Chapter 148 Rice

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  Chapter 148: Rice
  has made a breakthrough in the biological field, Chen Mu had to think about what would happen if his abilities could be used on the human body.

  This idea actually occurred very early on.

  But on the one hand, there is no experimental subject for him to try, and he cannot let anyone sacrifice his body to do experiments for him.

  Chen Mu did have the idea of ​​trying it on himself, such as the ability to use his right hand against his left hand.

  But after hesitating for a long time, he finally gave up the idea.

  If you don't control it well, at least it will break bones and tendons, and at worst, it may affect your whole body and even your life.

  On the other hand, changing the shape of the human body does not have much practical significance at present.

  In terms of combat, if you can touch the opponent's skin and have enough time to activate the ability, it may be more effective to directly strike with a knife.

  On the contrary, it might be more meaningful if it could be used on oneself, stretching and flattening the body at will without damaging the body's functions.

  The first thing Chen Mu thought of was Luffy in One Piece.

  I just still don’t dare to try.


  The change in that tomato was actually not big. It was just that the originally smooth skin had some wrinkles, as if it had aged a few years out of thin air.

  But the amount of mental energy Chen Mu consumed was frightening, almost half of what he normally consumes in a whole day.

  Such consumption in a short period of time made him slightly uncomfortable.

  Chen Mu subconsciously picked up the tomato, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

  When the sweet and sour juice slid into his throat, he suddenly paused.

  This thing won't produce any genetic mutations, will it eat dead people?
  Although everything was normal after the first bite and no physical discomfort occurred, Chen Mu still threw the remaining tomatoes into the trash can.

  There are plenty of tomatoes anyway.

  The trash can was recently made.

  In the past, making bread every day did not produce any kitchen waste, but it is different now. Tomato stems and potato skins must have a place to go.

  The plastic trash can made by Chen Mu is basically a disposable product. After it is full, it is sealed. After a few are accumulated, Wei Dalei pushes the flatbed truck and throws them outside together.


  A breakthrough in ability is a pleasant thing. Chen Mu took the opportunity to discuss several extension issues with Tang Jing, and it was soon lunch time.

  After several days of tomato feast, everyone finally couldn't stand it anymore and strongly demanded that this inhumane recipe be stopped.

  The original idea was that potatoes, carrots and rice could be stored longer, so I tried to save tomatoes and other things while they were still edible.

  But now it seems that everyone can no longer bear it.

  What’s interesting is that when food was even more scarce before, no one complained, but now we still have three vegetables: eggplant, green pepper and tomato, but they can’t stand it.

  Especially for rice, the fear of being dominated by rice cakes seems to have been forgotten, and now I want to take a few bites of even uncooked rice.

  This staple food is amazing.

  It obviously has no taste, and it can't be said to be very delicious.

  But if you don't eat for a few meals, you will feel uncomfortable all over and have no energy. Even if you eat meat every meal, it will be useless.

  Therefore, with everyone's unanimous consent, starting today, Qiming's menu is no longer limited to tomatoes, green peppers and eggplants.

  There have also been new breakthroughs in rice cooking.

  Dong Junwei has been deliberately training the control of heated metal since the past few days.

  The purpose is what I said at the beginning, I hope to be able to cook a pot of rice after I become proficient enough.

  This is actually not easy.

  Because there is no way to measure temperature, it is difficult for Dong Junwei to grasp the extent of each heating. She can only use tomatoes as test subjects and try again and again.

  But the conditions are now ripe.

  Chen Mu first made an iron box, then put washed rice and water in the ratio of 1:0.8, and then carefully closed it.

  Confinement is important.

  Because once heated, the internal air pressure will be incredibly high.

  For normal rice cooker cooking, the ratio of rice to water is 1:1;

  if it is a stove, the amount of water can be increased appropriately.

  In this case, because the water cannot escape at all, the water volume can be reduced by another 20%.

  When she first got up in the morning, Dong Junwei heated the iron box to a moderate temperature as she had practiced several times before, and then left it there without caring about it.

  The principle of this thing is roughly the same as that of a pressure cooker, but without a pressure relief valve.

  Five hours later, the temperature of the iron box had dropped a lot, but it was still warm, but at least it was touchable.

  When Chen Mu opened the iron box, everyone gathered around excitedly.

  Instantly, the aroma of rice spreads everywhere.

  Everyone took a collective breath.

  "I haven't smelled this for a long time."

  "I can eat two big bowls of it even without food." "

  If I add another spoonful of potato beef..."


  There is no potato beef, but it is braised with sauce. Potatoes and carrots still make this meal sublimated.

  There was not much beef left in the instant noodle vegetable buns, and the problem of meat gradually became apparent.

  Even Dong Junwei, Tang Jing and others who advocated throwing away the frogs have some regrets.

  The only bits of beef meat should be given to Du Jiajia first. Although at present, it is not a bad thing to let Xiao Huang bring some mice, frogs, etc., but under the current situation that the food supply is still sufficient, Dong Junwei and Chen Mu discussed Come on, I still don’t need this skill of pressing the bottom of the box for the time being.

  After all, Du Jiajia is not very skilled at letting cats carry away the remaining corpses, and every time Wei Dalei or Cao Zishan throws them away, it is an adventure.

  After lunch.

  Tang Jing ran over to find Chen Mu and asked him to help make another notebook.

  "Did you use up the previous one so quickly?"

  "Yeah." Tang Jing nodded: "Also, help me make a few more pens."

  "What on earth are you writing, and why are you consuming so much paper and pen?" "

  Right away . It's almost ready. I'll show it to you then."


  Chen Mu had no choice but to follow Tang Jing's request and made a book with upward pages. He also made a few pencils and sharpened them one by one. .

  After improving your proficiency, you can make pencils much faster.

  As a result, Chen Mu became a little arrogant and vowed to make a pencil sharpener.

  I tried several times without success.

  The structure of this thing is very simple, but the installation accuracy is very high. If the angle of the blade is slightly wrong, it will not be usable.

  It's not impossible to do it if you spend more effort, but obviously it's not worth wasting so much time for this thing. After all, Chen Mu still has many other things to do.

  The third day.

  After lunch.

  Everyone was about to disperse.

  Tang Jing called everyone to a halt.

  "I've written everything. Let's take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be modified."


  Not only Chen Mu, everyone has been looking forward to Tang Jing's masterpiece these days.

  I saw Tang Jing holding out two thick notebooks.

  Place it on the table.

  The book placed on top was an ordinary book with pages turned to the left. Chen Mu remembered that it was the first book he made for her.

  On the white cover, there were five upright and beautiful large characters written in block letters.

  "Chronicles of Qiming."

  (End of chapter)

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