Chapter 93 Data

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  Chapter 93 Data
  I don’t know why, but I obviously wanted to test Lu Shanshan’s ability, but as everyone talked, the topic would unconsciously shift to Xue Xu.

  Chen Mu returned to the topic: "I believe everyone understands the meaning of sealing the cracks in the door. The reason why I called you brothers and sisters here is actually because I think your ability can help in this regard." "What help?


  "We need to test it specifically."

  Chen Mu pointed to an iron rod on the ground that was used as a fence and asked Lu Shanshan, "Can we use it as a test subject?"

  Lu Shanshan glanced at her brother and nodded: "Yes. ."

  Then, she walked over.

  For today's humans, strictly speaking, it is more appropriate to call an iron rod with a diameter of 3 mm an iron rod. However, the length of two centimeters is longer than a person's height. Chen Mu cannot lift it with his own strength. Yes, but with his current ability, he has no problem manipulating iron of the same volume as himself, so it's not too troublesome.

  Lu Shanshan put her hands on the surface of the iron pillar, and then closed her eyes.

  After about half a minute, she opened her eyes and exhaled.


  Chen Mu was a little curious.


  "To use your ability, you have to touch an object, right?" "


  "Have you tried using your feet?" Chen Mu suddenly asked.

  "That's not true." Lu Shanshan was stunned: "Want to try it?"

  "No need for now, let's talk about it later."

  After Chen Mu finished speaking, he came to the side of the iron rod, squatted down and lifted one end of the iron rod with both hands.

  One end of the heavy iron rod was slightly lifted off the ground, but it was quickly slammed back down.

  "Isn't it effective?" Tang Jing asked.

  "It's completely useless." Chen Mu has been around the pile of iron rods these days, and is well aware of their weight. He asked Lu Shanshan: "Can you feel the impact on it?" Lu Shanshan shook her head: "

  I I can only feel the energy from my body entering the object, but I can't control or feel what changes have taken place in it, or even whether it has changed." "Maybe

  it's because it's too big?" Tang Jing said.


  Chen Mu immediately thought that it would be inappropriate to test Lu Shanshan with the upper limit of his ability.

  He then separated an iron ball the size of a fist from his weapon and handed it to Lu Shanshan: "Try this again." Lu Shanshan

  took the iron ball and closed her eyes to concentrate on it as before, but this time there was obviously less time. Many, about 10 seconds, completed the task.

  "It's indeed lighter."

  Chen Mu took the iron ball back and obviously felt that the weight was much lighter, but the appearance of the entire iron ball did not change at all.

  Tang Jing also took the iron ball and bumped it, nodded slightly and said, "It's true."

  Chen Mu made another iron ball with basically the same shape. Compared with the two, the weight was about half lighter.

  "Do you think you've tried your best?"

  "Well, you can only do this at most each time, and the second time you release your ability on the same object, it won't have any effect." Lu Shanshan said with regret.

  Among the four, Lu Shanshan is the more far-sighted and probably has the most detailed thoughts on abilities.

  If this ability can work on the same object without limit, then theoretically, its weight can be reduced to infinitely close to zero.

  There are so many things you can do with an object without weight.

  But obviously.

  There is no such thing as a good thing.

  Although Chen Mu was a little regretful, it was expected. Not to mention the strength of Lu Shanshan's ability, the superpower itself, while strengthening humans, would also set certain boundaries, making it impossible for someone to be ridiculously strong.

  "Tang Jing, can you calculate the mass of this iron ball?"

  "Let me see."

  Tang Jing came over, made two gestures with her fingers and said, "The diameter is about 0.8 mm, and the calculated volume is 0.00027 cubic centimeters. The density Calculated as 7.8, the weight is 0.0021 grams."

  The volume and density formula of a sphere are the most basic things. They can probably be calculated by giving a piece of scratch paper to an elementary school student, but they have to calculate the result in their mind while talking casually. I'm afraid not many people can do it.

  Chen Mu had long been accustomed to Tang Jing as a human calculator, but the brother and sister Lu Shanshan were only surprised.

  "So, Lu Shanshan's ability can only reduce the weight by 0.001 grams at a time?"

  "Is it too little?"

  "It's not too little. After all, we can't look at weight in the same way as before. We don't weigh much ourselves. Besides, abilities will always grow."

  "And it's too early to draw conclusions now. A set of experimental data can't explain anything." Tang Jing said, "Let's try using another material first."

  Chen Mu took out a piece of plastic again.

  Make it the same shape as the previous iron ball.

  Let Lu Shanshan do the same.

  However, this time, after Tang Jing's calculations, the weight reduction was actually not as good as before, even nearly ten times worse.

  "Try another one with a bigger one."

  Chen Mu already had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't dare to make a conclusion until he verified it.

  This time, it was a piece of plastic the size of your head.

  After the experiment, the amount of mass reduction was greater than the previous two times.

  The fourth time, a plastic cube about half the height of a person was used.

  As soon as the results came out, everyone was still confused.

  Chen Mu and Tang Jing said in unison: "I understand."

  "Is it a proportional reduction?" Chen Mu looked at Tang Jing.

  "It should be right."

  "The degree of weight reduction is related to the initial weight of the object."

  Tang Jing nodded: "Lu Shanshan's ability is probably to reduce the mass of the object by half within a certain mass limit.

  "According to my guess, the ability The strength of the mass determines the upper limit of the mass of the object, but it is not clear whether it can exceed the 50% limit. "

  In addition, how to judge the whole object is also a problem. For example, if two spheres are close together, should they be counted together or separately?" "


  The two of them were talking to each other, talking as if no one else was around.

  He Ying probably understood a little bit.

  But Lu Shanshan and Lu Liangliang were confused. They were even surprised by Tang Jing's rapid calculation speed. "

  So, can you tell me what's going on with my ability? "

  Lu Shanshan was a little embarrassed. It seemed that others knew her abilities better than she did...

  "Don't worry, we still need to do some verification calculations." After

  Chen Mu finished speaking, he walked to the huge plastic cube where the experiment was done, and put his hand on it. He walked up and said, "But if our guess is correct, it would be very interesting."

  He just finished speaking.

  The piece of plastic suddenly dissolved at a lightning speed, then changed into a variety of dazzling shapes around everyone, and finally returned to a cube similar to the original one.


  The cube is dozens of times larger.

  Like a room, all five people were enveloped in it.

  Tang Jing already knew what Chen Mu was going to do before he took action, and she smiled at this moment.

  Although He Ying was taken aback, he quickly understood.

  There are only brother and sister Lu Shanshan.

  At this time, he looked up at the huge thing that suddenly appeared above his head.


  (End of chapter)

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