Chapter 32 Performance

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  Chapter 32 shows that
  the confrontation between the two sides is very subtle.

  Chen Mu didn't want to take the initiative, but the other party obviously cared about it.

  In addition to Wei Dalei's obviously unusual body, the flatbed truck and the exquisitely crafted mace were obviously beyond their imagination.

  "We can't take much like this. How about picking a few leaves at most?" Chen Mu said again in a negotiating tone.

  "No, it's good enough to let you go, don't push yourself too far," the man insisted.

  Seeing this, Chen Mu suddenly took out a stone from his pocket and threw it forward without saying a word.


  Although the power of the weapon made by Dong Junwei is far from a real grenade, the explosion effect is already amazing.

  Chen Mu hit the ground and exploded right in front of the person, scaring him so much that he ran far away in an instant.

  The reason why he didn't hit anyone directly was because he was worried that the opponent would make a desperate move. Four grenades wouldn't kill everyone on the opponent, so it was best to scare them.


  More than a dozen people on the opposite side were startled. Although the power of this explosion was not enough to affect everyone, the incident itself was completely beyond their imagination.


  At this time, this person actually has explosives? !
  At the same time, Chen Mu held another stone in his hand.

  Wei Dalei also reacted quickly, taking out two pieces of his own and giving one to Zhao Xiaoyan.

  All three of them raised their hands, as if they were about to throw them out at the next moment.

  When the people on the other side saw this formation, everyone immediately took several steps back, and the encirclement immediately became much looser.

  Good guy.

  We agreed to fight with bayonets, but you actually used nuclear weapons!
  They never imagined that Chen Mu only had these three grenades left.

  "Please clarify one thing and discuss it carefully with you, because I don't think it is wrong for everyone to fight for this thing, but if you insist on fighting first and killing a few people, I have no objection." Chen Mu actually did

  n't I care about those vegetables, and the reason why I refuse to take a step back is because of the situation.

  He knows it very well.

  If you show a little timidity or agree to leave empty-handed, the other party will most likely think that they are easy to bully, and they might swarm you in the next moment.

  Of course, this is also gambling.

  If there is a group of idiots on the opposite side, it might be a bad thing.

  Fortunately, he made the right bet.

  The group of people in No. 1 Middle School looked at each other for a long time, and finally the leader said: "We agreed, we can only take a few leaves."

  Chen Mu smiled indifferently: "Who cares? We are not short of food at all, so we want to change Just to change the taste."

  After that, he said to Wei Dalei: "Old Wei, go and pull some celery leaves. I want fresh ones."

  These vegetables have been kept here for at least five days. Fortunately, the temperature inside the entire canteen is low, and there are no Completely rotten, but mostly wilted.

  Wei Dalei agreed, and deliberately slammed the mace into the ground, making a hole directly, and then left the weapon standing there.

  Then, he walked to the pile of vegetables empty-handed.

  Chen Mu almost cheered for him. This move not only showed strength, but also dropped the weapon casually, making him look more confident.

  Sure enough, the opponent's remaining fighting spirit was wiped out by the mace.

  Chen Mu took this opportunity and asked the leader in a relaxed manner: "What is your name?"

  "Li Hewei." The man was finally willing to answer properly this time.

  "Do you have anyone else?"

  "Yes, there are many. The people in our No. 1 Middle School are all alive and well." Li Hewei puffed up his chest, as if he felt a little more confident.

  Chen Mu didn't know how many people came from No. 1 Middle School, and he didn't know if he was lying. He couldn't go into details, so he asked again: "You all gathered together? Where are you staying?" Li Hewei was reluctant to speak, and wanted to refuse to answer

  . Also afraid of offending the other party.

  Chen Mu finally realized that with the ability of these people, it was impossible for them to survive until now. Obviously there was a team behind them. These dozen people were probably a small team that came out to look for food. To put it harshly, they were even cannon fodder.

  Not everyone will be as harmonious as Class 4 of Senior 3, and the relatively strong people in the team will come out to find food.

  The strong force the weak to do dangerous things. This is not difficult to understand in the last days.

  But from this point of view, they do have a team behind them, and there are a lot of them.

  It is very likely that, as Li Hewei said, all the people in No. 1 Middle School survived by some chance and coincidence.

  In this case, at least half of the people on the playground at that time were students from Ziwei High School. I wonder what happened to them.

  Chen Mu kept it in mind and did not ask this question directly, for fear of ruining the tall image he had just established. Obviously, the other party now thought that the three of them belonged to a larger team. After all, Ziwei High School was a local snake. It is normal for more people to be successful.

  "I don't want to say forget it, and I'm not interested at all. You only have a few people here in No. 1 Middle School. So what if one of you doesn't die?
  "I guess it doesn't matter if you say it, but go back and give a message to your people in charge. No matter what, this is Ziwei High School's territory. I will stay here honestly and won't cause any trouble to you. "

  Chen Mu blew it, and it really frightened the other party. He really thought that Ziwei High School had gathered a large number of people.

  At this time, Wei Dalei finished picking, and returned to the flatbed truck with more than a dozen tender green celery leaves in his arms.

  These have been It will be enough for them to eat for a long time.

  "Okay, you can do as you like with the rest. "

  Chen Mu waved his hand, feeling as if he had picked out the remaining vegetables and gave them to the other party.

  Then he called to Wei Dalei and said, "Let's go and go to the cold storage to have a look. "

  Alas! " "

  Wei Dalei agreed.

  Then he pulled out his mace, looked around at the dozen or so people on the other side, snorted coldly from his nose, shouldered his weapon, dragged the flatbed truck with one hand, and followed Chen Mu slowly. After walking out for a long time

  , After a while, Zhao Xiaoyan's serious face relaxed and smiled: "You guys are really good at acting. Chen

  Mu spread his hands and pretended to be vicissitudes of life: "Life is like a play." "

  Wei Dalei chuckled and said, "I can't say it all. If I really want to take action, maybe I can take care of them all by myself. "

  I'm just afraid that some of them have weird abilities and catch us off guard. Otherwise, we're really not that scared." But now it seems that most of these people have little ability, so they are sent out to do such dangerous things. "Chen Mu said.

  "Shouldn't it be only those who are capable that come out? "Zhao Xiaoyan was puzzled.

  Chen Mu didn't know how to explain to him for a while.

  Fortunately, Wei Dalei didn't pay much attention to this and suddenly asked, "I don't know if what he said is true. Those people from No. 1 Middle School are all gathered together?" "

  It's very possible."

  Chen Mu felt complicated.

  Logically speaking, the more people who survive, the better.

  But sometimes, humans can be more dangerous than rats.

  (End of chapter)

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