Chapter 29 Arrangement

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  Chapter 29 Arrangement
  Although everyone did not elect a leader, in the nine-member team of Class 4, Grade 3, it was almost clear that Dong Junwei, Tang Jing and Chen Mu would make general decisions.

  It was a matter of Zhao Xiaoyan's life and death, and Chen Mu didn't express his opinion, so it was natural for the first two to make the decision.

  But it is obvious that Dong Junwei and Tang Jing, who are well aware of the relationship between Wei Dalei and Zhao Xiaoyan, like Chen Mu, do not want to make such a decision.

  Therefore, the final decision fell to Wei Dalei.

  Wei Dalei's status in the team is a bit special. With his irritable personality, he will naturally not be allowed to participate in the making of major decisions, but as the team's number one combatant, no one will want to offend him.

  Lao Wei obviously didn't expect that after going around in a circle, he still had to make the decision himself.

  Seeing Zhao Xiaoyan's pitiful appearance, Wei Dalei finally had no choice but to agree.

  After nodding, I felt relieved. Just like Zhao Xiaoyan said, 90% of the combat power of this team is on Chen Mu and himself. It may be safer to follow them.

  Because he was leaving the day after tomorrow, Chen Mu did not participate in the construction of the base during the past two days and hid alone to practice his abilities.

  But the rest of us have a lot to do.

  For example, stickers on the walls of a plastic house.

  After all, there are differences between men and women. There was nothing we could do about it before, but it is always bad after a long time.

  The boy used a long knife made by Chen Mu to cut two small pieces of towel and spread them in the room. After everything was done, it felt like a tatami.

  Dong Junwei took advantage of these two days to concentrate on making bombs.

  According to Chen Mu's advice, everyone found a pile of stones the size of table tennis balls (relative to the current human body size).

  Because she is much smaller, coupled with her improved proficiency and mental strength, Dong Junwei can now make more than ten bombs of this size a day.


  Time flies by in the blink of an eye.

  Now five full days have passed since the end of the world, and everyone seems to have gradually accepted and adapted to the current life.

  But almost nothing is known about the outside world.

  After the last attack, Chen Mu became more careful and took turns with Wei Dalei. After a certain incident, he would patrol outside the door for a while. Of course, he did not dare to go too far. After all, Gu Ping's experience was still fresh in his mind.

  But no one has been here since - either with good intentions or ill will.

  Chen Mu didn't believe that apart from them, there were only three people left in the whole school. There must be others like them, hiding somewhere to linger or grow insignificantly.

  Will those people pose a threat to themselves in the future?
  Or everyone can unite and work together to overcome difficulties.

  Chen Mu didn't dare to speculate on others, but no matter what, it was always right to strengthen himself.

  He wanted to go out to look for food. Apart from making sure that the bird disappeared from his mouth, the main purpose was to train himself. Not only his powers, but also his mind and body had to adapt to this world in a short period of time.

  Before leaving, Chen Mu did two things.

  First, the flatbed truck was remodeled.

  With his current ability, the things he can make are far better than before. This flatbed truck, which has only been used once, is almost brand new, much stronger and more stable, and the sound it makes is also greatly reduced.

  Second, give everyone, especially the remaining three boys, some training on how to defend themselves against enemies.

  If it is an attack by an animal, as long as you hide in the house, you will be basically worry-free.

  But if it is a human being, the trouble may be even greater. According to Chen Mu's opinion, he should use words to negotiate as much as possible. Even if he compromises and begs for mercy from others, as long as it is useful, he should survive first. In this regard, because Tang Jing is here, Chen Mu was not worried.

  I'm just afraid that people will be like last time, who won't say anything at all and just get started.

  That can only be met with violence.

  Dong Junwei worked overtime for the past two days, making her dizzy several times, and finally made 35 grenades.

  The power of this grenade may not be very effective against large animals like mice, but like the centipede that ate Gu Ping last time, Chen Mu estimated that even if it couldn't kill it, it could probably scare it away.

  For humans of the same size, the effect of this grenade is obvious.

  After Dong Junwei grew up, the bombs she made now were no longer firecrackers like those before. Chen Mu once watched helplessly as the small grenade blew up a small crater in the wall. If it detonated on a person, he would not die. disabled.

  During this period of time, Chen Mu has also told everyone, including girls, that everyone should put physical exercise first. After all, in this environment, more physical fitness means more chances of survival.

  Among them, let them especially practice their throwing ability.

  The purpose is obvious. With the continuous supply from Dong Junwei, an arms dealer, everyone only needs to be a gunner.

  In the end, Chen Mu and Wei Dalei each only brought two grenades.

  It's not that I don't want to bring more, I'm just afraid that if I take too much, they will collide with each other and explode themselves first.

  There were 31 grenades left at the base, which made Chen Mu feel more at ease.

  In addition, he also made a sharp weapon for everyone to defend themselves.

  Before leaving, everyone wished each other peace.

  After all, fetching water this time is no better than the last time. The area of ​​the canteen is too large. If the search does not go well, we may have to stay out all night.


  Three people and one car, officially set off.

  Chen Mu's understanding of the canteen was limited to the front hall where meals were eaten, but most of the food was definitely concentrated in the kitchen. That place was obviously not a place that ordinary students like Chen Mu could enter.

  Fortunately, there is Tang Jing, whose uncle works in the cafeteria.

  Tang Jing told him the layout of the kitchen in detail, even drew a floor plan on the ground, and guessed some places where food should be hidden.

  Their first target was the rice steaming room in the kitchen. What they wanted was not rice, but flour.

  Since it cannot be cooked directly, flour is obviously better than rice for making cakes.

  The most important thing is that, according to Tang Jing, all the condiments needed for the canteen are stored in the rice steaming room.

  I haven't eaten salt for several days, and now my mouth feels like a bird's eye.

  And after all, humans still need to replenish salt, especially in this summer. If you sweat too much and only drink water, problems will occur sooner or later.

  Now that the goal was clear, Chen Mu moved forward according to the established route.

  After walking for a while.

  Wei Dalei began to greet Zhao Xiaoyan, asking if it was hot or not, and asking if she was tired. Not long after, he simply let Zhao Xiaoyan sit on the flatbed truck and pushed her all the way.

  With his crush sitting in the car, Wei Dalei was in high spirits, trying to make the flatbed truck move as smoothly as possible while humming an off-key pop song.

  It's quite a bit like Zhu Bajie carrying his wife on his back.

  Chen Mu walked behind and looked at the two people and couldn't help but laugh.

  (End of chapter)

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