now..." You know, Xi Yan has been staying by his side for five years after Hayate fell down. minutes. During this period, Hayate kept staring at Xiyan, making sounds when he opened and closed his mouth, but he couldn't identify it. It was only now that he reluctantly called out his partner's name.

  Xi Yan was on the side, a trace of tears overflowing from the corner of her eyes.

  Even ninjas are human beings with rich emotions.

  "Ah... um. I'm fine. I just injured my spine. Ah... ahem, go and help them deal with this... monster. Ahem. I'll be right away." Hayate said slowly and slowly. After spitting out the words, even though he knew very well that his condition was already life-threatening, Hayate was still focused on the mission and his companions.

  "Gaofeng...Okay, protect yourself first." Xiyan lay down on the ground, hugged Gaofeng for a moment, then wiped it hard on his face, took out the long knife on his back, and stepped onto the road behind Gaofeng. The boulder flew diagonally toward the monster.

  "Ah ha ha ha! Here comes another fresh little sister! Let me enjoy you alone!" The monster noticed the movement here, immediately lay on the ground, turned around, raised his head and faced Fei Shen. Xi Yan was chopped down.

  "You monster... Konohagakure·Mikazuki Dance!" Xiyan looked at this disgusting face and used his strongest sword technique without hesitation. The traditional sword technique passed down from Konoha style relies on ordinary clones to launch feint attacks from three different directions, but only the main body can do the real damage.

  "Hey, little sister doesn't seem to want to accept the judgment of death! You make me even more excited!" The monster looked at the three clones, the smile on his face getting thicker and thicker, and his fangs slowly The earth opened.

  "Piston Fist·Zero Style!"

  The monster stretched out its right hand and slowly expanded, with more and more hollow pipes surrounding the right arm from all directions.

  "Ah hahaha! You can't hide even if you have a clone! Leave your blood behind!" In an instant, a clone's knife shadow had hit the monster, and the monster also moved.

  The pipes at his feet once again erupted with powerful chakra. The air flow drove the body, forcibly breaking through the two clones in front, and hit Xi Yan at the rear without being affected at all.

  "Keke! Come on!" The monster looked at the phantom it passed through and accelerated twice in the air. "Piston Fist·Zero Style!"

  The air holes on the arms all sprayed out, and the whole body flew out. With one arm in front and the body hanging behind, an uncoordinated explosive force suddenly hit Xi Yan without any precautions.


  "Hey! Ahem, Xi Yan!" Gale leaned against the boulder in despair. Looking at Xi Yan who was also beaten away like himself, a sense of powerlessness arose in his heart.

  "Oh, this... ahem, we can't deal with such an opponent... ahem."

  Another hole was drilled into the same boulder.

  "Xiyan...cough, Xiyan, you..." Gao Feng endured the severe pain and the slight loss of consciousness, and slowly moved his stiff body closer to Uoyuki Xiyan.

  Xiyan was knocked unconscious immediately just like him before.

  "Ah ha ha ha! You fragile vessels! Your blood will be mine soon! Ah ha ha ha ha!" The monster looked around at the direction where Xi Yan had just been knocked away, and looked around at what was left. Several ninjas were yelling arrogantly.

  "Oops... there aren't many ninjas left now. So, now... ugh. Are there any left, Mizuki, and Iwahi? Huh? Anko actually doesn't survive either." Aoba has a headache. , to talk about his combat ability, it is just that his illusion skills are stronger, and his ability in close combat. But it was useless in front of this monster.

  "Senior Aoba, the three of us can't deal with don't we escape by ourselves." Mizuki saw Aoye's nervousness and hesitation, and immediately put forward his own idea. Indeed, if the mission fails, retaining talents is the best policy. Only by preserving ninjas can we report effectively and retain our strength. If we go to save those companions now, it will be very dangerous in front of such an enemy.

  "Illusion: Crow Forest!" Qingye took action, and the crows that were the first to arrange flew out from their hiding places and surrounded the monster.

  "Oh? Is this an illusion? It can actually show my childhood... That's really..." The monster slowly stood upright and stood among the crows, muttering to himself.

  "Now, hurry up and gather our companions together! I have a way to make us leave. Hurry, Mizuki, Vashi!"

  "Hurry up!"

  "Okay, senior. But this is really not very effective. . He will soon..." Mizuki reluctantly followed Aoye and ran towards his teammates.

  "...What a tragedy! Hahahaha! You die!" The monster suddenly laughed wildly among the crows, and the crows all went their separate ways, and the illusion was completely torn apart in an instant.

  "Huh? How could it be..." Qingye is very aware of the power of the illusion he casts, and it can usually be broken without being forced to stand alone.

  "Ah hahaha! You want to trap me with an illusion like yours! With chakra like you... No, just your blood! Your blood excites me! Ah hahahaha!" The monster lay down again, tightly Staring at Mizuki and Aoba who were carrying other team members in the back.

  "Senior... let's run away by ourselves. We can't save others now." Mizuki was still insisting on preparing to run away by himself, holding a huge shuriken in his hand, turning around and running away.

  "Mizuki... Sigh. You go first. You must bring the news to the Hokage!" After running with Mizuki for a while, Aoba suddenly stopped and shouted these words to Mizuki sadly.

  "Senior Aoba! You..." Mizuki was a little surprised. They had already run a few hundred meters away. They should have a chance to escape. Aoye's behavior surprised him.

  "Well, if there are three of us, we shouldn't be able to escape. I'll hold him up for a while. You take advantage of this time and run away!"

  "Ah hahaha! You still want to escape! My prey can't escape! Ah hahaha, blood..." The monster has followed, and the trees are still being destroyed one after another, flying up in the large forest, Dropped again.

  "Mizuki, run!" Vaxi turned around resolutely, facing the direction where the monster was flying, formed a seal with his hands, and closed his eyes.


  "Xuanjian, Lei Tong, can you hear me?"

  "Yes, yes. After the monster is far away, our chakra has returned to normal."

  "Then, get ready. Put it..."

  "No, take us..."

  "Are you sure? Our chakra..."

  "It doesn't matter, this space is already filled with a lot of chakra. Such a situation should be feasible." "

  You mean, Are we going to use that monster's chakra?"

  "Yes, you two find a position to include our teammates. Mizuki...has already gone back first." "

  Huh? Is this considered an escape?"

  "Don't worry about it for now. This is it. It's about to start. The monster is very close to me. You... run away after the casting is completed."


  "Stop talking nonsense, Qingye is still with me. No time. Let's start. !"

  "Okay. Flying Thunder Array Technique!"



  Qingye stood there, Xuanjian stood on the boulder behind Hayate, Lei Tong stood up holding his long sword, and walked to the other side of the road. Inside the trees.

  The three people burst out a large amount of chakra at the same time, and the chakra overflowing in the air quickly rushed towards the three of them.

  "Pfft!" The same chakra was pulled most violently just now, and now his body could no longer bear it, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

  Three laser beams rose from the three people and hit the sky.

  "Oh? My prey are resisting at the corner! The smell of blood... hahahahaha!" The monster looked at these three beams of light, a little confused, but the next moment, he smelled the smell of blood coming from the original position again. .

  "The Art of Flying Thunder Array!"

  The art is accomplished!

  The three beams of light were connected together, and all the ninjas in the space completed the transfer in an instant. The team members scattered in the forest were gathered together and appeared at the border of the Land of Fire.

  "Aoye, let's..."

  "Genma, let's go."

  "Where to go? Aoye is alone..." "

  Where do you think we're going? Besides saving Aoye, what else can we do? What are you thinking about, captain? You're gone. !"

  "Well, let's go."


  "Huh? My prey...have no taste at all! What did you do, you bastard! Hahahaha, then I will have to kill you, bastard!" Monster! After a pause, he suddenly couldn't smell those ninjas anymore. This made him panic a little. The first thing that came to mind was that my senses were being blinded. This has an impact on his ability.

  "Illusion: Phantom Crow Killing!" Qingye looked at the monster approaching him again, suppressed his fear, and used a harmful illusion.

  "Is it an illusion again? You bastard! I'm going to tear you apart! Piston Fist·Supercharge!" The monster's arm suddenly shrank, and the pipes were locked back into the body in an instant. There was no change in his legs, but chakra burst out at the same time, and he rushed straight towards Vashi in front of Aoba.

  "Genma, Raido. The Hokage's guard will depend on you from now on. Goodbye."

  "Hey, Vashi... Raido! Double Flying Thunder God Technique!"

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