Chapter 24 Dealing with funeral affairs

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  Chapter 24 Dealing with the funeral affairs
  Dong Junwei was obviously a little uncomfortable when he heard this word, but he still held back and said: "Yes, this kind of thing may happen often in the future. We can't always rely solely on boys to protect us. We need to adapt as soon as possible. In the current situation, I think exercising your will is the best choice for everyone. The enemy will not show mercy just because she is a girl."

  This makes sense.

  Chen Mu naturally had no reason to refute.

  Dong Junwei turned around and told Du Jiajia and Zhao Xiaoyan the outline of the matter.

  When they heard that they were going to dispose of the body together, even Tang Jing's calves were trembling.

  But in the end, Dong Junwei's reasons convinced them.

  Especially Du Jiajia, she seems to feel that there is another place to prove her worth, and she is even a little eager to try.

  However, the idea was good, but when Shinichi approached and saw the scene, the four girls without exception turned around and ran away, vomiting loudly.


  Until this moment, everyone had the opportunity to carefully look at the three invading enemies.

  The clothes on these three people were in tatters, but they could still vaguely make out that they were the summer uniforms of Ziwei High School.

  According to the school's regulations, it is not compulsory for the third graders to wear school uniforms, but the first and second graders are not exempt. Therefore, these three people are likely to be junior students in this school.

  Dong Junwei and others' mood dropped to rock bottom.

  It's only been three days.

  Has it already reached this level?

  Chen Mu felt even worse.

  He was recalling just now, remembering the numbness on the other person's face, and felt frightened. The three people in front of them seemed not to be human beings at all, but three lifeless puppets.

  It was a breath of despair.

  People have been reduced to living with only their instincts.

  Is it really so cruel outside?
  But it's not impossible to think about it.

  After all, the nine people in Class 4, Grade 3, are able to live well until now. Apart from the efforts of Chen Mu and others, luck also accounts for most of it. Others may not unite, and if they unite, they may not be able to awaken, and if they are awakened, they may not have the appropriate abilities.

  Under the premise that humans can hardly defeat any animals, it is not difficult to understand the tragedy of killing each other and snatching supplies.

  "These three people must have been observing us for a while and knew that we had food and water, so they suddenly attacked us when only the three of us were outside the door, hoping to defeat us one by one and eliminate us all so that we could rob them. Rice grains and water."

  Chen Mu analyzed it roughly.

  "Why didn't they attack at night when we were sleeping?"

  "They have never come into this room and know nothing about the environment inside. Moreover, we are all gathered together. Even if one or two people are successful, they will wait for the rest of the group to attack. They can't escape."

  Dong Junwei sighed: "Actually, why bother? As long as they come and tell them nicely, even if we don't take them in, we will at least give them food and water."

  Chen Mu said: "Everyone has different experiences and ideas . It's different, maybe they have done this before, but were attacked by others. Judging from the looks on their bodies, this is very possible." Of course,

  the quality of the school uniforms is not that good.

  But for it to become so dilapidated in just a few days, it was obvious that these three people had gone through a very tragic experience.


  Of course moving corpses is not a fun thing. It is not only a physical job, but also a very harsh psychological test.

  But humans are really adaptable animals, and there is only a difference between zero and infinite times for everything.

  Even a weak and good girl like Zhao Xiaoyan could cover her mouth and nose after a while and help cover up the blood stains on the ground with the moved soil.

  The limited water, of course, cannot be used to wash away blood stains.

  What's more, it can't be rinsed cleanly.

  Chen Mu plans to use his power to chip away a layer of this concrete floor later, but for now he still needs to retain his mental energy to prepare for a possible second wave of attacks - who knows if these people have any accomplices.

  Carrying corpses is still a job for boys.

  But where to throw it specifically is a headache.

  If they were close, they were afraid that the ants they would attract in the future would drop by to visit, but no one dared to go too far.

  Chen Mu even thought about digging a grave for them on the cement floor, but let alone his current ability to dig a hole big enough to accommodate three people, even if he could do it, he would not waste his mental energy on such a thing.

  The final decision was to throw the three bodies directly into the lawn outside the cement road.

  The cement road is about 10 centimeters higher than the surrounding grass. For humans at this time, it is also a cliff hanging over the hope. Wei Dalei did not dare to step aside.

  After everything was done, it was past noon.

  Being attacked for no reason and wasting so much time also somewhat interrupted the rhythm of Chen Mu and others.

  What we ate for lunch was noodles made by Chen Mu and made by Du Jiajia. However, we don’t know whether it was because of the problem with the noodles or what happened just now. We all had no appetite and we didn’t eat much.

  Only Wei Dalei ate two large cakes heartlessly.

  And Chen Mu also forced himself to eat the prescribed amount.

  After lunch, it was almost two or three in the afternoon.

  At present, everyone has no accurate concept of time and relies entirely on the position of the sun to roughly estimate it. Theoretically, as long as you know the date and the position of the sun, you can estimate the time, but obviously no one here has this ability.

  Only Tang Jing.

  Although according to herself, it is only a rough estimate.

  But according to Chen Mu's observation, the accuracy was still very high, which made him admire but also somewhat confused.

  Thinking that every time Tang Jing talked about some phenomena after human body shrinkage, Tang Jing could always give a very precise scientific explanation, and she could make him understand it every time, Chen Mu found it incredible.

  Can a girl in her senior year of high school really understand so many things?

  In the past, I only knew that Tang Jing was very powerful.

  But after staying together for a long time, I realized that the word "powerful" is not enough to describe this girl.

  After Tang Jing performed the mental calculation of the n-th root of any five-digit number, Chen Mu was completely convinced. Of course, he couldn't be convinced because he couldn't verify it.

  But Tang Jing's weird talents always made him feel weird.

  "I'm thinking that we should build some simple defenses." Chen Mu put forward his own idea.

  "Well, I've thought about it."

  Tang Jing pulled him to an open space.

  When I got closer, I realized that many lines had been drawn on the ground. If I looked closely, they seemed to be some drawings or something like that.

  Chen Mu was surprised.

  So, she has already drawn all the plans?
  (End of chapter)

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