Chapter 80 The last strange story

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  The last ghost story in Chapter 80:
  The self-mutilating ghost curled up on the ground and sobbed.

  Not long after, Duan Ming pushed open the door and walked in, followed by the heart-gouging ghost Xu Yang.

  He pointed to the ground: "Do you have any impression of this person?"

  The Heart-Gouging Ghost stepped forward in surprise, frowned, looked around and shook his head: "No impression."

  "Take a closer look? This person is probably the same person back then. Your murderer." He Nian said anxiously.

  The heart-gouging ghost rolled his eyes at him angrily.

  "You think I can't recognize my enemy because I'm careless? If I don't know him, I just don't know him. Although I have lost part of my memory, I still have a fragmentary impression of that person. There is a mole under his lip."

  Duan Ming stood aside. His brows were furrowed.

  Of course he knew that this guy was not a murderer. This was also mentioned in the reminder of the heart-gouging ghost. He had observed the self-mutilating ghost and found that except for a pockmarked face, there were no moles. The reason why I called the Heart-Eviscerating Ghost over was to see if there was any connection between the two ghosts.

  So far, there doesn't seem to be any progress.

  Then we can only...

  "You guys go out first." He said.

  Yu Xiaoshuang was the first to go out again, and soon only Duan Ming and Suicide Ghost were left in the house.

  The self-mutilating ghost huddled on the ground felt something was wrong the moment he heard the words. He turned his back and his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

  What is he going to do?
  He wouldn't let a man and two ghosts live together in the same room...

  He felt his heart almost beat out of his chest.

  Just when he was holding his buttocks and not daring to move, a pitiful cry suddenly came from behind him.

  Then there was the sound of the iron door being pushed open.

  He Nian: "What happened to Duan Ming! Youqing..."

  The anxious voice stopped suddenly.

  Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at a piano that suddenly appeared in the storage room, and the beautiful figure beside the piano.

  Clean canvas shoes, white ankles, light yellow floral skirt, and above...

  except for a right hand floating in the air, nothing.

  It's really just half a beautiful shadow.

  He Nian's expression went through shock, confusion, and shock again. His eyes wandered back and forth between the piano, his lower body, and Duan Ming, and his eyes gradually became strange.

  At this time, the skirt suddenly took two steps back, and a female voice sounded: "Scared~ Why did I suddenly come here... Duan Ming? Did you transform me?" "

  I hate it, you are still waiting for the spirit body. It’s a big surprise for you that you’ve fully recovered.”

  Duan Ming wiped his tears and said, “It’s beyond my expectation. How long has it been since you’ve recovered half of your body?”

  “Hehe~ There’s more To your surprise, if nothing else happens, I will be able to fully recover tomorrow~" "

  Oh? It seems that the more bodies you recover, the more efficient you will be. So you said you wanted to surprise me that day after you recovered? What?"

  Cheng Yiyao became nervous at this time: "Yes... yes... yes..."

  "Oh, forget it, business is more important." Duan Ming pulled his right hand from the air, came to the self-mutilation ghost and pointed, straightforwardly He asked, "Is this person the murderer back then?"

  Cheng Yiyao just looked over to identify him and shook her head decisively: "It's not him. There is a mole under that person's lip. What happened to this person?" "

  Oh, it's nothing, it could be me. We made a mistake."

  Damn it, I finally felt somewhat coherent, as if the clues were broken again.

  It seems that the heart-gouging ghost and the piano ghost should die at the hands of the same person, but they are definitely not self-mutilation ghosts.

  Then there are only the cracked sister and the security uncle in the grooming mirror, but the cracked sister only appears between 11 and 12 o'clock in the evening, and the security uncle is now injured and in a coma.

  Difficult. What else can be done?
  I can only go back.

  It can be said that I achieved nothing all day today.

  Oh no, I also got a copy of "Five Years of College Entrance Examination and Three Years of Simulation".

  After a long life, his molars were bitten to pieces.

  So now there is only one option left.

  Teaching Building No. 6.

  Duan Ming didn't even tell Jiang Xiaoxiao this time. Based on his understanding of Jiang Xiaoxiao, the other party would definitely stop her. Even if Duan Ming insisted, she would definitely ask to go with her. After all, this is the most terrifying one among the seven ghost stories. The mortality rate is as high as 100%.

  But because of the boundary stone, everyone currently has a chance to be resurrected. Jiang Xiaoxiao does not have it. There is no need to bring others in. As for the task, it is not too late to come back and take over the task after it is solved.

  Teaching Building No. 6 is located not far from Duan Ming's class building. The two look similar, except that one is lively and the other is dark and deserted.

  With the teacher Yu Fangfang as cover, everyone skipped the evening self-study and went straight to their destination. Along the way, Duan Ming clearly felt that the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower. This was a phenomenon that had never happened in other ghost talks.

  He Nian shrank his shoulders and said, "I'm afraid this feels bad. Isn't the guy in Building 6 a big killer?"

  "If it's really too dangerous, just retreat. There's nothing to hesitate about." Duan Ming said.

  "How's that going to work? I've already done five of them. Wouldn't it be like giving up halfway? Hey, if I had known I had brought those exorcism tools from outside, they might still be of great use." "

  You can also exorcise demons . ?" Ji Xian suddenly became interested, "I really didn't expect you to be a professional player."

  "Huh huh~" He Nian puffed up his chest, "That's right, my methods from the East to the West are not inferior at all, far beyond your imagination. "

  Hey, hey~"

  Ji Xian: "Duan Ming, why are you laughing?"

  "Shut up!" He Nian suddenly rushed up and hugged Duan Ming's neck.

  The latter suppressed a smile and said: "Okay, okay, I won't tell you if I don't tell you."

  While his neck was loosened, he turned around and hooked Ji Xian's head: "Hey, this silly big guy was the family dog ​​back then. After he died, he saw his grandma sad and spent the whole night learning how to bark outside the window..." "

  Then he was tied up at the entrance of the village to drive out demons

  for three days." "He was indeed right. In those three days, he experienced everything from the East to the West. After all, no one knows these methods better than him."

  Ji Xian's eyes lit up: "Hey!"

  "Duan! Ming!" He Nian angrily separated the two of them and gave Duan Ming a threatening look, "Huh, Don't blame me for being unjust if you are unkind."

  Then he put his hand on Ji Xian's shoulder and said, "I can tell you, this kid has always been bad at it since he was a child. Back then, he had to choose the venue for the other person's relative Wang to give him tutoring lessons. The widow's house..."

  Ji Xian's eyes lit up: "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

  Duan Ming immediately interrupted: "Hey, it's boring to talk about this. Just tell me whether you followed me at that time."

  "I'll follow you. What's wrong? It wasn't you who started it. Well, let's not talk about it. When I was tied up at the entrance of the village to exorcise demons, how do you think you peed on me?" "

  My urine was a child's urine. How about exorcism holy water? La!"

  "Have I not peed myself? Should I use yours?"

  "Use your own? Can you pee on your own head?"

  "Why not? Back then I peed ten feet high in the wind!"

  "What about now?"

  "Now... I want you to take care of it!!!”

   Asking for votes every day!
  (End of chapter)

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