Chapter 107--The fourth team

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  "What...Kakashi, do you know the mission?" Shikaku was startled by the call from behind. With such a lazy voice, it could only be Kakashi. This time, he was very rare and was not late. Instead, he stood behind the three of them as if he was ready to go.

  "Well, I should have the responsibility to care about the safety of my master's wife." Kakashi was actually just talking to the third generation about the ninja school. He happened to hear the discussion between Minato and Shikaku, so he rushed home and prepared Battle suit, rushed over.

  He had served as Kushina's personal guard before, so now he naturally regards protecting Kushina as his duty.

  "That's it, then let's go." Shikaku nodded, recognizing Kakashi's will. "You are the captain of this mission."

  "Oh? Do you want me, an outsider, to be the captain of Ino Shika Die?" Kakashi, as a member of the once prominent Hatake clan in Konoha, naturally knew that Ino Shika Die was in Konoha. leaf status. Compared with their cooperation, his own strength seems somewhat meaningless, and it is not so reasonable for him to be the captain.

  "You are not an outsider, Hokage-sama's student. For this mission, it is very suitable for you, who is from ANBU, to lead us, right?" Shikaku originally chose Kakashi because he had accepted the ANBU experience. Teaching and being able to carry out assassinations and other operations alone will be a good help for this mission. Moreover, ANBU's thinking is closer to the "root" and can protect Kushina's team more effectively.

  "Anbu... Uchiha Itachi is stronger than me." Still unable to change his lazy temperament, Kakashi still complained before setting off, casually blaming his juniors.

  "But, wouldn't it be more appropriate for a personal bodyguard to protect Mrs. Hokage?" Lujiu was speechless. Even though he was so active, he refused to relax. He looked relaxed and disgusted, but he ran faster than anyone else.

  "Okay, then let's do it reluctantly... I'll accept the order in case of danger." The corners of his mouth under the mask turned up, his dead fish eyes narrowed into a line, and he stepped a little faster...

  "Is it the case in case of danger... In fact, I planned to send you to lead last time Team up." This can be regarded as a last resort choice...

  Once, when Kakashi was serving as a Jonin, due to a decision-making error, he failed his first mission as the captain and lost his best partner. Although he inherited the power of his friend, he never recovered from the fall. He has been in a state of confusion and depression for a long time.

  If the village really couldn't spare any manpower, Kakashi wouldn't be willing to serve as captain.

  He used to value his mission more than anything else. After that, he became concerned about his teammates and put their lives first. But still, he is unwilling to perform tasks as captain, even if he is appointed by the Hokage.

  "Let's go quickly. The essence of the mission is to rescue Yamato. We have to hurry up." As the head of the intelligence department, Yamanaka Kaiichi stood at the front of the team as a matter of course, followed by Shikaku and Choza. What happened to Kakashi? He refused to leave the end of the line even if he said so.

  "Okay, let's go."

  With an order, four figures flew towards the gate of Konoha...


  pass the order, closely monitor the Kushina team, and don't pay attention to the ninja who rescued the ANBU codenamed Yamato. The Tianling team temporarily stopped tracking. Danzo stood in the middle of the cross bridge and struck his cane. Two ninjas immediately flew to his side, and then jumped away again.

  The strength of the Tianling team is a mystery, but it will definitely not be worse than the original Tianling team. Although Kushina's team is in poor condition, the skinny camels are bigger than horses, so it is difficult to directly capture them with the power of secret infiltration troops.

  Therefore, Danzo once again chose to endure. It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as he can achieve the ultimate goal...


  Hey, idiot Sasuke, I haven't seen Yu Ling for a long time."

  "Big idiot."

  "What did you say!?"

  "You idiot."

  "Oh, I'm serious! Haven't you seen Yu Ling for a long time?"

  "Yes, idiot."

  "Should we go find him?"

  "Idiot ."

     "Ah? Are you going or not?"


  "Then you still talk so much."

  "Oh, you idiot. Let's go."

  Sasuke jumped off the roof with one hand, leaving the noisy people behind. Naruto left behind.

  "Hey, Sasuke, wait for me!" Naruto also jumped off the roof and trotted towards Sasuke.


  "Jūgo, can you feel the chakra around you?" Kimimaro is still in a coma for the time being, and Yu Ling can only let Jūgo sense it.

  "It's safe, nothing unusual." Zhongwu walked for a while with his eyes closed. The fluctuations of the surrounding chakra remained at a certain level, with no obvious fluctuations.

  "Is there still no abnormality... We should be very close to that stronghold now, why is there still no abnormal chakra?" Jugo and Kimimaro both said before that there are cursed ninjas similar to them in the stronghold, so they should appear Unconventional Yin attribute chakra content,

  "Huh? It's also... unclear." Chongwu didn't think that much, he just thought it was safe if there was no abnormality.

  "Could it be that the previous batch was all the troops in the stronghold?" Yuetu interjected in a low voice, staring directly at Kimimaro's stern sleeping face.

  "It's also possible, but are Orochimaru's subordinates only to this extent..." Theoretically, this possibility is established, but Yu Ling doesn't really believe in the person who can imprison the ANBU leader, and he only has this kind of shrimp soldiers and generals. Even if Kimimaro and Jugo were instigated to rebel, there must be more trump cards.

  "I don't know, I've never been to this stronghold." Both Jugo and Kimimaro were from the northern stronghold, so naturally they didn't know the situation in this remote stronghold.

  The high-end combat power they know is just the two of them, plus Suigetsu, Koso, and Oto Ninja.

  "That's it, we can only talk about it first." Kimimaro's breath has become stable, and the chakra in the body flows slowly through the body like blood, following the direction of the tendons. Yu Ling took a look and decided to rush to the stronghold first and then make plans.

  "Okay." Zhongwu followed Yu Ling, picked up Kimimaro in his arms, changed his position, and headed off with his head covered.

  Moon Rabbit closed one eye, let go of perception, and dragged himself to the back of the team.


  "Third-generation grandpa? Third-generation grandpa!" Naruto rushed to Yu Ling's home, and as usual, he patted the door quietly, but his voice was loud.

  His home is next door, but there is no one inside. Mom goes out to do some work, but Dad hasn't gotten off work yet. Except for Sasuke, who was too lazy to talk, there was no one else around.

  "You idiot, there must be no one in here." Sasuke closed his eyes slightly, then slowly opened them again after a moment. His blood-red eyeballs, inlaid with a black magatama, searched for Yu Ling through the not-so-thick wall. 's home.

  "Eh? What's wrong with your eyes, Sasuke?" Naruto was about to run to the side and jump to the window sill to take a look. When he turned his head, his eyes full of murderous intent immediately attracted his attention.

  "You idiot, this is the power of the Uchiha clan, the Sharingan." Sasuke puffed up his chest proudly and involuntarily emphasized the pronunciation of the word "Uchiha". When he opened his eyes at the age of eight, he was considered a genius.

  And this was also the first time he used the Sharingan. Although the drain on his body was hard for him to accept, the excitement about being powerful made his slightly exhausted body tremble uncontrollably.

  "The power of Uchiha? What is that..."

  "The blood successor limit." His eyes closed again, the Sharingan closed under deliberate control, and stopped extracting chakra.

  "Blood stains... what? Oh, no matter what, we Uzumaki clan will also have some?" Naruto naturally also had some longing for power, and immediately put Yu Ling behind, and turned around Sasuke with gleaming eyes. stand up.

  "I don't know, ask your parents." Sasuke turned his head and looked sideways at Naruto who looked expectant, and stretched out a hand to push him away with some disgust.

  " can use that blind eye to look for Yu Ling again."

  "What do you think this is? It's a ninjutsu after all. I don't have that much chakra to maintain the Sharingan." Sasuke just opened his eyes. I’m so tired that I’m not happy to drive it again. The discomfort caused by the blood inheritance limit that he had just awakened also made it impossible for him to activate it again in a short period of time.

  "The chakra is not enough... Then why don't I give it to you! Come on!" Without saying a word, blue chakra glowed in his hands. Before Sasuke could react, Naruto grabbed Sasuke's shoulders and went directly to Chakra enters the body.

  "What... big idiot!" There was a moment of shock on his face, his teeth were clenched together, his brows were furrowed, sweat seeped out and fell from his forehead, and his whole body's momentum suddenly exploded. But Sasuke's strength was no match for Naruto's. Seeing that his shoulders were unable to free themselves and uncontrollable chakra poured into his body rapidly, Sasuke could only open his eyes and find a venting point for his chakra.

  If it had been piled up inside, it might have exploded and died.

  "Strange...I heard from my father that chakras that are not similar cannot be transmitted to each other. Why can Naruto send it in directly? It seems that his eyes don't hurt so much anymore..." The magatama in the two eyes rotated at

  high speed, While turning his head in circles, he detected the entire space within a radius of ten meters.

  Although he failed to find Yu Ling, Sasuke still enjoyed this wonderful perspective and was not very willing to release the ninjutsu. He walked carefully on the road, his head swaying from side to side from time to time.

  "Sasuke, Sasuke, have you found it?" Sasuke didn't speak, and Naruto kept inputting chakra. After a long time, he couldn't hold it any longer. 

  "What? It took me so much effort, and you didn't find it!" Naruto sat down on the ground and complained dejectedly.

  "Yu Ling shouldn't be in the village."

  "Hey, make excuses, what a shabby blood inheritance limit..." Naruto, who collapsed on the ground, couldn't help but muttered, and received endless contempt from Sasuke.

  "It's obvious that your chakra is too weak..."


  "Everyone, we can reach Captain Kushina in half a day at most."

  "Half a day... Haiichi, are they still moving?" "

  Evening evening It... stopped."

  "Okay, then let's rush over there overnight."

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