Chapter 20 Pancakes

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  Chapter 20 Pancakes
  If heating metal solves the current cooking problem, then the method of turning rocks into explosives has greatly improved the team's combat capabilities.

  Especially this ability appears in Dong Junwei, who has always been the leader of the team.

  Although they are all of the same age, Dong Junwei, who has served as high school class president for three years, has always had high prestige in the class. Perhaps talking about prestige at the age of sixteen or seventeen is a bit childish, but the fact is that Dong Junwei is more mature than her peers in all aspects. She never shows superiority because of her family background and treats everyone in the class equally. , whether studying or living, we can take care of everything.

  Chen Mu even felt that she was treating the class as a preview for the workplace.

  In any case, Dong Junwei's character and ability are obvious to all.

  But everyone was not happy for a moment.

  Dong Junwei suddenly swayed and then slowly squatted down.

  Tang Jing happened to be beside her, and with quick eyes and quick hands, she hurried up to hold her up so that she didn't fall.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

  Everyone came forward.

  Chen Mu thought of his own experience and quickly understood Dong Junwei's situation, and explained: "It should be caused by using the superpower too frequently and exhausting mental energy. Is it dizziness?" Dong Junwei nodded, unable to speak


  "But the squad leader didn't do much. It's just an iron ore and a stone." "It's

  not long since it awakened. It must be relatively weak. It should grow slowly in the future." Chen Mu explained.

  Dong Junwei felt a little better at this time and asked Chen Mu: "How long do you need to rest before your mental strength can be fully restored?" Chen Mu said: "

  I'm not sure, but this thing should be the same as physical strength. Rest for a while and it will be fine." If you recover a little longer, you should be almost completely recovered after a little sleep." "

  I understand."

  Dong Junwei originally wanted to try something else, but the current situation made her dare not go beyond it.

  That dizzy feeling is really uncomfortable.

  After letting Dong Junwei rest, Chen Mu returned his gaze to the previously heated iron block. After all, it was half of his weapon.

  However, he stepped forward and touched the iron piece tentatively, and found that it still had no intention of cooling down.

  "How about using it to pop some popcorn?" someone suggested.

  "Or, can I make an iron pot and put some water in it to cook the rice?" As soon as

  Chen Mu said this, everyone clapped their hands and agreed happily. Although they usually don't have any special feelings about rice, after eating cakes for two days, everyone was so excited. I can't bear it anymore. As long as I have steaming rice, I can eat three big bowls of it without anything else.

  However, Tang Jing poured cold water on it at this time and said: "If we really need to cook the rice with water, the water we brought may not be enough." "Why? It's just

  a grain of rice."

  "This may be something you take for granted. Normally, when cooking rice, you put almost two bowls of water into a bowl of rice, but if you use twice the amount of water for one grain of rice, it will definitely be undercooked, because the water will evaporate all at once, and it will eventually turn into popcorn. ."

  Tang Jing spread her hands: "I said that many things cannot be simply scaled proportionally."

  This phenomenon is actually easy to understand.

  However, most people still experience the world based on their current body size. They still feel that a piece of wood thicker than their arm can be burned for a long time, and they still feel that a pot of water as big as their head can cook rice.

  "What should we do?"

  "Although we can't cook rice, we can make pancakes."

  "Make pancakes?"

  "Yes, grind the rice grains into powder, add some water, and spread them on a hot iron block to form pancakes. Although It probably won't taste too good, but it's better than eating it raw."

  Chen Mu took it for granted at first like everyone else, but after Tang Jing said this, he quickly understood.

  "I'll get some stainless steel."

  If you want to crush rice grains, you need at least some tools.

  It is best to make a few jars. Fortunately, this kind of object that does not require much precision is no longer difficult for Chen Mu.

  Half of his weapons were distributed, and he had to make up for them.

  In fact, the original staple had some signs of rust because the nickel coating had long since peeled off. Chen Mu could change the object, but it was obviously unable to prevent the iron from rusting. Although the density of iron oxide was lower, it was still very sticky. My hands also feel very uncomfortable.

  It's time to change weapons.

  Fortunately, there are almost endless supplies of stainless steel cutlery in the storage room.


  Pancake making is a technical job.

  These days, very few high school students can cook. Many people’s so-called cooking skills are limited to boiling water.

  Among the people present, including Dong Junwei, were all people who had never even picked up a spatula.

  In this regard, Chen Mu, who has been independent since childhood, can definitely say that everyone here is rubbish.

  Knock off a small piece from the huge rice grains and pound it into powder using a pounding jar you made.

  I have to say that there is a big difference between rice flour and flour. After adding water, it cannot be kneaded like wheat flour, but will become a sticky lump. Moreover, rice flour is more difficult to work with than glutinous rice flour.

  Finally, everything is ready.

  Fortunately, the iron block is still very hot, so there is no need for Dong Junwei, who has already rested, to take action again.

  Considering that the iron block was already a little rusty, Chen Mu made another thin layer of stainless steel plate and laid it on top.

  However, when it comes to making pancakes, there are still many problems.

  The first is that there is no oil, the rice milk quickly sticks to the stainless steel plate, and the surrounding area quickly becomes charred.

  The second is the inability to control the temperature well.

  Make bricks without straw.

  By the time Chen Mu lifted up the first "noodle cake" that looked terrible, everyone had no appetite.

  "I'll give it a try."

  Wei Dalei, who has never been very demanding about food quality, was the first to come over.

  Regardless of how hot it was, he took it and put it to his mouth and took a few bites.

  "It's okay, it's quite fragrant, but it's a bit dry, a bit burnt, a bit bland, a bit rough, and a bit prickly." Wei Dalei wiped his mouth and continued to nibble.

  Is this okay? ?

  Everyone was speechless.

  But there’s nothing I can do if I don’t eat.

  After all, it is the only food nowadays.

  Fortunately, Chen Mu had some experience with the second cake, and it turned out much better than the first one.

  Tang Jing took it in her hand and asked everyone to break off a piece to cushion their stomachs.

  "Sure enough, it's okay."

  "A little better than expected."

  "It seems like the cake has been stored for two days."

  "Some of them are delicious."


  Everyone was chatting and had already finished the whole cake.

  Chen Mu, who was both a blacksmith and a cook, enjoyed his third piece of bread alone.

  to be honest.

  It really doesn't taste good.

  But it's passable.

  It has to be said that when expectations are lowered infinitely, life can always be passable.

  So far.

  The students in Class 4, Grade 3, finally had their first serious lunch.

  (End of chapter)

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