Chapter 164--Medical Ninja vs. Three

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  "Oh? It seems that I have indeed underestimated you... But do you want to keep me?" Yakushi Kabuto didn't look panicked at all. The blue light on his palms gradually weakened, and he kept his retreating figure, with his hands flying up and down.

  A genin who has participated in the chunin exams five times has an understanding of ninjutsu and taijutsu that ordinary genin cannot achieve.

  "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique..." A stream of solid water attribute chakra rose out of the air behind him. Under the control of his mind, it was thrown back and hit the seven inches of the blue-haired boy's water dragon. It suddenly vibrated. The mist was just enough for Kabuto to hide his figure.

  "What... why does he know this ninjutsu..." The blue-haired boy threw two kunai unwillingly. Not long after they were pierced into the mist, they fell weakly to the ground.

  "Calm down and deal with him first." The white-haired boy watched Yakushi Kabuto leave his attack range, then released the water whip on his hand, squatted down to catch the spirited boy who was still slowly leaning back, and stretched out his hand He held down the thrilling bloody mouth on his chest.

  It was empty inside.

  The blue-haired boy just stood on the side and watched without saying anything or making any move.

  His fists were clenched slightly, and his body was trembling slightly.

  "I said, calm down! What's the use of being angry at this time? While he can still be saved..." The white-haired boy's words were ruthlessly interrupted by the sound of breaking through the air, and a kunai fell on his feet. side.

  "One of them has been solved, and now it's you two." Kabuto Yakushi stood on his faucet, his legs spread forward and backward. Under Shuilong were his two teammates, who all chose to stand aside and watch.

  One person is enough.

  "You hurt my comrade." The blue-haired boy spoke again, pretending to be calm, with his trembling lips, and the looming momentum behind it...

  But in the eyes of Medicine Master, these were nothing at all.

  "Yes, I hurt him. Then what? Let me tell you... I will hurt you again." The water dragon under his feet slowly moved, curled and rushed towards the blue-haired boy standing in front.

  "You hurt my comrade." The blue-haired boy stood there without moving, his eyes looking directly at Kabuto Yakushi's curved mouth, his body gradually calmed down, and his hands clasped together again.

  "That's right... Are you so frightened that you can only say this sentence? Haha... If you look down on the medical ninja, you will end up like him! What do you think, what do you think of the medical ninja? To put it nicely, I'll give you a good time." Kabuto Yakushi was still not serious. In his opinion, this blue-haired boy was not even as threatening as the energetic young man.

  "You... hurt my companion!" Emotions that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly burst out! After a loud roar, there was a brief silence.

  "Oh... then...?" Kabuto Yakushi was suddenly startled. It was not easy to generate such momentum... and this boy... "Oh

  no, this is not some secret weapon... I blame me for not collecting it properly." Where's the information? Orochimaru-sama will be dissatisfied with me this time, right? This child's background is unclear... we can't fight rashly." Many unrelated thoughts flashed through his mind, and Yakushi Kabuto was forced to stay where he was. The ground and the high faucet did not fall down.

  "I'm going to... kill you!" His blood-red eyes looked directly at Yaoshi Kabuto, their eyes met, and the air between them suddenly shook.

  "It's interesting... He will become the test subject that Orochimaru-sama needs, right? Then..." Green chakra ignited in the palm of his hand, and the water dragon under his feet collapsed uncontrollably, directly exposing Yakushi Kabuto to the blue-haired boy.

  "Wait a minute! Let's work together..."

  "Ice Release: Ice Picks Dancing!" A layer of ice crystals formed on the surface of the raised arm, and ten centimeters away from the palm of the hand, there were five rotating ice picks, hanging motionless.

  "Ice Escape...the forbidden secret technique of the Kingdom of Water..." No wonder this child has been reluctant to show off his skills before. He comes from the Shui Wuyue clan, which was previously exterminated by the Ice Escape Bloodline. He should be careful...

  However, since he was exposed, Kabuto Yakushi would not be kind enough to let him go.

  "Blood successor limit, Orochimaru-sama will definitely like it!" The excitement on his face became more and more dazzling, his tongue licked his lips as if imitating Orochimaru, his hands shook, and he was ready to take action at the right time.

  "Kai, don't we need to help? It must be difficult for Kabuto to face such an opponent." Cheng hung up the branch and turned his body 360 degrees, ready to support Yakushi Kabuto at any time.

  Faced with the strange abilities of Blood Successor, it's always good to be careful.

  "No need. Kabuto said, let them fight three against one. We need to keep our promise, otherwise winning will be disgraceful and will bring shame to Lord Orochimaru! This is not something we can do. Cheng, just wait here. When he fails, we will take action." Kai held his hands with no intention of moving. The chakra in his body only maintained the lowest circulation speed, and he had no intention of taking action.

  "But... Kai, we can't look at him..." Cheng still couldn't stand it. Yakushi Kabuto's abilities mostly lie in close combat, and such an opponent would make him unable to attack...

  "Don't worry! I'm the captain, I said Forget it! Listen up, you are not allowed to interfere in the battle today!" Kaiyi wanted to regain Orochimaru's favor, and this was the best opportunity to eliminate his competitors. Don't waste it if you can.

  "Yes..." Cheng didn't want to cause trouble for himself. Besides, his own strength was restrained by Kai, so he could only obey his orders.

  "You hurt my comrade, and I want you to pay for it with blood!" After finally finishing his sentence, five ice picks shot out in an instant, scattering in five directions of Medicine Master Kabuto's body.

  "Have you blocked the route... In this way, there will always be a part of me that is injured." Kabuto Yakushi calculated the impact points of the five ice picks and calculated the direction of the shallowest injury. The chakra disappeared from the palm of his hand and he looked serious. The beginning of the seal.

  "You can't avoid it, haha, but what's the use? I'll resist and show you! Ninja Technique: Yin Healing and Injury Destruction!" A light layer of chakra attached to the outside of the right calf, and other parts were exhausted. Able to move.

  An ice pick penetrated his right leg without any deviation, but the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  "No matter what evil tricks you use, I will kill you... No, I will let you feel the same pain as my companions!" With a flick of his left hand, a more slender ice pick flew out from the cuff and aimed at it. It broke Kabuto Yakushi's heart.

  The body that was stagnant in mid-air had no way to dodge again. It could only watch the ice pick slowly approach and subconsciously reach out to block it.

  How can the physical body stop the power of the blood inheritance boundary?
  The ice pick effortlessly pierced Yakushi Kabuto's palm, and the tip stopped dangerously in front of his eyeballs. Only then did his body fall to the ground.

  "Not bad... This strength is worthy of Orochimaru-sama's in-depth study..." He licked his lips again and pressed his other hand on the wound, and the green light gradually became stronger. "Palm Immortal Technique..."

  "This price... is not enough! Ice Escape·Ice Crystal Dance!" Fragments of ice crystals piled up in front of the palm, spinning around an ice pick. The blue-haired boy stared angrily, with veins even appearing around his eyes. "This time, feel it well..."

  The ice pick flew out first, and the target was still Kabuto Yakushi's heart.

  "Ah... It seems that you are worried about my heart! So you still haven't answered my question... Medical Ninja, is it useful?" Yakushi Kabuto turned to one side and easily escaped. He needed to face All that was left was the big ball of ice slag.

  "Medical's useless! The profession of saving lives and healing the wounded has become so bloody by you. Even if the medical ninja is useful, you are useless!" The blue-haired boy's tense face twitched desperately, and his chakra was exported with his hands. , venting crazily.

  "Oh? Since it's useless... Haha, don't blame me for being rude!" Kabuto Yakushi stopped smiling, the chakra in his body suddenly stagnated, and the green light turned into a bright blue light in an instant. "You will receive the same punishment as him... Chakra scalpel!"

  He kicked the spirit boy's body in the direction he was lying with his toes contemptuously, stamped his feet lightly, and then his body disappeared directly in place, his legs swinging rapidly, The knife was held in front of him, and the airflow was cut in the middle...

  "You can come...I will avenge my teammates!" He held an ice pick in his hand for self-defense.

  The other hand begins to form a single-hand seal.

  "Oh? Revenge...what revenge are you taking?" Yakushi Kabuto saw the white-haired boy who was trying to stop him. He tapped the ground with his right toe, and his whole body completed a 360-degree turn, as if he had experienced a subtle... The calculation was the same, and it landed behind the blue-haired boy, right back to back.

  "In front of my scalpel... you are just a piece of paper!" Without looking back, the blade just cut out an arc. Pure chakra is not something that a physical entity can compete with. The ice pick shattered in response, and a bloody mouth appeared. were drawn out at the same time.

  "Ice Escape·Ice Cone Flurry!" The ice cone burst at close range can directly block all dodge routes, and the target will either die or be disabled. And the chakra is slowly condensing.

  "Let's see which one is faster, your ice pick or my sword!" He bent his legs, his body fell sharply, and turned around to chop from bottom to top. The blue-haired boy was forced to retreat again,

  "Three more. Seconds..." He muttered silently, staring at the unformed ice pick in his hand, anxious but unable to do anything.

  "Water Release, Water Whip..." The white-haired ninja settled the spirit boy, sneaked into the pharmacist's pocket from behind, and wrapped a long whip around his ankle first,

  "Two more seconds..." The blue-haired ninja saw Like this, he took the opportunity to distance himself and output chakra like crazy.

  "You are very annoying. If I had known, I would have dealt with you first." Yakushi Kabuto was forcibly stopped. Before he could stop, he slashed at the water whip with his knife. After using the force to roll on the ground for a week, he stood up and sprinted again.

  "One second..." However, with an inadvertent flick of his wrist, before the ninjutsu was completed, ice picks without sharp edges fell in front of Yakushi Kabuto.

  " this a mistake on your part? Sorry, there is no need for mistakes on the battlefield. So, please go and accompany your teammates. Revenge? It's too simple for you, young man!"

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