Chapter 223

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  There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, so if you have a chance, you have to break through it.

  "Look at his posture. If I don't do anything after this chop, he will probably lose his fighting ability..." Akatsuki estimated the distance from Atsuyi to him, and from the stone giant to Atsuyi. , almost when the yellow-haired boy was able to chop him, if nothing else happened, the stone giant was also able to smash his thick fist on Aziyi.

  "You don't think that's all I have, do you? Yunliu Fire Slash!" Huoyan's blade extended a little bit and caught Akatsuchi off guard...

  "Can you change this move in the process? It's a bit powerful. ...I underestimated the enemy." But what's the use of admitting his mistake at this time? It can't change the outcome at all...

  The image of being cut in half has already appeared in Kurotsuchi's mind.

  "Brother! You will not lose to such a person!" The delicate voice was directly drowned by the irrational cheers from the audience, and Chitu naturally couldn't hear it.

  The voice could not be transmitted, so the thoughts were naturally the same...

  "I surrender." The sword was wiped on his neck. At this critical moment, Akatsuki gritted his teeth and said this sentence that was regarded as a shame by all ninjas.

  Give up...

  If they were not ninjas but samurai, their end would probably be beheading.

  "Hey, next time you come to participate, remember to shout out earlier. Not all examiners have the prediction and physical fitness like me." Kakashi's voice came from behind Akatsuchi, and the man who had already waved in front of him The knife was grasped by a slender and weak-looking arm with bare hands. It seemed light and airy, but in fact it restricted the flow of chakra on Atzyi's arm. Of course, his wrists were also directly clasped, making him unable to move.

  His life was saved, but Iwagakure's face was lost in front of the daimyo of the five great nations.

  "I understand, thank you, senior." Akatsuchi put away the stone giant, walked up to the stand from the side unhappily, lowered his head, and sat down next to Deidara.

  "Senior brother! It's just that your style has been restrained this time... Next time, someone else will win you easily!" Kurotsuchi jumped out of his seat and kept comforting him, regardless of whether Kurotsuchi was Feeling uncomfortable.

  "Senior Brother Akatsuchi, let me help you earn back Iwagakure's face later." Deidara was a bit more direct than Kurotsuchi. He spoke with strength, which was the simplest, direct, crude and effective in the Chuunin Exam.

  "Is this like this? Yes. But did you hear what the examiner just said? Remember it well, sometimes don't hold on. When the knife came to me just now, I felt the power contained in it... It's worthy of walking away As for the last candidate, I don’t have any strength, so I can’t rely solely on my teammates.” Chitu couldn’t help but express his feelings, looking at his junior brothers and sisters with worry on his face.

  "Well, I understand, I will pay attention. But...among these people, except for that witch, no one else can touch me, right?" Deidara had not seen Yu Ling's battle, but just regarded him as a Play a defensive role in the team.

  Another unintentional underestimation of the enemy.

  "Senior brother, don't worry! As long as the remaining people are not witches, they are no threat to us!" Kurotsuchi patted his flat chest to ensure that Kakashi's voice came out in the middle of the field.

  "The second game, Yakumo vs. Karui. Players from both sides enter the arena." As soon as he finished speaking, the person disappeared again.

  As if he didn't want to stay in the field at all, he ran faster than anyone else.

  "Yakumo? You're about to go up." Yu Ling squatted down in front of Yakumo consciously, planning to let Yakumo ride up, and then carry her to the examination room.

  "Yeah, I'll go down by myself. I won't bother you this time. I have to rely on myself for the one-on-one Chunin exam." Yakumo patted Yu Ling's head, carefully pushed it aside, and then he felt a little He stood up with difficulty and put his hands on the handrails beside the examination room.

  "Is that so? Is it really okay with you?" After spending the past few days together, Yu Ling was somewhat aware of Yakumo's physical condition. With such a high wall, if she really jumped off, there would be no need to play this duel.

  "It's okay! I won't jump." Yakumo smiled mischievously, and then showed the drawing board in his hand with a sly look.

  It was clearly the examination room above, and the pictures were all of the audience members who had fallen asleep.

  "You have to..."

  "Kakashi-senpai has already said that the game has started!" It was useless to argue. The energy of the illusion had been poured into the drawing board, and the illusion started at this moment. , with Yakumo as the center, slowly spread.

  "You... okay." Then, Yu Ling just held the Sharingan to resist the genjutsu, watching Yakumo walk down the stairs step by step, and walked into the examination room with a contented look on his face.

  Of course, Karui did not arrive at this time.

  Ninjas who use melee combat as their main method are really not very good at defending against illusions.

  The resistance is not much different from that of ordinary humans, and it is very easy to fall into illusion.

  And because of individual differences... Karui fell into a particularly deep hole.

  "Where is my opponent?" Yakumo leaned against a tree in the field, scanning the audience with disdain, searching for Karui in his memory, the dark Kumogakure girl.

  "Kumogakure genin Karui, please arrive at the venue within two minutes. Otherwise, the qualification for the battle will be cancelled." Of course Kakashi knew that Yakumo had done something, but this was considered a legal method, so The result can be said to be that Yakumo's ninjutsu was successful.

  "You are worthy of being a genius of the Kurama clan. At such a young age, you can actually control such a huge amount of illusion energy and accurately distribute it over such a large range..." The Sharingan has quietly opened under the forehead protector. Observing the illusion energy in the examination room.

  The light orange light covered the blue natural chakra.

  There should be only a handful of people in Konoha who can achieve this level.

  And Kakashi can only barely achieve such an effect.

  "Are the ninjas of Kumogakure too timid to fight?" Yakumo's face twitched with a smile, and his eyes were full of mockery, and he didn't even bother to hide it.

  "Hey, Yakumo... Can't you be more low-key when you do this little trick? You have to make it look like she really doesn't dare to come down... But if she really comes down, you can block her attack. "?" Yu Ling held his forehead speechlessly, observing the jounin and ANBU around the examination room.

  Those masters will not be affected by such illusions, and now they are all suppressing laughter.

  Everyone has probably heard of the eldest lady of the Kurama clan, and their impression is that she is just a girl with strong strength, aloof but peaceful personality.

  Unexpectedly, the first time I met in such a scene, I saw such an arrogant and domineering rich daughter.

  "Kumogakure genin Karui, you still have one minute." Kakashi looked up at the sky and reminded.

  "Kumogakure genin Karui, you still have thirty seconds."

  "Kumogakure genin..."

  "I'm here, what's wrong?" Karui suddenly jumped down from the stands, his eyes widened. It's like breathing fire. This way, she looks like an old woman who has just woken up and is still full of energy...

  "Examiner Karui has arrived, and the battle has begun." Kakashi was too lazy to go down, so he squatted on the wall beside the examination room and said to the two candidates below.

  "I'm not done with you anymore... Did you bastard just cast an illusion spell on us?" It seems that Karui is not completely stupid, and he actually knows that he was controlled by an illusion spell just now...

  "Yes, no Be careful and I'll knock you out too." Yakumo rubbed his hair, as if he were a child who had done something bad unintentionally, and his arrogant eyes just now suddenly turned into the aggrieved expression of a good boy.

  " yellow-haired little girl, I will definitely make you suffer!" He and Aziyi showed exactly the same attack mode, and they also planned to win with one blow.

  "Don't be too hasty. You've just come down. Don't you really need to warm up?" Yakumo flipped through the papers on the drawing board leisurely, as if he was sketching during a spring outing. He was not serious at all. mean.

  "Who needs it! I still need to warm up to deal with a guy like you who only makes small moves behind his back? You can solve it with one knife, so why bother with that?" Karui bared his teeth and rushed towards Yakumo, waving. The short sword in his hand had thunder attribute chakra clinging to the blade.

  "Be careful, if you go any further... something might happen." The worried eyes switched back, as if to show his compassion for Karui...

  Between women and women, the battle is really about words. It's more than using hands...

  "Cloud flow·Instant Slash!" Yakumo's words were memorized by Karui, and his pace suddenly accelerated, intending to reach Yakumo's side in the shortest possible time. "This yellow-haired girl who is good at illusions... As long as you let me get close, I can kill you directly!"

  "Your speed is still too slow." Karui was used to the feeling of riding on Yu Ling's body. The speed really doesn't matter to her.

  The movements of his hands suddenly stopped, and what appeared on the drawing board was the scene in the examination room.

  A ninja kept charging, surrounded by a pile of spikes.

  The feet were covered with blazing flames.

  The arms were covered with disgusting-looking bugs.

  There are two bats floating next to his ears.

  It can be said that all five senses are covered by terrible feelings.

  In a real environment, it is estimated that few people can survive such a situation.

  "That's it. It might be fun to give it a try to you." Yakumo raised his head and smiled, meeting Karui's hateful gaze. "Don't hate me too much. This battle is almost over."

  "That's right, let's end it here!" The blade was already flashing at Yakumo's side, and it didn't take a second to remove the head.

  "Okay. Genjutsu...Five phantom killing techniques!" Yakumo shouted, and the genjutsu energy instantly activated in his body, erupting from all over the body, covering an area with a diameter of at least five meters around him... "My In the field, you have no chance of winning!"

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